In this video, Elizabeth April leads a guided meditation and group energy work to address the recent devastation in Maui, Hawaii. The intention is to raise the frequency, activate portals, and aid in the crossing over of lost souls. The meditation also focuses on awakening humanity to the battles happening on Earth and the need for active participation. Elizabeth April emphasizes the collective effort and invites viewers to join in the energetic work, whether watching live or in the future. The intention is to heal and protect Maui, activate portals globally, and accelerate the collective awakening to the highest vibration.
Yes! This was EVERYTHING! OMG it felt so good working together and Elizabeth stop saying your nit a good meditation guide.Your wonderful and the way you were able to give the inside scoop what was happening IRL it was so exciting! If i was a video gamer I’d say it was better then gaming!! This felt soo good. I would love to do this MONTHLY or more often in anyway possible, for Whatever or Wherever needs it most in the world at that time. ♥ ♥ ♥ Such an awsome learning experience.
🧘♀️( Again! , Again! , Again! )🧘♂️
It was epic and intense. I was live in the other side of the planet, in Brazil. I felt the chills, the electricity and the sweet and heavy emotions of the lightwork, and I am so grateful and blessed to be a part of this beautiful community. You are a great commander @Elizabethapril and I am proud to fight this fight with you and all the starseeds that volunteered to be in your love army. Thanks everyone.
Love this!! 😍😍
In your words that was EPIC! Like you said, time didn’t exist, I did it. Few hours later and I know I was there even though I’m barely at all awake, but it was life changing for me. It ignited what a fighting spirit really is. I saw my higher self look down at me, with huge sword in her hands. And I knew we’d be victorious. You are an amazing beautiful soul, so THANKFUL for you. Sooooooo thankful ♥️♥️♥️♥️😭😭😭 tears of joy/inner peace . thank you
You got this! 😍
Wowzers! Hi all👋🏼that was some intense shit! I didn’t make the live but oh boy is this still active! The singing! Omg! That made my heart soar! I seen the plants reissuing. That was so powerful. I Am still on a high. I imagined us all enveloping Maui with our hands together in a circle. Than the whole planet. My portal was Maui, then I went to a portal by my house. Tears of gratitude flowed. Tears that those babies & their mamas & daddies & grandmas & grandpas & aunties & cousins all made it home safe. Tears for ALL that we may overcome this. Strength & love to all you light workers! I helped get one of those big shadowy dudes. I lassoed him with my golden rope of light! I know y’all did this yesterday, but somehow time ⏰isn’t an issue. please💦🌀❤️heal the waters everyone! The elementals love us soooooo much, but they need our help too! That was so awesome! Thank you EA! You freakin rock! This group freakin rocks! 🙏❤️✌️😇
Sending love and light!! ❤️✨
It was so emotional and empowering. When you said you want us to leave our bodies my dragon came and I hopped on her back😊 I am a dragon worrior 🐉 💓 The whole meditations was so powerful. 🙏✨🌈💓Thank you
Thank you for inviting me to this meditation! I cannot believe it that I pull out heart energy from Mount Shasta! And send it to Maui ! I was just wondering if the chief priest Telus knew about this?
Thank you so much for being here!! ❤️❤️
I was there live on YouTube it was outstandingly powerful & beautiful. So grateful to be a part. Thank you so much for joiningus together. I don’t any family or friends I’m able to openly talk to about these agendas and my purpose …. My husband will sometimes listen and not disagree but it’s too much for him he hasn’t moved forward yet. Synchronicity is very recently led me to you all, and I feel like I have finally found my tribe. Love to all💜
Thank you so much for being here❤️✨
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
It was 12.55 am (my time) when we started meditation, I had shivers (electricity like) all over my body during meditation, shortly after we finished meditation I slept and that night some dark entities visited me, I don’t know who they were, but I shouted “go away, you are not welcomed here and I’m protected”, I felt them so well, I woke up around 4 or 5 knowing that it just occured, I continued my sleep. I know that I’m protected and I love to be a part of this powerful support to Hawaii. Thank you, I love this meditation ❤️
Thank you so much for joining the meditations. A lot of participants reported that they were visited by dark entities too! Sending love and light ✨❤️
Sending love and light!! ❤️✨
I attended live, it was epic! I now have a better understanding about myself and my role here, this time around. Why have I always been a fierce, outspoken person who is intolerant to injury and injustice? I am a warrior for the light. It gives me so much comfort to understand that now. Much love to my fellow light warriors and EA for leading the charge. There is so much more to do. I am ready.💕
You got this!! ❤️
Mahalo AE for such a beautiful guidance meditation for Healing Maui. I encourage everyone to continue to do so, Halea’akala crater is the sacred portal, lets protect it, keep it open and surround it with light in order to lift up the frequency for the Hawaiian people. Maui Strong ~ Aloha
Love this!! 😍😍
I was there right before the fire and I was guided out by a being – didn’t know why . Cancelled my appt and got out. 40 min later the whole town was on fire.
