In this video, the YouTuber discusses her experience tapping into the Galactic Federation and answers questions about their origins and operations. She also talks about the effects of solar flares on humanity, the existence of cryptids, and the current state of the shadow government. She provides insights into their plans and emphasizes the importance of focusing on the reality we want to create.
June 2023 GFL Summit
Artemis was the oldest twin born to Zeus and Leto. The ancients believed that as soon as she was born, she assisted her mother in bringing her brother, Apollo, into the world. This story gave her a position as a goddess of childbirth. Yet, Artemis’ most prominent characterization was as a virginal goddess.
This meeting was life changing!!
I love when synchronization happens and the awareness of the wow , holy shit…moment I jus lt had putting all that last comment together
😊😊 glad I finally got to listen to this and such good News .It feels like I just took off a heavy coat of energy that was weighing me down ..It has taken alot of energy out of me to move through the worrying of the huge solar flash event. And I just felt or experienced a fast forward view of a white bright lighted path that spoke to me as ” not to worry , you can stop now and souly focus on the amazing love and light I create in my reality on a daily basis and just let go of any energy block I created from it …..and yes omg I have been doing cord cutting and just the last 3 years I’ve really worked out and worked through clearing it.. now I feel like I can just love and live and be the server f humanity that makes me feel so much gratitude …and about 3 weeks ago I had a full day of just huge so much love for everyone and everything I saw that day. I felt elated sun up to sun down and just wanted to tell everyone I saw how much I loved them even strangers and I wantedto speak to people ii never would have..and I’m usually half in half out..with wanting to feel great but always duality Is there ..thjs day felt all love . It was wild.. I do white light every morning and it’ doesn’t work all yhe time . Bt ut yea wow
Thank you so much for your comment!! ❤️❤️
Keep it up🥰
Wow. Amazing. Thank you. <3
i would have been convinced that they would be no solar flash because that would collapse our civilization and the fear factor thus the low vibration would be multiplied by 10 and lead us to a mad max culture with tribes fighting in regions or states.
Thank you for your comment!🙌
I love episode six 2023! So, so good.
Strange note: Artemis, not only an ancient Greek Goddess, but also the name of the current NASA mission to return humans to the moon, with the promise of a woman on board…
Damn that was juicy!!! Thank you! Feeling elevated and activated!
Juicy for sure. Like a bunch of grapes eaten right off the vine.
Why don’t we get a fast forward any more
We need to go through to the peocess for the experience and the lesson.
Great I finally got down to watch this and awesome info, I guess we are in a solar cycle that is very intense right now so hearing it also from the GFL it looks that way. and great they are holding it back right now. that thing about distractions and changing habits omg, trying to get back into shape and I have been thinking of what can I do to change how I do things habits to get out of. and hearing advice helps a great deal thank you!. and about the WHO, I feel my PM and the gov does not have our best interest in mind I think Canada is doing the same with the pandemic treaty, I believe our governing bodies have reptilians in them. oh and Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, the wilderness,, animals, nature, vegetation, childbirth and care of children, had to add that lol.. this is great information look forward to the next GFL.
Thank you for your comment!! ❤️
Glad you are here! See you at the next GFL🙌
Parts of that especially the last half blew my mind. And that doesn’t happen to often!! Thank you.
Dear Elizabeth,
I’m so happy that the explanation to my question on “When and how the GFL was founded” became a bit of a foundation, for some of the other questions and answers in this GFL Meeting 🤗
Glad to know you are totally happy. See you at the next GFL🙏❤️
Yes 💖
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
Thank you, for you too a happy day 💞