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[Sticky] Starseed Singles Meet & Greet! 💘

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Welcome, Starseeds! 🌟

✨ Let's begin the celestial journey by getting to know other members on a deeper level. Be true to your cosmic essence and share openly. Here are some cosmic prompts to get you started:

  • Name: Share your cosmic name or the one that resonates with your spirit.
  • Age: Let us know how many trips around the sun you've taken on your cosmic journey.
  • Location: Where in the universe are you currently living?
  • Origin: Tell us where your cosmic journey began—your earthly or cosmic roots.
  • Cosmic Interests: What passions and pursuits light up your soul?
  • Soul's Joy: What hobbies or activities make your soul dance with joy and radiate positive vibes?
  • Seeking in a Partner: Describe the cosmic qualities you're seeking in a partner. What aligns with your cosmic frequency?

Remember, don't be shy—let your cosmic truth shine!

When you're finished, don't forget to explore the other responses and connect with Starseeds you resonate with.

Posted : 05/10/2023 11:52 am
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@ak-2 hello I just wanted to say thank you for sharing a part of yourself I know that’s hard to do sometimes.

I see good things coming for you in the future, and that you have a good soul and a good heart, and I hope all the best for you and finding what you truly are seeking.

I have personally taken about 50 trips around the universe so far which to be honest I didn’t think I’d make it past 30 which I did and I’m truly grateful for.

Currently I reside in the state of Oregon, but I am planning a trip across the state to Tennessee where I plan to start my new chapter in my book. I don’t know a soul there, but I just need a whole new environment to help myself on my spiritual journey that I’ve been on for quite a while, and I need a different location for that to happen. 

The first half of my life was pretty rocky and stressful, and not knowing what my future held for me if I had a future. But I am grateful for all the roadblocks, all the people that stood in my way of trying to become the better version of myself that I knew I was and that I could be. 

My interest revolve around nature and animals I connect with animals very easily, and even the big bad wolves will come up to me and lick my face and eat out of my hand. I just have always had a connection with animals.

Anyways I truly hope you get to where you’re going and that the journey is full of excitement and new wonders for you. When I came across your post, something resonated with me on just what you were saying and I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself and say hello and you’re not alone. Take care and enjoy life. 

Posted : 29/02/2024 9:07 am
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  • Name: Emma is the name I use, but its not always resonate. 
  • Age: 30 years of age 🙂 and grateful!
  • Location: Southern California (anyone going to the EA event in April?)
  • Origin: I started having et and angel contact at 4 years old. 
  • Cosmic Interests: I have gifts that bring insight but can be overwhelming w/o community. 
  • Soul's Joy: Music - I write jazz, acting and filmmaking.  
  • Seeking in a Partner: I am seeking a kind partner! 

@Emma_andthe_brithtsouls is my IG 🙂 

Posted : 21/03/2024 7:25 pm
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Name: Justin

Age: 35

Location: Colorado, US

Origin: Source


Cosmic Interests: How incomprehensible the Cosmos is to my 3D mind... than pursuing regardless! 🙂

Soul's Joy: Nature, snowboarding, movement of all kinds. 

Seeking in a Partner: Someone wild enough to have arrived at this peculiar corner of the web! 😉

Posted : 28/03/2024 10:54 am
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Light Codes: 423


I've been following EA for some years, new to the forum. Getting used to where & how it all works...

I hold space on the Gold Coast, Australia. Been involved in the health, fitness industry for years.

Hoping to energetically engage and interact with those on the same frequency, where we can entertain, motivate, inspire and motivate each other on this journey we call life.

As we walk this path of enlightenment, that we will find sacred souls, spirits and guides that will teach us patience, wisdom and a love that endures through the endless quantum realms of this world and the next.

Feel free to reach out if your on the GC (or other realms to chat) and would like to grab a coffee, walk along the beaches, hike the mountainside or relax at waterfall. As I love to be around the energetic waters of life, feeling the sun upgrading my dna and breathing in the fresh air of nature.