I felt bad vibe in Lahaina for years ( I live in Kihei to the south). It’s upsetting that they say in the news there were only 115 victims. There were much much more. Despite what happened people are coming together and cheering each other up. We pray together and we help each other. The culture must be preserved and practiced!!!!
The energy work was amazing! I kept seeing everything a few seconds before you said it – it was powerful and touching!!
Close call! I Am so you were guided out & are safe. Maybe the bad vibe @ Lāhainā was those big dudes? I also was getting the knowing a few seconds before EA would say it. Blessings & love ❤️ to you.
Prayer for Maui🙏🙏
Sending love to you! ❤️
Thank you for this meditation, It was so beautiful and sad at the same time. Last night just before the live meditation started, we experienced a total blackout at 00:00hrs just as EA was saying that its normal to have technical issues and glitches!
They are desperate 😊🙏
I was not able to attend live, but I was feeling called to watch today. Wow. It does not matter if you watch this afterwards, the power and love is still there. I saw myself with two giant balls of white light energy emanating from my hands and I could throw them while battling the dark entities. My hands were SO warm during this meditation.
I had full body chills throughout, and felt so emotional when the father/leader of the community was guiding others into the light with his son. I feel so grateful for EA and this community of bad ass white light warriors xoxo <3 I am activated!
Like what EA said, it doesn’t matter if you watch it afterwards. You can still help 🥰✨
From the other side of the Earth I woke up Ad exact the right time too join
this special epic event. I coulant feel the light and I spread starseeds over Hawaï.
The portal in Glastonbury GB was open, I have been there this Year in juli after 10 Hearst
Now I know why. . Thank you Soo mutch Elisabeth for Youri
courage too do this
Work for humanitaire. Love you and see you and haar you. Love from the netherlands
Thank you so much 🥰
Thank you Elizabeth for that amazing healing battle and meditation. I did it live and I just finished doing it again with the replay. Doing it again was just as moving and powerful as doing it the first time live with everyone! I am so inspired by
your great love and work to fight for all of us and to heal the world. Hence forth, you can count on me to fight with you, to support you as best I can, and to raise my vibration to its highest possible level. I intend to do this meditation again everyday for at least the next two weeks. Thank you Elizabeth, my fellow humans, the Ascended Masters, the Angels and Arch Angels, our Souls, The Galactic Federation, The Benevolent ETs, Gaia and CREATOR!!!!
Thank you so much ❤️✨
That’s wonderful!!Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
I was so happy to catch it right at 3pm! There even after EA stopped the feed & the amazing support of our soultribe just kept flooding in. So ✌️ much love & healing for Maui. ☆☆☆ ✨️ I was right there with everyone fighting the celestial level battle. That was truely an Epic experience. I laughed & cried. It was very spiritual & healing. I was in HI on x5 diff Islands right after my dad passed away when I was 11yr. I went with my dance group of girls. I envisioned all if the placed I have been… flying around with my newly sprouted rainbow 🌈 wings *… planting seeds of native varieties everywhere. Then as I was pulsing rainbow blasts of energy from my head through my hands ✋️ into the water 💧 @ that exact moment EA said she saw someone sending energy blasts into the island 🏝. I hope many of us were doing the healing at the same time to increase our effects of raising the vibration of the island. ☆ I also envisioned harnessing my grounded cord to channel the healing & magic of Gaia & her wounderful Mycelium Network! Using the fungus to both heal her & used as a repellant to the x4 bad actors” that were lowering Mauis vibration intentionally.
I noticed that my weapon that came to me was a glowing ✨️ iridescent katana! And I had my hand as my shield.
For a moment I had to open my eyes because they were so filled up with tears of healing & joy.
Then instantly my 9yr old handed me my new black kitten, Ebony. She purred me back into the meditation 🧘♀️ ✨️.
That’s when EA had us go back to source energy to refuel! Part if my issue is that I’m always so drained in every way. I will forever remember this experience. And take with me the knowledge to go back to source for a refuel now & then! We 🌙 should all try to remember to self help/ heal. 💚🌍💙🚀🌌👽💜🌈🐈⬛✌️
Thank you so much for joining the meditation❤️
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
This needs to be shared with as many people as possible, and I will do my part.
We greatly appreciate that 😊❤️
Badass of the first order.
This was epic. I cried so much and I’m so drained but also feeling relief that we made a difference in such a small amount of time. We are all so powerful! I love these meditation “battles”
Thanks for guiding us EA
I had a cry for innocents this morn have let it go now but am furious with this blatent attack on hummity and praying for composure and peace but im not forgetting firm boundaries against this blatent murder. Or the spellcheck abusers on Gods presence. I pray they change thier ways or be disolved in love light of the creator.
Thank you so much for being here!! ❤️❤️