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[Sticky] Starseed Singles Meet & Greet! 💘

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Welcome, Starseeds! 🌟

✨ Let's begin the celestial journey by getting to know other members on a deeper level. Be true to your cosmic essence and share openly. Here are some cosmic prompts to get you started:

  • Name: Share your cosmic name or the one that resonates with your spirit.
  • Age: Let us know how many trips around the sun you've taken on your cosmic journey.
  • Location: Where in the universe are you currently living?
  • Origin: Tell us where your cosmic journey began—your earthly or cosmic roots.
  • Cosmic Interests: What passions and pursuits light up your soul?
  • Soul's Joy: What hobbies or activities make your soul dance with joy and radiate positive vibes?
  • Seeking in a Partner: Describe the cosmic qualities you're seeking in a partner. What aligns with your cosmic frequency?

Remember, don't be shy—let your cosmic truth shine!

When you're finished, don't forget to explore the other responses and connect with Starseeds you resonate with.

Posted : 05/10/2023 11:52 am
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@lauren ❤️❤️❤️

Posted : 05/10/2023 6:24 pm
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Light Codes: 1201

Hi my beautiful cosmic family! My names Jess ✨

I'm from Perth, Western Australia.

im 19 but please don't let that stop you from getting to know me on a deeper level. I experienced my awakening quite a few years ago, I have many Pleiades tendencies so my big heart is just longing to find someone to experience this life with.. this is extremely out of my comfort zone but this is the best way to meet solid connections.. tell me about yourselves!! ✨🦋

Posted : 22/10/2023 5:25 am
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Light Codes: 222

@jessie-jurczakgmail-com-2-2-2 Hi, welcome to the forum.

I noticed you mentioned the Pleiades, so I wanted to let you know about a YouTube channel I recently discovered. The Pleiadians are mentioned some of the videos on the channel. There's a video uploaded daily talking about extraterrestrials and the 5th dimension. I'll leave one of the videos from the channel below.

Do you think you might've been a Pleiadian in a past life? Do you believe in reincarnation?

You might be interested in following Elena Danaan on YouTube. She claims to have communicated with several different types of alien races. I think she once said in an interview that she felt a special connection to the Pleiades. She's also written several books about her experiences with extraterrestrials. The books are available on Amazon.

Personally, I feel a connection to the Grey aliens, but I don't believe I'm a starseed or anything like that. I just like the Greys, for some reason.

Anyway, I'm wishing you the best on your life journey.

You said you were 19 and lived in Australia, so I wanted to let you know about the YouTuber Lily April Rose. I only mention her because she's also 19 and lives in Australia, so I thought you might like her vlogs. 🙂

I'll link her channel below, along with Elena Danaan's channel, and the Aurora Ray channel, which is the channel that sometimes mentions the Pleiadians.

I'll also provide a link to Keara Cornella's channel. She's probably my favorite ASMR YouTuber. She's 19 years old as well and lives in America. Her videos sometimes relax me.

I know this post has been incredibly random, but I like recommending various YouTube channels if I think they might be helpful to others.

Best wishes.

Aurora Ray YouTube video:

Elena Danaan YouTube channel:

Lily April Rose YouTube channel:

Keara's ASMR:

Posted : 22/10/2023 5:51 am
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Light Codes: 1201


Hey Corey! so lovely to hear from you, thank you for all the thoughtful suggestions. 

yes I totally believe in reincarnation and past lives!! 

its funny you mentioned about Lilly April Rose, I was just looking at EAs jewellery and she seems to do business with her haha! when I read her name I had to double take, the universe works in mysterious ways. ill definitely have a look at some of her videos, thankyou. 


