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[Sticky] Lesson Two Activity - Ego vs. Higher Self

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In this transformative activity, we invite you to explore your emotional responses and dive into the realm of your Higher Self. By reflecting on past experiences and envisioning a wiser perspective, you'll gain valuable insights into your personal growth journey.

Follow these steps to complete the activity:

  • Think of a situation where you felt a negative emotion such as anger, jealousy, or defensiveness.
  • Write down what your initial reaction was, and why you think you reacted that way.
  • Take a moment to reflect on what your Higher Self would do in that situation. How would they react differently? Write down your thoughts.
  • Share your experience with the SHIFT Masterclass Community by replying to this post. Describe the situation, your initial reaction, and what you think your Higher Self would do instead.

Remember to engage with fellow participants respectfully and offer support and encouragement. Embrace diverse perspectives and engage in meaningful discussions.

Posted : 13/06/2023 10:59 am
Laureenrene and Lyn reacted
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Awhile back a neighbor began cutting grass on my property. My reaction was of anger and negative thoughts to stop this.

My higher self would react positive to this situation, search for a solution through conversation and not dwell on a worthless


Posted : 21/06/2023 10:25 pm
Laureenrene reacted
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@dug00064 😊👍🙏

Posted : 22/06/2023 6:06 pm
Posts: 21
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Last week my ex husbands current boyfriend got thrown in jail for his second dui in about 2months.  Me & my ex are bffs now.  They needed help.  I reacted with anger, jealousy & sadness.  My higher self soon stepped up to the plate & I forked over $$ for bail.  Compassion is my higher nature.  Judgement is my 3D self/analytical brain/rational mind.  I’m trying to reprogram being abused (taken advantage of), abusing others (anger) or playing the victim.  

Posted : 25/07/2023 9:20 pm
Dug L. reacted
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I had a time commitment outside of the house last weekend. When I left the house I saw my roommates car parked behind mine, blocking my ability to leave the property. We have an agreement to move each others cars if they are blocking us in, which I attempted to do but the car wouldn't hold the start (its a hybrid so the engine kind of turned over but wouldn't hold the start) so I put the car in reverse and the car rolled down the small decline of the driveway. When I went to put the car in drive I couldn't and tried the start the car again and again. At this point the car was sticking out in the road, without enough room to move my car so I asked for help from my other roommate to push the car back up the driveway so it was safe out of the road. I ended up asking a friend to back track and pick me up since I was without a car now. I was really frustrated and angry that I couldn't leave on time or have access to freedom with my vehicle, plus the pushing of the car back up the driveway, and the car didn't need to be parked behind me initially because there was other parking spots available. The car owner was in fact home and asleep because they were out late last night and I didn't want to disturb their sleep, so I was also a bit annoying at my judgement of irresponsibility and laziness to have parked behind me blocking me in. 

My higher self would have slowed down from the very beginning and realized the car wasn't starting all the way  and would have realized early on that I would have needed to make other plans rather than feeling frustrated and angry and then moving the car more as I was selfishly thinking about how my plans were affected by someone choice to park behind me. 

Posted : 22/10/2023 5:26 pm
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I got a package delivered to my apartment building and someone else signed for it and took it. I called the transport company to report my order as stolen and they couldn’t do anything for me so I called the company I bought my order from and they also said there was a signature in the parcel so there wasn’t much they could do either. I was sooo angry but I decided to talk to myself as if I was my higher self talking to my human self. I hugged myself and told myself that it’s ok to feel these strong emotions and reminded myself I create my own reality. I was then flooded with excitement and hope. I did a manifestation visualisation where the company emails me the next day saying they are shipping a new order for me. I sit in the emotion of excitement and relief until I forgot all about it and sure enough the next day I received an email saying out of courtesy they will send me a new order and when it arrived I also got a bunch of free stuff and I sit in gratitude and amazement when it happened. 

Posted : 09/12/2023 3:16 pm
Areej reacted
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My sister used to comment my weight and appearance every time she saw me since 5 years back, in a negative way and I never say anything back because it will only result in a interrogation on what I am doing to improve myself. I am 13 pounds heavier then her and she hates her body and struggels with weightloss herself. 

I get very upset and annoyed but I internalize my feelings and keep a straight face. I dont know what my higher self would do but I hope she would set healthy boundaries and make it clear that its not okey to talk negatively about my appearance. 

Maybe this is not a good example. But i am afraid of conflicts so im never in one. 

Posted : 05/06/2024 1:54 pm
Joshua Bortnick
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Ego = Arrogance.  Arrogance is a practical word.  

Posted : 03/08/2024 3:31 am