Alex Ander

Posted : 30/04/2024 2:02 am
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  • Name: The name that most resonates with me is Allayrah ( It's my numerologically balanced name with my life path number 9- The Humanitarian) and my birth name is Tianah. 
  • Age: 31
  • Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA 
  • Origin: I was always very conscious, self-aware, empathetic and compassionate. Even my kindergarten teacher said I shouldn't have been able to display the level of empathy I was expressing because that part of my brain at that age shouldn't have been formed yet.. I was also called a "zen baby". This all was probably a combination of my soul age and also the dysfunction I was born into further activating my spiritual gifts. I've lived a pretty unconventional life and have devoted my whole life to healing myself mind, body and soul and I see myself one day helping others do the same. 
    My whole life I have been a rebel, non-conformist, healer, teacher, satelite, light warrior, just naturally. I always stayed true to myself and it has been a very lonely isolating path but on a deep level I have known I am not alone. I am always awakening to higher and higher levels of awareness and understanding as I do this deep sacred healing work. 
  • Cosmic Interests: Dancing, singing, yoga, writing, painting, all things femininity, being a teacher and healer, traveling, living a life of luxury and freedom, divine masculine and divine feminine energy dynamics... I don’t know if those are neccessarily cosmic interests... I love learning about all things spirituality and what is going on universally, I love mastering the art of manifestation, I love astral traveling and having OBEs with my guides, I love learning about Ancient Egypt and our true history... My main focus is learning and mastering the human experience and healing and integration so I can help others and we all can create a healthy harmonious world... my main interests have to do with the here and now on Earth and creating connection and integration and harmony within humanity
  • Soul's Joy: Music, dancing, decorating, fashion, relaxation (giving and receiving relaxation and comfort), creating, being in flow, creating a relaxing pleasurable space, masculine energy, experiencing progress, the beach, Los Angeles, I love variety and art and experiencing new things, people and places.. I love when I am truly purely received and experience connection with someone and its mutually beneficial, I love helping others to heal and ascend... 
  • Seeking in a Partner:  Divine masculine, provider, protector, leader, pillar of strength, yet also in tune with his inner emotions and heart and has done the inner work, vegan, healthy, desires marriage... He is just looking for his divine feminine counterpart to share his life with who will be his oasis and treasure. He is established and in a healthy stable place. He wants and desires closeness and connection as much as I do and making me feel safe, relaxed and contained is his priority as I will make everything in his life so heavenly and beautiful. 🌹 ❤️ 🌺 
Posted : 30/05/2024 9:08 am
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Light Codes: 50

@szickert149 Hi Sean, I really resonated with what you wrote. I totally am with you on how exhausting lonely this journey can be. Truly truly. I resonate with the Pleiadians as well, since they are most known for their heart-centered empathetic nature. Intuitively I'm feeling from you you  fiery energy and perhaps that's why you resonate with dragons. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I'm sensing. Like the ability to go to the depths and ride powerful emotions all the way down until they are transformed and healed? 

I'd love to hear about your experiences in remote viewing! Was lucid dreaming something you had to practice? 

I really appreciate your love for building and fixing things! And wow! An aviation mechanic! I have traveled on many planes in my life and I so appreciate everything and everyone who was a part of helping me get from point A to point B safely. I'd love to hear more about your experience... that's so next-level! You are helping so many people travel safe and sound and reunite with family and loved ones. I love how we are all a part of a greater whole. 

I definitely agree with both parties being grounded and it's also so crucial from my feminine perspective in feeling safe, contained, and relaxed. Trust, safety, integrity, authenticity and emotional intelligence and maturity are so important to me as well. 

I've always been the "special cosmic out of this world" one (lol) in relationships and it just doesn't work because they are just on a lower frequency and will never be able to meet me and connect with me on the level I desire. So, I think it's important that both people are on a similar consciousness level and they both can grow together and be lifting and inspiring one another upwards. 

