Lesson Two: Embrace...
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[Sticky] Lesson Two: Embrace Your Unique Pregnancy Journey

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Cosmic Mamas!! You did it!! 🙌

You are ready to embark on this beautiful journey of pregnancy! We know that every pregnancy is unique and comes with its own set of joys, challenges, and surprises. In this activity, we want you to share your experiences and connect with other mothers in the Cosmic Womb Community.

The question we would like you to consider is:
What have been the most interesting or impactful lessons you have learned during your pregnancy journey so far?

Reply to this email thread with your most interesting or impactful lesson so far & feel free to draw on the topics covered in Lesson Two of the Cosmic Womb Course, such as:

  • Overcoming fears and worries during pregnancy
  • Choosing your influences wisely
  • Clearing birth trauma
  • Holding space for your partner
  • Manifesting your birth team
  • Creating a safe space for your baby
  • Developing telepathy with your baby
  • Caring for your diet and weight during pregnancy

After sharing your reflections, we encourage you to engage with other members of the Cosmic Womb Community by reading their posts and either liking or commenting on them. This is a chance to connect with other mothers who are going through similar experiences and offer support and encouragement to one another.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey and we are here to support each other every step of the way. Keep shining, mama!

Posted : 10/05/2023 2:09 pm
Lyn reacted
Posts: 32
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@lauren Hello all Mama's and Mamas-to-be! It me, Carolyne :). Ahhh, I loved watching all of the lessons in # 2 that Ea put together. Such great and powerful information and I loved all of the topics too.

As for me, the most impactful lessons I have learnt so far during my pregnancy is for sure overcoming fears and worries, choosing my influences wisely and clearing birth truma.

To touch base on each point a bit, First, when it came to my fears and worries...I did not know what to expect when I found out I was pregnant. I had not thought about my body becoming pregnant before so the very idea of it was new to me. I found that a lot of worry came up around am I going to be able to do this? Is my body healthy enough (even though I took care of myself I am in my 40's so I guess I had all of the age myths still programmed in me)? So I really had to stregthen my mind and dig deep in my knowing to trust that of course can do this! I am built for this as a woman! And age literally is just a # and there is your biological age and your chronological age to factor in. So after really seeing where these fears and worries were coming from and facing that I was able to remove them from my mind.

And that segues into the next lesson of choosing my influences wisely. I cannot tell you how many people (friends, family and strangers) said to me once they knew I was pregnant and also knew my age and they were like "This is a Geriatric pregnancy, you have to be careful" oh and the risk for this and for that is higher as you are this age and so on and so forth. Now, I know there are cases of this being true but I did not think it was good to take on these cases and these situations as my own story. I am so happy EA touched base on this as well in these lessons as it is very important to know that every pregnancy is different. And so I decided to focus my attention on all sorts of positive pregnancy and birth stories and talk to people who had them as well. A co-worker of mine told me that her mom was 49 when she had her! And she is amazing, super healthy and smart so I loved knowing that. So I learnt a lot on who to listen to and who to basically ignore. It was easier said than done esp when it came to my family. Omg...they all had some sort of bad story to tell me, such as lossing babies at 5-6 months into the pregnancy, extreme aliments during pregnancy and horrible labours.

My mom had bad stories as well. She told me that when she became pregnant with my older brother that she gained sooo much weight and couldn't move, then when she went into labour it was so painful and the baby was positioned wrong as she was trying to push so she had to have an emergency c-section where she literally was in so much fear she thought she was going to die. She had a priest come in and pray for her and she actually almost did die on the operating table. Then 1 1/2 months after she gave birth she became pregnant with me! She was so upset that she had all of a sudden become pregnant again so soon. She was still deeply trumatized by her experience with my brother. Now this is where I had to do healing on my birth truma as it was not welcoming and happy news for my parents when I was conceived. Thank-goodness she decided to go through with the pregnancy! I am very thankful for that.

My brother was a very fusy baby and she did not get any rest and she was very stressed out and her whole pregnacy with me she said she was nausous and sick. Then when I was born she didn't even go into labour with me, she had scheduled a c-section early and then I was put in an incubator and put on a formula right away with no brest feeding attempts. Now knowing and learning about all of this was a bit tramatizing as I felt guilt come in for being conceived at the wrong time for my parents. I took EA's advise and really made a conscious effort to release this guilt and trust that it actually was the right timing and that it was contracted to happen this way. I love her idea on a cord cutting letter too. I will be doing this on the next new moon. OMG! I just looked up as I wrote this when the next new moon is and its this Friday, May 19th at 11:55am! AND 11:55 is such a great # and it was literally the exact address # of the first place I lived when I was a baby! Omg, okay so this is totally the time to do this cord cutting letter!! Yay, thanks universe and EA for this idea! 😍

So really all and all there will be lessons of all sorts that will come up during ones pregnancy. But if we can just know and trust in ourselves and that not all experiences are the same and that divine timing also plays a role then we can relax and enjoy this beautiful process.

I look forward to hearing others express their feelings and share their pregnacy lessons they have learnt thoughout their time being pregnant. Lets connect our experiences and become stronger together!

Sending lots of Love to encouragment everyone!

xoxox Carolyne ❤️ 


Posted : 17/05/2023 3:40 pm
Posts: 32
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Light Codes: 586

recent pregnant photo # 1

 carolyne preggers on the beach 1
Posted : 18/05/2023 3:37 pm
Lyn and Lauren Akkili reacted
Posts: 32
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Light Codes: 586

recent pregnant photo # 2... Having fun on the beach! ❤️ 

 carolyne preggers on the beach 2
Posted : 18/05/2023 3:38 pm
Posts: 3176
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@ohcarolyna Thank you for sharing the photos😊

Posted : 25/06/2023 2:24 am