In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the concept of World War III and its connection to a hidden battle between the shadow government, humanity, and the Galactic Federation. They explore the idea that the enemy in this war is largely unknown and manipulate us because of our lack of awareness. Elizabeth April expresses frustration at the lack of understanding of the enemy and emphasizes the importance of awakening and being vigilant. They also touch on the idea of a new Earth where power is shared and the darkness is eradicated. Elizabeth April concludes by stating that while the war has already been won on a higher level, there is still a need for awareness and discernment in the ongoing battle.
Who is Winning World War 3?
- September 2023
- 91
- 2499
Thank You EA you kept it Upbeat !!
The Dark Side is On the Run !! Victory is Ours !!
Keep Up the Great Work Fellow EAer’s 11
Thank you Elizabeth!
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️
We call it “Sunday”…. We’re all in sweats, no make up, watching football. 🙂 iThe only enemy is fear. The only winner is peace. ( me and my soap box). What an incredible source of knowledge you are, EA. Thank you, as always. I’m so with you about needing to know who we are fighting.. it’s been a struggle. I can use my discernment But until we know who the bad guys are, how can we fight? . Which of our tools will work or not! ? When we did the Maui meditation, it was the first time ever that I knew what to do, and that’s bc I was piggy. Backed in by EA .
I loved that meditation!. It made me feel like I could contribute in a what felt like a helpless position. I’m very curious to know what those extremely large entities were that she didn’t recognize. 🤔
Thank you for joining the meditation ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing!! ❤️❤️
Much ❤️ to you EA. Thank you for your wonderful work. Wishing Everyone an enjoyable week 😉
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
Stargate SG-1 told us so much.
ALSO, are prince harry and his brother also reptilian? Because they are family of other reptilians, do they make a decision at some point to also sign an agreement with a reptilian shop so they all are reps, within the royal family? When does that happen? At what age? Omg I need to know more details about this! So interesting. I have already watched all other videos on reps from EA. I know she had said that megan was there to help continue what prince Diana started but just curious about my above question still
Thank you for your questions!
I’m also curious how they’re are a general population(non famous, non celebrity etc) of humans inhabited by reptilians. How would they get a human to agree to sign that contract without the promise of being rich an famous etc? Or maybe they do promise that and it just doesn’t happen?
Also I would love to EA to more accurately tune into how many purple on the general population are reptilians, walking among us. And more tips on how to visualize them! And at their true selves. Also do they notice that we can see their reptilian-ness if we end up getting a glimpse of them?
Great questions! Like the woman on the plane. What was the flight attendants story? How did he become a shapeshifter? I’m sure the next video on discernment will help us a lot. I could use it in all aspects of being a human! 🙏😫❤️
Interesting! 🤔
Thank you EA as always youve goven us some things to really think about. You are right, the enemy we battle is not one we can see or touch or label… it is an ideology, a way of being. We battle the enemy within both within ourselves individually and the odeological enemy that percades our world society! We battle ignorance , animosity, segregation and the need to swpwrate, dominate and control. The battle is on the plane of our inner most self… each time we say no more, I’m not going to give into the need to judge others harshly, to place blame rather than responsibly accept our part and to force our ideals and beliefs on others we win anohter battle in this war! The goal is unity not eradication of negativity, to bring ourselves into balance and co-operatove exist3nce with Earth Mother and each other. We are winning this battle with the change of every heart and mind that comes to this realization which is the growth and maturity of ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually as individual and collective whole! Remember the dark is also the light and the light is dark, they are one as is the creator/ALL! The creator favors neither light nor dark, good nor evil thay are all one thing as are we all!
I love you all and everything that is for it is a part of myself and i part of it ALL.
You are me and i am you
Together makes we
We are All
All are we
We are all One
Just some food for thought!
Much love and highest blessings!
Mya R.
We greatly appreciate your love and support ❤️✨🙏
Thank you for your comment!! ❤️❤️
No sound:(
Please open the link to the video in the Incognito browser!
i’m really curious about the true nature of Donald trump, and Elon musk.
According to the Unifyd people I think Elon is one of them. If I remember correctly from a video I recently watched. But please look into that for a more accurate answer
Elizabeth has channeled that Trump is a lightworker, and my intuition tells me the same.
In 2021, Lorie Ladd said that she believes Trump is a lightworker also.
If I remember correctly, EA couldn’t get a read on Elon. He had too much protection around him. That says a lot right there. Seems he’s ushering us into this new world of AI and fighting for our right to free speech. Maybe he wants us to feel we have a little control before the world of AI takes it back. :-/
one friend of my he read on e.m he is is from the orion complex thats says onough?
Please check EA’s video regarding Donald Trump:
Thank you EA🙏
Precious being
Love and light sent to all♥️☀️
Love and light 😊❤️✨
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️✨
For me I would have to say the awakening started in the late 40s to early 50s after the events of Roswell. It probably did get a big kick of momentum in the 60s.
You got this! 🙌🙌
Hi! Also, can’t access the video at the moment… hopefully just a temporary snag in the site!
Please try again and open the link in the incognito browser. Feel free to chat us in the website if you still encounter the same issue😊❤️
Try to refresh your window. It works perfectly fine with me.
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
Video is not downloading….
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Great Rants, LOL. I don’t know if this makes me old school or 3D
thinking but I have the opinion that there has to be Light and Dark,
balance in the universe and if there wasn’t there would be no
growth or lessons learned. also when humanity does Awaken what
does that look like? Structured like society now back to a more tribal
community. Thank you, always interesting.
Thank you for your opinion❤️
Thank you for watching!! ❤️
For me there is no video…weird
Please try to open the link in the Incognito browser.
The Age of Barbarianism is Over. There will not be another WW nor Armageddon. We our living in unprophesied Times, Let Us Claim 🕉 🕊 🌎 & Shall it Manifest.
Definitely check out this movie called they live, came out in 1988 I think
I don’t think I watched it. I’ll try to find it and check it out 👍
I watched it years ago. Will rewatch again soon. Thanks for the reminder!
I’ll check it out. Thank you for sharing!😊
Great video ea.good morning hope everyone has a wonderful day
Glad you enjoyed it❤️
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️❤️