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[Sticky] Lesson One Activity - Meet & Greet - Start Here!!

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Welcome to the SHIFT Masterclass Community Forum! 👋

We're excited to have you here and can't wait to get to know you! Let's take a moment to introduce ourselves and connect with other SHIFT Masterclass Students.

Please reply to this post and comment your name, where you're from, and what you do. Share what brought you to the SHIFT Masterclass, what you hope to gain from the program, and any specific goals you have in mind.

Remember, the community forum is a space for sharing and connecting, so let's get to know each other better and create a supportive and motivating environment for all of us in the SHIFT Masterclass!

Posted : 13/06/2023 10:45 am
Posts: 15
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Hello, Hi, Hey. Umm My Name is Doug Lind, I reside in Syracuse, N.Y. , born here , lived everywhere in this country and Germany. I feel more comfortable traveling than staying Put. I drove Tractor Trailer coast to coast and everywhere in between. I had much Time pondering Life's meaning. I had a hard time buying into how the churches taught. I always believed there was something missing {Alot} and this system did not make sense too me. I have found bits and pieces to My 'puzzle' through the years when I Found Elizabeth April! 😊 I followed many post and I felt this was what I had been searching for. The Shift Master class seemed to be my best start. I was injured at work 8 yrs ago , have lots of time. Thank You for all the Knowledge!


Posted : 13/06/2023 9:19 pm
Justine and Lyn reacted
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@dug00064 Thank you so much for sharing! Thank you for being here🙌

Posted : 15/06/2023 12:00 am
Dug L. reacted
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.hey  guys my name is Erin I’m about to turn 26 in august, I live at the Jersey shore and I’m a full time dental / surgeons assistant (hopefully for not much longer lol) When I was little I was so sensitive to the energies around me after years of being energetically attacked I realized A. I’m different but B. There’s a portal in my basement that’s been open for 26 years that no one knew about! At the time this was scary bc I was being so attacked and didn’t know how to handle so I’m assuming i put my abilities on hold. Today I’m embracing who I am and the gifts I hold while helping other people realize how powerful they are. I chose to take this shift class In hopes to re connect with my higher self and re awaken my spiritual abilities and help other people re awaken to their true self. I’m forever grateful for the opportunity to be apart of this great awakening and this great group of souls who have somehow found their way back home 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Posted : 25/06/2023 4:17 pm
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@estran1988 Hi Erin, Welcome to EA's Forum ❤️🙏

Posted : 30/06/2023 5:01 am
estran1988 reacted
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@estran1988 Hello Erin and welcome to the Shift Master class course. I have been following EA for a little bit so I am pretty new here

and started this course 8 weeks ago. I did not know what to expect when started but I am grateful I did. The course is 

long but filled with information! If I can help you in any way just give me a shout.   

Posted : 30/06/2023 8:06 am
estran1988 reacted
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@ea I'm Brandon R Duran. I work in Direct Sales selling Cutco as my main gig, and am transitioning into becoming a remote sales rep. I got started here yesterday. I have been taking a lot of different growth seminars and online courses over the last decade such as Robert Kiyosaki, Landmark, Tony Robins and others and I've been feeling a huge disconnect because while many of them mention how their knowledge that they share is hidden/certain people don't want it known, there always seems like there was more behind the curtain. When Covid hit, I had a huge personal and ego breakdown. I was up until then making over 6 figs and traveled all overt the world and all of a sudden I came to question everything I thought I knew to be true. I had already read and watched videos about a lock-down so for me I thought it was the beginning of the dystopian society that's portrayed in the countless movies and tv shows. I really thought it was the end. Fast forward 3 years now and I became a student of finding the truth reading almost 100 books and countless hours of videos about what was happening. I discovered EA originally on a show on GAIA and have been following her ever since 2021. I appreciate your bravery in the face of so many negative people and I have felt pulled so much to do something here but I cannot figure out exactly what it is I'm supposed to do. I have experienced a few past life regressions which have offered some insight but I still feel so uncertain about what I'm supposed to do really. Something that came up one of my regressions was interesting. I traveled forward in time and I was potentially on a different planet. The light from the sky was different. I had a feeling that I was there as a designer of a future way of living. I went to school for architecture and dropped out a few yrs after my father passed away. So to me it connects, but also I am still unsure of myself in knowing whether this is something I should pursue or not. I also feel as if I need to help wake people up and share the truth of who we are, where we come from and our possibilities of our future. I'm looking for any guidance I can for what I should look to do moving forward. Anyway, excited to be around like minded people where I'm not the most enlightened person in the room. I can't wait to see what this course offers. 

Posted : 03/10/2023 7:32 pm
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Hey starseed family, my name is Demi and I live in Caloundra, Queensland, Australia. I drive dump trucks for a living which I loooove, I have so much time to listen to amazing podcasts and really delve deep into self development. I joined this course because firstly I was divinely guided after going through heart break and going through another level of awakening but also because I have so much self awareness with my ego, with absolutely no idea on what to do with that awareness to improve my life and learn my lessons. I often repeat the same lessons over and over again and get frustrated with myself for not “getting it” because I really want to. I don’t have a great awareness when it comes to my soul so my intentions for this course is to gain a deeper awareness with that part of myself and integrate it into my life and also have a deeper understanding of my spiritual gifts and how to actually use it. Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction message and I look forwards to connecting with you all. 

Posted : 20/11/2023 2:48 am
Lyn reacted
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@dsmit265 Hi Demi! Thank you so much for being here❤️

Posted : 20/11/2023 6:27 pm
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@lynp-2 Aww thank you for co-creating with me lyn 🙂

Posted : 20/11/2023 9:10 pm
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My name is Linda and i did the Shift Masterclass back in october 2020. I just wanted to say hi in the forum cuz it wasn't here beck then I belive. So grateful I took the class 3 years ago and have expanded beyond my belifs since. 

Have a great one everyone! 

Lots of love L


Posted : 22/01/2024 10:23 am
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My name is Mariam Nouvel. I live in Asheville, NC. Just joined and eager to learn more about it my journey and meeting you all!

Posted : 01/09/2024 10:05 am