Lesson Three: Labor...
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[Sticky] Lesson Three: Labor Of Love: Sharing Your Birthing Journey

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Congratulations on reaching the final stretch of your pregnancy journey! 🎉

As you prepare to bring your baby into the world, we invite you to reflect on the lessons and insights you've gained from Lesson Three of the Cosmic Womb Course.

The question we would like you to consider is:
What is your biggest fear or concern about giving birth, and how are you working to overcome it?

Reply to this thread with your biggest fear or concern about giving birth and how you are working to overcome this emotion. Feel free to draw on the topics covered in Lesson Three, such as:

  • My Positive Birth Story
  • Birthing Affirmations!
  • Working with Baby
  • Contracts vs. Free Will
  • The Primal Direction/Trust
  • Your Birth Plan - East meets West!

After sharing your reflections, we encourage you to engage with other new mamas of the Cosmic Womb Community by reading their posts and either liking or commenting on them. This is an opportunity to connect with other new mothers who may be going through similar fears and concerns, and to offer support and encouragement to one another.

Let's come together and share our experiences as we prepare to welcome our little ones into the world!

Posted : 10/05/2023 2:11 pm
Posts: 32
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Light Codes: 586

@lauren Hi All Mamas and Mamas-to be! Lesson # 3 was so helpful in many ways. Thanks EA so much for putting this all together!

First off, I really loved hearing all about your positive birthing story. I loved ALL of the details and your outlook and honesty when you conveyed your story. It was a raw and real experience that I needed to hear. It made me also feel more confidence that I will be okay when my big day comes also.

That being said I am now 36 weeks along so getting super close and getting more excited by the day. I also have been thinking of the "what ifs" and there are fears that arise in this unknown journey. I would say that also my biggiest worry or fear would be to have to go to the Hospital or to need medical intervention as my hope is to have a natural birth at my local birthing centre in the birthing tub. EA gave some great tips and tools on how to neutrilize our fears and to surrender to the whole process and to just trust which I really loved and appreciated in this block of lessons. By not ignoring our fears and worries but really visualizing what all outcomes could be or all situtations that could happen and then being okay with the outcome even if its not your "ideal" is such a powerful tool. I now feel more aligned and ready for anything. Having the vulnerability to just trust in your body and your baby is a wonderful thing and so empowering. I am going to keep this in mind when I am in labour for sure. Also, the breathing method she mentioned and visualizing the opening up of your cervix as you breath out and down is a great tip too!

I also really liked that EA talked about both the Western and Eastern birth planning and she doesn't side with one or the other which is a great way to see things. It was such a great point when she said it doesn't matter if you choose to have an at home birth or a hospital birth, what matters is where you feel the most safe! So true as your feeling of safety is # 1 for you and your baby.

Thanks so much EA for all of your wisdom and encouragment for us mama's-to-be. You are really helping us feel the power that is within us to connect and surrender to this beautiful process. ❤️ 

xox Carolyne


Posted : 23/05/2023 5:34 pm
Posts: 18
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Light Codes: 1105

I’m going in for an induction today and it scares me because I feel that my baby is ready but my body needs more time (37 + 3 days, some blood pressure issues which is reason for induction) I did experience a really weird synchronicity though that has made me feel today is the right date to go in. My baby will be on the cusp of gemini or cancer, and yesterday I went to the crystal store to buy a unakite bracelet, which I saw immediately as I walked in. I picked it up, and noticed there was a Gemini charm on it. Being that tomorrow is the last day for the Gemini zodiac, I feel that this synchronicity is pushing me to go in earlier than expected (I could also choose to go in next week, but that would for sure make the baby a cancer sign) so whether this baby is Gemini or cancer, it does not matter, but the synchronicity has allowed me to feel more confident with today’s date. Wish me luck <3

Posted : 19/06/2024 6:31 am