I finally feel my energy turning lighter and brighter too, especially permanently! I feel there has been irrevocable change and its just going to be an upward spiral from here on out! And yes! We ARE healing the planet. It's so magical and validating to know others are truly out there doing the same. 🤗 ❤️ 


Posted : 30/05/2024 9:40 am
szickert149 reacted
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Thank you so much for your beautiful response. My soul needed to hear that at this time. For the dragons, I'm still not entirely sure. There is definitely a fiery side of me that over time I've turned to use it to speak truth and for protection (I've always felt like a protector) but I have traveled to the dragon realm. I'm no master at astral travel just kind of along for the ride so I have no idea where it actually is lol. The lucid dreaming happened unintentionally seven years ago before I awakened and didn't put two and two together after I found out what it actually was. It just sort of happens a lot but I'm learning to control them more. I used to get sleep paralysis and wasn't able to do anything about it until recently in another lucid dream I was able to fight off whatever negative entity it was. I'm still working on one more certification for aviation maintenance before I go into the field so this is a new journey for me. I've loved planes since I was a child and will be getting my pilot's license next. I'm always studying something it's never ending and at times exhausting on top of being a lone starseed but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love knowledge because it's power and it's time power is used for good. Thank you again for your kind words. It really is wild how synchronous the universe works once you see there are no coincidences. One door closes and another one opens. Feel free to reach out I'd love to chat 🙂  

Posted : 30/05/2024 10:18 am
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I think I am one of the older 1st or 2nd (1.5?) Gen Starseeds here at 64 (& retired 10 years), and I live in the hills above fairly 'conservative' (what was simply 'normal' up until 2000!) northern Nevada, after escaping Newsom's overly locked down California idiocracy in late 2020. My new neighbors are all California escapees, too.

The Title is because it is hard to find other New Age/ New Earth/ Christ Consciousness people to talk with. Those who are Judeo-Christian are often the toughest critics of the Christ (or Cosmic) Consciousness being everywhere and in everything, and that we are going through the time period their "Jesus" (prophet Yeshua ben Joseph) and the Jesuit Bible editors warned us about 2000 years ago.
Everyone in my [tail-end of the Baby Boomer] Generation keeps any psychic 'gifts' secret (like we did our little hidden tattoos!), but I have learned to find people my age who are Psychic, Reiki Masters, can see Angels everywhere, and all sorts of things!  
I figure there is a 50/50 chance of this New Age stuff all being true:  It is true, or not! 
In case it is True, I want to learn all I can about it before it hits us. If it is all CIA Misinformation, then it is all just a good Sci-Fi story that should be a movie.
And with so many changes, unstability everywhere and in everything, and self-serving 'Reptilian' Souls in Human form lurking about, it sure makes it hard to date anyone!  No wonder the birthrate is falling.

My (only child) son, 35, is a starseed that now remembers MANY past and future lives.  He bought me a subscription to Gaia TV a few years ago, and 'Cosmic Disclosure' woke me up, then Delores Cannon blew me away with her talk about Earth splitting into New Earth and Old (evil) Earth with us living through it all instead of waiting for our next reincarnation cycle.  I am curious to observe what that is going to be like.

I hope to meet some of you 3rd and 4th Gen Starseeds in person somewhere, somehow, and maybe there some other singles out there in their 50s and 60s!
I am new here, and here is some of what I have learned elsewhere about the Humanoid E. T.'s:

Taygetans:  (g=j):

For those who want to hear what 'our cousins' the Taygetans from the Pleiades have to tell us 3D Earth Humans, just go to Gosia's 'Cosmic Agency' or Mari Swaruu's 'Swaruu Oficial' YouTube channels, which are done in Spanish and English.
There are over 600 videos between the two of them, letting us know (via the GF-allowed & censored Human technology (Laptops, etc.)) what their life and interstellar travel is like on the Queen's black Ambassadorial ship the Toleka.  The U.S.'s SSP occasionally tries to shoot their ship down, but the Toleka's force field just absorbs the energy and gets stronger (which is excellent technology!). 
They also describe what their advanced society on Taygeta is like: everyone is environmentally conscious, has all the stuff they need and want, a nice large house, a personal spaceship (like we have a car), and everything is Free. Thus there is no crime, except for 'Crimes of the Heart'.  Some consider these more advanced 'Free' human societies 'Us' from the future.

