Lesson One: Reflect...
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[Sticky] Lesson One: Reflection on Preparing For Pregnancy

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Calling all mommas-to-be! 📣

The Cosmic Womb Community is eager to hear about your pre-pregnancy preparation journey. Whether you're just starting out or already have some experience under your belt, we welcome you to join us in sharing your reflections.

Here's the question we'd like you to consider:
What steps have you taken or plan to take to align your mind, body, and soul for a positive pregnancy journey?

Share your insights, successes, and even challenges by replying to this thread as you reflect on the topics covered in Lesson One of the Cosmic Womb Course, such as:

  • Setting intentions for your pregnancy journey
  • Nurturing your mental health and well-being
  • Establishing a strong foundation for your pregnancy
  • Detoxifying your body
  • Tips for increasing your chances of getting pregnant
  • Trusting the timing of your pregnancy journey

Once you've shared your thoughts, don't forget to engage with other mommas of the Cosmic Womb Community. Take the time to read and like or comment on their posts, offering support and encouragement to fellow mothers on a similar journey.

We hope this writing activity inspires you to connect with others, reflect on your experiences, and embrace your inner strength. We can't wait to hear your stories!

Posted : 10/05/2023 2:06 pm
Posts: 32
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@lauren Hi Mama's and mamas-to-be! My name is Carolyne and I am 35 weeks preggers. My pregnancy journey has been a beautiful one (which I am so incredibly thankful for) but also it was a complete surprise! I never thought that I would become a mom. It wasn't something that I was planning for even though me and my partner Damon have been happy and together in Love for almost 11 years. We thought we would just be "dinks" lol (double income no kids) for our lives as we have been busy focusing on creative pursuits and enjoying our time in the city with friends and family. We were totally content and happy just with the flow that we were in. Then out of the blue we found out that our lives were about to shift. Now I have to say that the last 3 years I have been very focused on health and healing my mental wounds from my childhood and this is around the same time I found EA's channel. I always have been an active person in the way that I always played lots of sports growing up, I managed a Health Store for 10 years and completed a certification in supplement advising so I wasn't starting from scratch when I got more focused into my health but I took it to another level I guess.

So I commited to eating as clean as I could (but not judging myself if I wanted some french fries cause ummm they are so yummy and sometime a girl just needs them lol), limiting my alcohol and caffeine intake, sticking to a workout challange routine, reading and studying about other healing modalities such as colour, light and sound and of course diving into more spiritual/etheric content and meditation.

In July of 2020 my dad passed away from Dementia and it was heartbreaking as I could not go and see him as he lived all the way in The Neatherlands. We said our good-byes over the phone. At this time I was meditating more and reading more on spirituality as well as digging deep into what I felt the meaning of life was in my heart. I am thank-ful I had the time for this as it helped me heal and know that he wasn't really gone, he had just transitioned.

Then a little while after his passing, I was washing the dishes and all of these downloads came to me. The messages were, Time is an illusion, and be careful what you think as our thoughts become reality! I stopped and thought, okay wow, where is this come from!? Was this a message from my dad? I then went to my computer and felt the urge to type in the seach engine "into the light" (lol, I know so cheesy right?!) then popped up a link for a website called "intothelight.news". I clicked on it and that is where I saw an image of this stoic Pleiadian being. I clicked on it and it was a message to humanity from Elizabeth April. She had channelled Kinetic and posted her message and then this website had put it up. I was in amazment. I resinated with her message right away. So this is when I found EA and her content.

I have to say that she has helped me out on my spiritual healing journey immensely. Her information is spot on and I can feel it in my heart. I know she is the real deal. So I beleive that she has been a big part in this shift of my life path as I have committed myself since 2020 to healing any old buried tramas as well as connecting more to my higher self and the universe as a whole.

