In this video, the presenter discusses the topic of genetic biohacking, specifically focusing on the use of CRISPR kits. They explore the potential benefits and harms of this technology, as well as raising questions about its long-term implications. The presenter also expresses curiosity about the role of the Galactic Federation in relation to CRISPR kits. They invite viewers to join a summit where these questions will be discussed further.
Let’s talk about what exactly Crispr Kits are and how they may impact us for generations to come 😱
I’ve heard mantis are a gift from Insectoids aliens to the Earth. I had an entire mantis insectarium when little as the university researcher specialized in Mantis was my reinforcement teacher and friend of my mother. (She was a renowned microbiologist). I also heard they are the most evolved beings, make sense coming from the insects should be the longest evolution on the Universe)
Very interesting!
Thank you for sharing!! ❤️❤️
Open source is more of a software term meaning the same thing as an open market..
Elizabeth, there is of course good reason for you to avoid doing external research and reading the news, but you’ve missed listening to Bruce Lipton because of it. In his talks he explains that when genes were first discovered, people were quick to assume that they determine almost everything about us and cause many diseases as well. And most ordinary people still think that way, but a new understanding is currently emerging. Rather than seeing themselves as helpless victims of their genetics, many people are beginning to realise that we are the ones controlling whether or not certain genes switch on. Our DNA contains many genes coding for many things, but most of those are dormant and they don’t just go and switch on of their own accord. Something has to tell them to switch on, and that signal comes from the environment around the nucleus.
Cancer is a good example. Every cell contains the oncogenes that can make it go cancerous, but not every cell will turn into a cancer cell during its normal life. Those genes are only activated when the mitochondria are functioning so poorly that the cell decides to switch to fermenting glucose instead. That’s why all those toxins that damage or impede the mitochondria are also carcinogenic. That includes not just chemical toxins but also plant toxins like oxalates.
Or in the case of autoimmunity, during the course of our evolution many retroviruses have built themselves into our genome, by infecting the germ cells of young humans before they reproduced. The offspring then had no way of removing that DNA again, all they could do was to keep it inactive as much as possible. Over time, many of those viral genomes mutated and became so-called junk DNA, and some even became useful to us and other animals. But many of the newer inclusions can still make actual live viral particles if they switch on, which are then attacked by our immune system making it look as if it were attacking the body itself. Again, the point is that everyone has many endogenous retroviruses slumbering in their DNA, but what determines whether they become active or not? I don’t have a comprehensive answer to that question, probably there are energetic and physical causes. For some people it is toxins, in your case it was your low vibration as a teenager.
But it’s not just about genes switching on or off. Different people may have different predispositions to certain diseases based on certain single nucleotide polymorphisms they may have, which modify the enzymes produced by the genes they are in. The most well-known example of this is the MTHFR enzyme. My version of this enzyme binds very poorly to its co-factor vitamin B2 when the concentration of B2 is low, but works normally if the concentration is high. So this gives me a predisposition to undermethylation and elevated homocysteine levels, but as long as I make sure to get enough B2 every day then I’m totally fine, and my homocysteine was at just 6.3 last they checked. I also have a polymorphism in the HNMT enzyme that breaks down histamine, predisposing me to high levels, which used to make me get car-sick often as a child, but now I no longer do because my methylation cycle is producing enough SAM-e, the cofactor for that enzyme. I also have a predisposition for diabetes, yet my insulin sensitivity right now is so good that I feel nothing at all upon ingesting large amounts of sugar. I’m even predisposed to gluten intolerance by two polymorphisms, but now that my gut wall is no longer leaky I no longer get massive inflammation from eating wheat.
So, based on my own experiences and from hearing about Bruce Lipton’s research, I think the people dreaming about eradicating most of our diseases through genetic engineering are misguided because they are operating on an outdated understanding. Of course, there are a handful of rare diseases that are truly caused by genetics alone, which it would be good to get rid of. And haemochromatosis, which no longer serves us these days. Maybe we could get rid of the oncogenes, but maybe then we would discover some unexpected side effects because they did actually serve some purpose. Or if Stephanie Seneff’s theory about cancer is right, it wouldn’t affect our death rate much. Maybe we could also cut out all the endogenous retroviruses, but then we would be impeding the natural process of evolution, because remember that some of them mutated and began fulfilling important functions for us in the past. So I think that instead we should be focussing much more attention towards understanding how diet, toxins and energy create disease. And also less on developing new pharmaceuticals that just manage our diseases rather than addressing their root causes.
I thought you said crypto currency was going to fall
Unix is open source technology
I saw Gattaca a long time ago. Very interesting dystopia.
SIDE NOTE- I want to point out that regulation isn’t always a bad thing. I feel the need to say this as I hear often in this community that regulation a bad thing (and it most definitely is in some regards). But it is nuanced, for ex wo regulation in a capitalistic and individualistic society (like US), our environment would be in a much worse position, utility costs would be out of control, costs cross the board would be out of control, bad practices would run amuck, etc.
Unfortunately when greed, capitalism, and a disregard for others is prevalent in society, regulations are necessary.
Not point of video, but let’s remember regulation isn’t always bad 🙂
(This coming from someone who works in the oil & gas industry)
If the regulators like FDA was not in league with who they were are supposed tow atch dog, it would work in 3d and 4d…. but who watches the watchers?
I like your point of view. There is good to every “bad”. I think that regulation is another system that needs to be overhauled for the good. Not the regulation is bad within itself just that maybe the people/enitity’s who have control at the moment isn’t for the best of intentions. If more people understood/innerstood the intention as to why this is being regulated the issues we are seeing presently wouldn’t be aligning to our current society’s values of materialism, big business and consumerism. I believe that there needs to be an adjustment made in intention as to why this is in place in a unified way. Thats just my thoughts.
My gut feeling tells me this is a overhyped technology, with venture capitalists piling money into it as it is sexy sounding.
It will likely not be viable and I think our DNA is more inter-dimensional than a 3D molecule.
Cancer research is stuck because science is at a dead-end, until quantum physics and energy is taken into account. Many people have cured themselves of cancer using meditation and energy work and healthy living.
I now question everything, this is where I’ve gotten to after the last two years especially regarding science- now scientism. The genome as mainstream scientists and the public understand it is very limited, and some plain down erroneous. So yeah, I’m skeptical that CRISPER can really be of benefit, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it wrecked havoc.
Hope the GFL and history prove me wrong 😁
all those things like cancer and diabetes was not an issue before the industrial revolution and genetically modified food.
even if you have type 1 diabetes you can control that with food and being in ketosis. I forget the actors name in James Bond movie she was African American but she maintains health by food as a type 1 diabetes no insulin is needed
The glyphosate sprayed on GMO crops is definitely an issue, but I think the main harmful thing the industrial revolution brought us in large quantity is vegetable oils. Most of these contain way more omega 6 than is appropriate for our biology. Lots of studies have shown how harmful an elevated intake is, but it is so profitable for the food industry that their lobbyists have successfully managed to blame saturated fat instead!
Cures to cancer have been found and buried or “killed” … by whom? Idk we can guess but Why don’t we ask the gfl! 😊
I have a good feeling about it. Definitely interested in EA asking GFL about it.