Urmah Felines:
Since the Urmah's Ambassadorial ship the Avyon-1 is in orbit near them, Mari Swaruu, 16, remotely interviews the 3m (10') tall Urmah feline Communications Officer Arisha ("Ari") in a few of her videos, which I found interesting. Mari says the Urmah do not communicate with Earth Humans much at all since the Urmah Felines do not have lips and their growly English is hard to understand! Then typing on a little human laptop with their big paws & claws is difficult.  They also do communicate psychically with some Urmah Starseeds.  The Taygetans also discovered the shared GF's version of Earth's history in their own ship's computers is different than the one in the independent Urmah's ship's computers. They say the Earth's version of their own history is all jumbled and out of order, if not downright false.
The Urmah's technology is some of the most advanced in the 5D universe; they consider themselves the 'Apex Predator' here in our Universe, but also (fortunately!) Vegan (despite being carnivors) and VERY ethical. The Urmah are members of the GF, but (like most cats) do not obey the GF much. 
The Galactic Federation apparently was originally formed to fight the self-serving and colonizing Draco reptilians from the Orion System from taking over other planets and destroying peoples and planets, but 700-800,000 years later has corrupt and mind-controlled factions from Orion (such as the one that assists the Earth's Cabal and thus our forced suppression of the 'working class' and a life of 'duality') and thus their ethics are much lower.
"As Above, So Below. As Below, so Above".  The GF believing that the Earth Humans asked for all this suppression, torture, and the daily struggle to simply survive (keep a roof over their head, feed their family, stay well, stay warm, etc.) on top of finding out their own Federal government is trying to enslave, poison, and kill them all off by all means available along with the children and Mother Earth is one example of outside mind control factors at work on naive GF members. Only the Lucifarian Draco forces would want that constant torture of other living beings and the fears it produces.

Ari says their Urmah tech could shut down all the nukes on Earth and the whole Cabal in hours, but if they did that, then THEY would be considered the 'Invaders' and bad. ...However, If the 'positive' Earth human's Leaders invite them to do it (and do not shoot at them!), that is another story. 

So if you know how to Astral Travel and/or Communicate with the Taygetens or Urmahs, and all that they have told us seems true, let them know (as our Representative) that they have the Earth Human's permission to end the evil, human trafficking, unnecessary wars, dictatorships, and human suppression on Earth! 
...And to share their Zero-Point 'Free' (non-polluting) energy technology that we were supposed to get 100 years ago from Nikola Tesla and then others after him (whom all mysteriously died or disappeared). Our whole world would be different & better now if that had happened: = Minimal pollution, No wars over oil & gas, free energy.  The FBI & Military SSP hiding and developing it since the late 1940's for their own use is HUGE Crime Against Humanity. Ditto with hiding the MedBeds.

We sure live in interesting times.


-Susan J.,
Reno, NV

Posted : 11/06/2024 3:31 am
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My parents gave me Diane, my fans gave me Ocean. I'll answer to either but feel closer to Ocean. I'm  66 earth years, still amazing to me! I've had opportunities to opt out, but want to get er done as much as possible this time. When I leave I want it to be because I'm  really finished. I was pressured into a marriage of 7 years and after escaping , decided not to settle down again for awhile. I've been working on healing enough to find someone I could feel comfortable with, and I'm told love is on the way! I'm  open to that. Companionship and a friend is good too! Trying to date from the public pool has been so disheartening because I can't really share myself without letting them know I'm  not really a local girl but a cosmic being! That's  too much for most people.I am a clarvoyant shamanic starseed medium, and sooner or later I'll be doing some "wierd stuff" and get caught. Talking to dead folks, guides, angels, elementals or galactics etc., mediating weather, manifesting stuff, you know, like we do. Talking about my NDE, and acting as if I know the answers to questions most people are uncomfortable asking, because I have experience. Leaving presents for the local sasquatch,.speaking light language, you never know what's next!

I have some issues that require me using a walker, I'm working on not needing that. More later.

