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[Sticky] BONUS: Embracing Motherhood: Manifesting Your Ideal Reality

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Congratulations, new mama! 👶

You've completed the Cosmic Womb Course and now have access to all of these amazing bonus resources to help you on your journey through motherhood.

As you explore these resources, we want to know:
What is your biggest intention or dream for your journey as a mother? Share your thoughts and aspirations with the Cosmic Womb Community!

Reply to this thread and share your greatest intentions or dreams for your journey as a mother. After sharing your intentions, take some time to engage with other members of the community. Scroll through the comments and either like or comment on someone else's post. This is a chance to connect with other mothers who are going through similar experiences and offer support and encouragement to one another.

Together, let's create a sacred space for you and your Starseed child to thrive in, surrounded by love, light, and positive energy.

We are honoured to be part of your journey and excited to witness the magic you will manifest with your little one.


Posted : 10/05/2023 2:14 pm
Posts: 3176
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Light Codes: 4904

@lauren 🙌🙌🙌

Posted : 11/05/2023 12:23 am
Posts: 32
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Light Codes: 586

@lauren Hello all mamas and mama's-to-be! Wow, what a great course EA put together. I feel more ready and prepared than ever to enter into this new chapter of my life. I am excited to meet our little one soon. Now that I am just over 37 weeks along the time is coming closer and more of this reality is setting in. In thinking about my dreams and intentions about becoming a mother, I envision creating a space for my child to grow and develope with no judgment or expectation on who they should or will become. I want to nurture them to be the best version of themselves and to listen carefully to their needs and perspectives and to honor them as an individual but also as a part of the collective consciousness. I hope to share my personal wisdoms and insights with them and to learn together as I believe we should never stop learning or discovering. I am soo excited for this chapter and I am ready to take on this challange with open arms and an open heart.

Wishing all of you all the magic and wonder that being a parent can bring and to stay strong and knowing that all is meant to be and you can overcome anything if times get tough. As mothers we are here for each other even if not in the physical but through the oneness of the universe. You are all amazing for bringing another child into this world and raising them with your highest intentions. My heart is with you all throughout this amazing and meaningful journey you are on called Motherhood.

Sending you lots of Love and encouragement!

Carolyne xoxo ❤️ 

 Carolyne 37 weeks pregnant June 1st 2023
Posted : 01/06/2023 1:56 pm
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@ohcarolyna Congrats! Goodluck to your delivery❤️🙏

Posted : 02/06/2023 2:59 am
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Omg! So beautifully alive with life! Just lovely❤️

Posted : 12/06/2023 8:31 pm
ohcarolyna reacted
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Light Codes: 586

@laureenrene ohh Laureen you are soo sweet! Thanks for posting this nice message. Means a lot. Hope all the best for you and yours xoxoxox ❤️

Posted : 13/06/2023 1:19 pm
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@lynp-2 Thank-you so much Lyn! Any day now!! Ekkk! Soo excited xoxoxo! ❤️

Posted : 13/06/2023 1:20 pm
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@lauren Helllllo fellow Starseeds! Sooo have some news!!!

Baby Giovanna is now in the world! She is sooo sweet. Born June 16th at 1:29am. She weighed in just shy of 8 pounds and was a 53 cm long baby. ❤️ 
I had a super fast delivery. We went for dinner on a patio and then walked home. During our walk home I started to feel light pressure on my pelvis but didn't think it was contractions. Then when we got home I had a call with a friend and the sensations started to increase. I told her about it too as she had a baby about a year ago but she also didn't think it was labour starting as I didn't have any back pain or pain all the way up my stomach, my muscus plug was still in and also my water had not broken.   So I laid on the floor in my kitchen(lol) as I finished my conversation and just stretched a bit. Then once I got off the phone the pain persisted and steadily increased. Damon started writing down how far apart the waves were but nothing was consistant or for that long. As time went on I was breathing through these feelings and kept feeling like I had to go to the bathroom. Then my mucus plug came out around 11:50pm. So I drew a bath and got in. We then called our midwife and she said since my waves were not consistant or close to a minute long, she suggested for me to get some sleep and wait it out. I stayed in the tub as the water felt soooo good. Then after an hour my contractions really started to happen. It was like a light switch was turned on, thats how fast the change happend! We called the midwife, no anwer, so we left a voicemail. Now the contractions were really close together and happening every 2 minutes and lasting for almost a minute! I kept breathing with my hubby Damon's assistance. He was sooo great, a true divine masculine. He had also put on some relaxing/meditative and classical music and stayed by my side coaching me. Even our cat was there with us watching from the sidelines lol!
So our original plan was to go to a Birthing Centre but needless to say that plan changed as we didn't have time to leave our place plus we still were waiting on our midwife ( but not to put any blame on her, she is great and what happened is that she had another birth at this exact same time occur! How could she be at 2 places at once, she can't so she was only doing what she could, it was all meant to happen this way xo). Then all of a sudden I could feel her head starting to emerge! Then 2 mins later Gio's head was out! Damon was right there and the next couple of pushes she fully came out!! It was soo magical and such an incredible/ special moment for us. We rubbed her chest and got her to cry (then my cat meowed awwww it was the cutest!). I couldn't believe it, there literally was No fear and the pain I found was managable with the right positioning and breathing plus the warm water really helped in the tub AND my loving coach Damon! 
Then about 15 mins later our midwife showed up to do all of the check ups on baby and I and we are both healthy and doing great. baby Gio is feeding lots and sleeping really well too. We are sooo gratetful and thankful it all worked out! Thanks EA again for this AMAZING really helped me to focus and manifest my positive and beautiful labour experience! Yay! Omgeee, I am so happy!!! 😍 
Sending you all sooo much love and I wish a positive and wonderful birthing experience to all of the other mamas-to-be out there!! It can happen, just believe fully, trust fully and of course Love fully!
xoxoxxox ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Carolyne and Baby Gio
gio 20min old
This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by ohcarolyna
Posted : 23/06/2023 3:49 pm
Posts: 32
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Light Codes: 586

3 days old- Baby Gio

Posted : 23/06/2023 5:08 pm