In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the concept of hidden truths and revelations in our reality. They explore the idea of authenticity and responsibility in navigating the shift from the third dimension to the fifth dimension. Elizabeth April also mentions examples of hidden truths being revealed in various aspects of life. They emphasize the importance of self-reflection and alignment with the highest possible timeline.
I need to never get behind on videos again!!!! THIS would have helped me a lot more in Oct hahahahahah ALWAYS speaking as if you read my mind/soul <3 . The best 6m in my professional life have been H E L L non the less *eyeroll*
1) I HATE SEEING ANGEL NUMBERS (11:11, 222, 999 etc) when life is DEF NOT going well in anyway!! I usually end up yelling at the universe not even kidding hahaha I DIED WHEN you mentioned it LMFAO =)
2) Q (I should prob post there where EA may see it) HOW do you rid of the toxic thing you KNOW isnt well for you (your job) as you need it for survival… ?!?!?
I cant afford a major pay decrease as a single income with zero help family or supports. I ask the Universe everyday to give me someone I can ALSO FACE this world WITH <3 its a lot, for someone with a decent job.. SO MANY live in tents in my area. I cry daily SO thankful for what I have (came up from nothing, not rich but im surviving something I was never able to do before). so trying to change jobs is really not an option and THATS soooooooo frustrating (ive been trying and having interviews)
worth a shot asking =)
AS ALWAYS THANKYOU EA much love & mad respect !
Thank you for sharing!! 🙌🙌