Posted : 31/10/2023 4:31 am
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Light Codes: 702

Hello beautiful souls,

My name is Sean and I've made almost 30 laps around the sun. This marathon is exhausting! Currently I am living in Wisconsin in the states. I'm not for certain but I feel some sort of connection with the Pleiadians as well as dragons (no idea how!), I've never really resonated with any other beings but I wouldn't be surprised if my DNA is very mixed. I'm really into astral traveling and remote viewing. I was only able to astral travel once but I can lucid dream with ease. Nature is a big part of me as well so opening up my heart to plants and animals brings me joy. My soul just wants to build build build. Anything and everything. Currently I am building an airplane and I'm almost a FAA certified aviation mechanic. Flight and building/fixing things has been with me since I was a young child. I am looking for another individual who is more right brained as I am very left so we can help each other grow in balance and reach our full potentials. Being well grounded is a must since past relationships became a disaster after one or the both of us were not always grounded.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself. It's been a rough and lonely journey but I finally feel the energies turning lighter and brighter. After my awakening to being a star seed I'm unsure if I would be able to date anyone who isn't because they wouldn't be able to fully understand me (all ego aside of course). I'm thankful for all the rest of you raising the vibration on Earth, as we could not do this alone. Together we are raising the energy of an entire planet, let that sink in for a bit on how incredible that is!

Much love,


Posted : 23/11/2023 10:04 pm
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Light Codes: 10


New to this site.

My name is AK, I will be 47 earth years at the end of this year. 

I had my first big 'awakening' when I was 15/16 and knew I came here for the great shift (I volunteered and knew I was a 'higher' being prior to this experience where I made the decision to come here) and when 2020 came I knew we had finally begun! 

I have gone through much transformation and evolving while waiting for the shift to take place and especially this year.

I reside in Scotland.

I am creative as all of us probably are. I love photography and resonate deeply with the animal planet and true sense of freedom from the old system. I believe in balance, harmony, connection and authenticity/integrity. 

Readying for my 'twin flame' female life partner.

Thank you




Posted : 29/11/2023 8:57 am
Jennifer Aguillard, Mira Milos, zahraa812 and 3 people reacted
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Hi everyone

I am Hugo, i am from Portugal, Algarve, and i'm 45yo.

I have always felt misplaced in the cosmos, the earthly way of living was always a challange to me.

trying to understand more about the truth and all that we've been castrated from knowing. But i need help, never did meditation and would love how to do it

i travel a lot i am ostheopat for 20 years.

Thank you 


Posted : 05/12/2023 8:32 am
Amiy McElroy reacted
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  • Name: Karen (Female seeking Female)
  • Age: 53.9
  • Location: Denton County, Texas, USA, Earth
  • Origin: cosmic roots:  Arcturus.
  • Cosmic Interests: What passions and pursuits light up your soul?  Consciousness, homesteading, permaculture, DANCING, teaching, cats, ...ask me 
  • Soul's Joy: What hobbies or activities make your soul dance with joy and radiate positive vibes?  I have really enjoyed turning my chicken hobby into a thriving business.  I have really enjoyed being the crazy chicken lady and selling joy with every bird sold and egg laid.  
  • Seeking in a Partner: Describe the cosmic qualities you're seeking in a partner. What aligns with your cosmic frequency?  SEEKING:  mature female who is ready to live her best life.  I value being present and seeking joy for my best path.  I thrive on passion, play, fun and I look forward to experiencing all this wonderful world has to offer.



Posted : 09/12/2023 4:24 pm
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Light Codes: 759

@coreymatthews Thanks for the links!

Posted : 16/12/2023 6:38 am
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Light Codes: 60

Hello beautiful cosmic beings. My name down to earth is Fabian Shogun and I am located in Germany more specific near the city of Ulm in South Germany. I have done 41 years now, but mostly feeling like 17. That seems to be a talent of my soul, being innocent sometimes a lil bit naive. Most origin in cosmos is a planet in another Dimension of the 7th. I am a blue feline, a cosmic traveller, was on many planets here and there. Always curious and fun to learn. My talents here on earth are psychic abilities and energy healing. First contact with Jesus I had with 14 and he teaches me until 18. Than I asked him if I could do some other living than he meant for me. And dive deep into emotional struggles, drugs and alcohol. Stand in front of hells door. Chased many years from demons every night in astral planes. With 36, after a burn out, I been back on the right way. 

