August 19 Aquarius ...
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August 19 Aquarius Full Moon

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The Aquarius Full Moon is going to stir the winds of change. There is some unsettling energy around this Full Moon that can bring some moving and shaking to our lives. We may feel like things are in flux, or perhaps some surprising, unexpected information comes to light that we are not sure what to do with.

While there is some confusion possible around this Full Moon, there is also the energy of awakening. When things change, when the unexpected comes our way, our mind expands, our hearts can open, and we can start to look at new possibilities. Try to keep this in mind as you navigate the Full Moon energies. Come back to this idea that your mind and world are being expanded to introduce new possibilities, even if it does feel uncomfortable. Embrace the uncertainty!


Posted : 11/08/2024 12:07 am
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@lighthealer_arkie Yes I was just looking at this full moon and all the aspects! I do a post on every full and new moon on IG, @wingastrology

Full moon in Aquarius ♒️ Monday August 19, 2024 12:26pm MT at 27°. 🌕
All hands on deck as all planets are interacting during this multi faceted full moon.
▫️This full moon is not only conjunct a retrograde Mercury but in a fixed T-square with Uranus.
Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius and a higher octave of Mercury is inserting itself in this full moon aspect with its change agent spirit, unpredictable energy, mental agility and out of box insight. ⚡️
•Jupiter and Mars are conjunct in a mutable T-square with Saturn and Venus for a complicated mix of energy/opportunity with hard work and love/values.
•Pluto is sextile Neptune for deep regenerating and awakening.
Posted : 17/08/2024 5:24 pm
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@lighthealer_arkie Thank you for the information!


Posted : 30/08/2024 5:10 am
Christina reacted
Joshua Bortnick
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"Full Moon, there is also the energy of awakening. When things change, when the unexpected comes our way, our mind expands, our hearts can open, and we can start to look at new possibilities"


Don't waith for things to Change - They Will

You Contour Your Own Reality Now

Posted : 30/08/2024 7:06 am
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September 17th, 2024, brings both a Lunar Eclipse and a Super Moon, making it a rare and special Super Moon Lunar Eclipse! This will be a partial Eclipse, so we will still be able to see the Moon bright and strong in our night sky. Take a moment to look up at Mother Moon in all her strength – what message is she sharing with you?

Themes of the Pisces Super Moon Lunar Eclipse

Falling at 23 degrees of Pisces, this Lunar Eclipse holds the theme of breakthroughs and endings. As Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, we may see this mirrored in our experience of it. Something may come to an endpoint in our lives, or we may find that something is illuminated, allowing us to see things we didn’t see before. Alternatively, we may reach a point of wholeness, allowing us to recognize the full story or cycle of whatever we have been going through.

The Virgo-Pisces Eclipses tend to stir matters relating to our health, wellbeing, and spirituality. We are guided to focus on the finer details and to get organized. It is also a highly creative Eclipse cycle that can stir new innovations, inspirations, and visions.

A Super Moon Eclipse is our Portal to the Divine

Super Moons happen when the Moon is nice and close to Earth, and we feel the lunar effects more strongly. Partial Lunar Eclipses are the weakest type of Eclipse we can have, but with the Super Moon in operation, we are getting a strong boost of lunar energy.


Posted : 16/09/2024 2:22 pm
Christina reacted
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The Libra Solar Eclipse arrives on October 2nd and is an annular Eclipse. Solar Eclipses are known for opening pathways and bringing new beginnings into our lives. They can help us reap the rewards of all we have been sowing for the last six months. They can also inspire fresh seeds to be planted, allowing new opportunities and ways of being to take form.

Solar Eclipses are powerful because they put us where we need to be. Sometimes, they can bring confronting change to deal with, but very often, in time, we are able to see how we have landed in exactly the right place.

What we may experience from this Eclipse:

  • Sudden change
  • The opening of new pathways
  • New possibilities presenting
  • Mental clarity
  • Resolution or manifestation of things brewing for us back in April 2024

Solar Eclipse in Libra

Falling in the sign of Libra, many of the changes or new beginnings we experience are likely to revolve around our relationships in some way.

We may find ourselves uncovering new relationship dynamics. Someone new may enter our lives under this Eclipse, or we may find ourselves prioritizing certain relationships over others.

Mercury, the planet of communication and our thought processes, is also very active under this Eclipse. We may find communication efforts flowing with ease and new inspired ideas coming up to the forefront. We may also find a new layer of clarity blooming, allowing us to see into a deeper truth.

Mars is also strong under this Eclipse, which may add a layer of intensity. We may find tensions rising, and weak relationships may be tested. However, there is great cosmic support on our side to help birth new and improved ways of being if we choose to keep these relationships in our lives.

Taking a fresh approach, and working on our communication may all be things that help to bring greater harmony and ease.

Bring Balance


Posted : 29/09/2024 3:52 am