Okay so I just had to give you that little bit of a back story there. But to get back on track with my pregnancy journey I feel that I manifested it for my higher good. It was during the September 2022 Equinox that me and my hubby went to one of our favourite beaches here in Toronto (Humber Bay Park West). I know Elzabeth was saying that it is great to set intentions on the Moon phases (full and New) as well as on dates like 11/11 which I totally agree but also some of my most favourite times to manifest and set intentions are on the Solstices and Equinoxs of the year. So that is what we did back in September! We had a beautiful day at the beach, packed a picnic, went swimming, made an ornament from found feathers, autum leaves and a snail shell and I wrapped it together and then we had a romantic sunset bonfire on the beach. It was magical. We talked about what our intenstions were and what we wanted to manifest for the months ahead. I wasn't quite sure but I knew 100% at this time that I wanted to align with my highest possible timeline and also...this was the biggest part...I made that statement and with my heart to FULLY surrender to the Universe. Now this is something that I personally had never done before as I was kinda scared to be honest (like what if I then got hit by a car or something!) Anyway, my heart told me to just surrender so I did without hesitation. Then fast forward a few weeks later and I kid you not, the health store that I worked at for 10 years shut down, I got a new job 4 days after that managing a wellness spa and then 1 day after that I found out I was pregnant!! I was in total shock with all of this sudden change. My partner and I had a "moment" that a little of his "stuff" came out but we were like...oh it will be okay as I was not ovulating. I was due to get my period in 3-4 days from then (we have been tracking my cycle for years at this point) so we were very surprised. So I guess that is one thing to note as well for this beginning part of this course for anyone trying to conceive. Yes I agree with EA that the best time to try is within the 3 days of your ovulation BUT! You never know, it can sometimes can happen at anytime! Just like it did for us. :). I feel it was just meant to happen. Even though I was in shock when I found out I felt soon after that this was a gift. I fully trust in that. So the days and months passed and now I am 35 weeks along and anticipating the big day. We still do not know the gender as we are having it be a surprise for us. Now being on maternity leave I am going to dive into this course and any intights that come I will be sharing with you all here. I hope my story has given some hope and inspirtation and to trust in timing and the universe! If you are looking to get pregnant it can happen for you for sure, just believe that it can happen and it will happen when the timing is right and you have aligned yourself to this timeline.

Sending so much love and support to you all throughout your own journey and I look forward to reading other conceiving stories and insights as well.

All the Best, ❤️ 

xoxoxo Carolyne



Posted : 16/05/2023 3:25 pm
Posts: 32
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photos from our Equinox manifestation day last September 2022

 carolyne sept 22 equinox 1
Posted : 18/05/2023 3:33 pm
Lauren Akkili and Lyn reacted
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photo # 2

 carolyne sept 22 equinox 2
Posted : 18/05/2023 3:34 pm
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Photo # 3

 carolyne sept 22 equinox 3
Posted : 18/05/2023 3:35 pm
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Photo # 4 🙂

 carolyne sept 22 equinox 4
Posted : 18/05/2023 3:35 pm
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@ohcarolyna oh wow! thanks for sharing your journey! I agree with you, when it is meant to be it is going to happen! What an amazing lesson of surrendering! XO

Posted : 19/05/2023 4:27 pm
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Hola! just as Carolyna I´m already pregnant too and you can read about my story in the introductions forum but what I can say is that what really worked for us is trusting that this pregnancy was meant to happen. The first download about my son coming is that this is a karmic contract and that there had always been a deep sadness in me because I was blocking it so hard (when I was 10 years old I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and when I asked the doctor why I got sick he said that it was in my genes: I had a "FAULTY" gene. So subconsciously I decided that I didn`t want to pass on my "faulty" genes to my babies so that´s when I decided I didn´t want to have kids) and all my life I´ve had health issues: more autoimmune disorders diagnosis and lots of accidents, so I always labeled my body as FAULTY and decided that it was good for me not to have kids because my body couldn´t handle a pregnancy. 

I have been doing A LOT of healing work and this pregnandy is the ultimate proof for my subconcious and my conscious mind that I AM perfect health and that I create my reality, and also in return my body will regain full balance with the baby´s stem cells circulating through me.

Pregnancy is a full journey into our creation energy, we are literally creating life! How lucky are we to be open to this divine possibility! 😀

Posted : 19/05/2023 4:37 pm
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@ohcarolyna Thank you for sharing🥰

Posted : 20/05/2023 12:28 am
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@paulester oh my gosh, no kidding! We are soo lucky to be creators of life and to be chosen to be on this journey. I am so happy about your spiritual development. You are exactly where you are meant to be. I am excited to hear more insights you receive as your pregnany journey progresses. It will be so magical for you! Sending you so much love! xoxox Carolyne

Posted : 20/05/2023 9:40 am