In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the tumultuous and uncertain times we are currently living in as a collective. They emphasize the importance of approaching information from the Galactic Federation and other sources with a grain of salt, as things are constantly changing. Elizabeth April also talks about the need to focus on personal growth and alignment with the highest vibration in order to navigate the challenges ahead. They discuss the concept of revisiting timelines and quantum healing, as well as the importance of belief and focus in shaping our reality. Elizabeth April also touches on the agendas of the elites and the Galactic Federation and provides insights on how to navigate these agendas. Overall, the video provides guidance on staying empowered and conscious in the face of uncertainty.
Galactic Federation 2021 Episode 01
- January 2021
- 3
- 185
Listening to this in April 2023, interesting that the way I now fight is so different to 2020. The boxing gloves are off, my heart has expanded to a more compassionate space towards those that live in such fear they are compelled to suppress and control. The warrior is still within but is much transformed.
You got this!! Thank you for sharing! 🙌🙌
Sounds good❤️✨🙌