Posted : 11/06/2024 4:15 am
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Hi!! I’m David, 30 y/o but most people think I’m a lot younger 😅. I’m from Melbourne, Australia. My initial but brief spiritual awakening occurred in 2012 when I was fresh out of highschool and all of a sudden, I had this massive rush of information download into my one weekend, which culminated in me seeing a man morph into a green, scaly monster looking thing (that’s what I thought at the time) on a bus when I looked him in the eyes! Safe to say, my mum thought I was going crazy and put me in a horrific psych ward two weeks later, and I was there for a month, until I was plucked out of it by a psychiatrist and taken to a private clinic for a further 3.5 weeks. They basically drugged me and numbed me so much that I lost all my abilities, and had to kinda relearn how to even function as a human again, but I did it, even got a uni degree, then in 2020 I had a much more gradual spiritual awakening and I’ve been evolving ever since! I’m as grounded and healthy as I’ve ever been right now, and I would love to meet some beautiful people here in Melbourne hopefully!

I’m very passionate about gardening and permaculture, as well as body health and spiritual cleanliness, and I love watching humans perform amazing feats of sports and other things, and I love to participate in these too! I’m a high-level tennis player who is currently rehabbing from a shoulder reco and I hope to be back on the court soon! I’m also a rapper/producer and I’m about to release my debut LP, with songs all about my time in 2012; it’s been a beautiful transmutation journey for me to release this body of work. 

I’m honestly open to whatever the universe has in store for me r.e a partner, but initially I’d just love to hang out and get to know each other 🙏



Share your cosmic name or the one that resonates with your spirit.

  • Age: Let us know how many trips around the sun you've taken on your cosmic journey.
  • Location: Where in the universe are you currently living?
  • Origin: Tell us where your cosmic journey began—your earthly or cosmic roots.
  • Cosmic Interests: What passions and pursuits light up your soul?
  • Soul's Joy: What hobbies or activities make your soul dance with joy and radiate positive vibes?
  • Seeking in a Partner: Describe the cosmic qualities you're seeking in a partner. What aligns with your cosmic frequency?
 45B3CFBD 9C7E 4796 BA63 6E8211DECE94
Posted : 01/07/2024 1:38 am
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  • Hey David! Although I’m in this group chat I’ve found an amazing partner since joining.. you sound so fascinating, would love to continue this conversation further and get to know you on a friendship level!! tell me more about your passions for music, what kind of music do you make? 
Posted : 01/07/2024 4:57 am
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@justinsellers82 Hi Justin! I wanted to shout out that I liked your answer for seeking a partner… anyone who’s into EA. Yup, I was just thinking to myself, how will I find a partner that can resonate with much of this information or at least accept that I do?

I’ll be in Boulder, via flight into Denver, on Friday Sept 27 to Oct 1st, for a weekend event at Gaia ( in Louisville, CO). It would be cool to meet-up for a bite/drink in case that’s your neighborhood. I’m from Montreal, Canada and just updated my avatar photo to one taken today while out paddling and LOVING nature! Cheers, Justine ☺️

Posted : 30/07/2024 9:48 pm
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Hey Justine,

Cute name. I can't quite pin it down, but for some reason, I'm quite fond of it! 😉

I live up in the mountains west of Louisville, CO. If you have a free day or can make one, September is the best time of year in the Colorado mountains—exquisite! You won't regret it, I assure you.

I'm not sure if I'll be around that weekend or not. As of now, my life is in shambles with a ton of moving pieces. Mind you, the voluntary, fun kind of shambles—like playing 52-card pickup as a kid—not the surprise, sad chaos type of shambles.. Nonetheless, I'll have a better idea as we get closer to September.

Do let me know & If you can figure out a private chat function send me a message. I can't seem to get anything to work. If not, it seems we will just have to hijack this forum, likely starting a party in Colorado in September. These things happen from time to time...

Posted : 02/08/2024 4:03 pm
Justine reacted
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@justinsellers82 see Private Message under Forum tab

Posted : 26/08/2024 6:25 pm
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@justinsellers82 All the best to you Justin! I won’t have a chance to meet-up later this month. Cheers!

Posted : 08/09/2024 12:13 am
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