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Psychic Attacks & Dark entities : How do you recognize psychic attacks or encounters with dark entities?

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How do you recognize psychic attacks or encounters with dark entities?

Posted : 06/08/2024 8:53 pm
Christina reacted
Posts: 3176
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Light Codes: 4904

@chinchin Not that I am aware of, but EA discusses dark entities and psychic attacks. She shares personal experiences with these entities and provides six steps to transmute fear into love and protect oneself from attacks. Elizabeth April emphasizes the importance of intention, discernment, and grounding into the third dimension of frequency:

Posted : 08/08/2024 5:33 pm
Posts: 10
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Light Codes: 1044

My rule of thumb is if it doesn't seem like your feelings or thoughts, it probably isn't! If you have nightmares or wake up frightened & not understanding why, it is quite likely this is a psychic attack. In the past I was experiencing psychic attacks & encounters almost every night. Sometime I could see dark shapes in my bedroom if I opened my eyes. I have since stepped up my psychic protection on various levels. I have Black Tourmaline crystals around my bed & in my home. Also various different Jasper crystals. I regularly smudge with Sage & Palo Santo & visualise white light around me & my home. For nearly a year now I have felt much safer & more protected. (Since mid October '23) I have 3 altars in my home. One personal one in my bedroom, one for sending out distant healing in my front room, with names on it (about 25 at the moment) & one in my kitchen which is dedicated to bringing peace to the Middle East & Sudan. Most evening I will light candles on all these altars. If I am away I will leave small LED lights powered by batteries on. Every few weeks I will dismantle an altar & rebuild it to refresh the energy. I have shared what I do with some friends & some have followed my example with good results ... I hope this helps 

Posted : 25/09/2024 10:51 am