So I do many healing grades, and have a, good connection to my higher self. And I am interested in magick. Have done my first spells under the full moon with 15. And it works. 

What I will live with my soul mate is a partnership from soul to soul in divine deep connection. To experience deep love in the all places of my bodys. But there is one thing I have to say. I am not alone. I am a single father and live with my kids. 

And there is one thing my soul missing here. I love to be together with people, but have no friends here. So just me and the kids, could bring sometimes a feeling of loneliness. I know in the spirit world I am never alone, but down to earth... 

So beloved beings, blessings and much love from Germany

Posted : 12/01/2024 10:43 am
Amiy McElroy reacted
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Light Codes: 60

@jessie-jurczakgmail-com-2-2-2 hello over there. Wish you a happy day.

Posted : 12/01/2024 10:46 am
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@hmcafonso  (i am just replying to a question here:) hey bro,  there are some good online group meditations on telegram. that makes the start way easier, as somehow you "learn" from the others while in meditation.  also just the chats help to clear questions.   if you have telegram, just text me.. nad i add you (or anyone else interested) to some good groups.   Love  🙂   telegram: @Jan_Hensel  c u  in the 5. dimension frequency  😊

Posted : 01/02/2024 3:24 am
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Light Codes: 470
  • Name: Laura
  • Age: 37
  • Location: United States, Iowa 🙂
  • Origin: Just started my awakening journey, but I've always known there was more since I was very young. Astronomy was always a passion of mine, and I never got dolls as gifts, but telescopes and science geared gifts. I have always been asking questions, and the stars have always been a home away from home. 
  • Cosmic Interests: Practicing Astral Projection, resonating at a higher frequency and spreading knowledge and love when I can
  • Soul's Joy: I love trying anything new. A bit of an adrenaline junkie, lol. Love learning and experiencing new things. I have a thirst for knowledge that is not easily satiated. Swimming and biking, traveling. Eventually I want to have my own little homestead <3
  • Seeking in a Partner: Looking for a deep connection and like-minded thinking soul. Someone that I can learn from and grow with and vice versa 🙂 I'm ready to find someone I can find that connection with and am hopeful that that will be soon!
Posted : 07/02/2024 7:26 am
Amiy McElroy reacted
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Light Codes: 1019
  • Name: Alina (Ali) - Woman seeking a MAN
  • Age: 52
  • Location: Iowa
  • Origin: Since I was about 6 years old I have had abilities, clairvoyance, Clairsentience and able to feel energy & heal. I am a Reiki Master Healer, baker, and an Artist.  I grew up on a farm and love that life but I also like the city too, but the countryside is my favorite place to be, it's peaceful and grounding. It helps the fact I love animals and gardening too! I have a fascination with Ancient Egypt probably because I have had at least one past life there. I have yet to travel there and planning on doing so before I get too old 🤣.   
  • Cosmic Interests: My great passion is to help people (Reiki), Meditation and my Art.  Working right now on Astral Traveling and Lucid Dreaming.
  • Soul's Joy: I have no children but I do have a little boy Benji (he is a little Teddybear Dog) and he is just sweet and loving. Art and Reiki also bring me joy, including family gatherings, traveling and adventure. 
  • Seeking in a Partner: looking for someone that is able accept me having abilities and believing in me. I'm a very thoughtful, caring and affectionate person (not huge on public affection but a little is fantastic). Not many people can handle attention so I want to be upfront, it's a way I show how much I care about you. I'm not crazy overboard with public affection and dishing out attention constantly or anything like that, as if I'm a "stage one clinger" 😆, but I am affectionate in a sweet caring way. Looking for a man with a desire for a deeply loving and committed relationship. Someone that is open and capable to sharing themselves with me, trusting and someone that isn't afraid of standing up for the one they care about. I enjoy a good laugh, I'm not that funny but I hope you are, if not that's ok too! If you like quirky humor that's what I dish out.  I hope our souls align in a deep cosmic way! Sending you much joy and peace in your life. ~Ali 


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Posted : 14/02/2024 2:42 am
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