In this video, EA uncovers secrets about Kate Middleton, NASA, CERN, hidden agendas, potential cloning, and tethering souls to clone bodies. Discover the patterns, narratives, and predictive programming shaping our current reality. Get ready to expand your knowledge and perspective!!
Who needs Sci-fi anymore!? This was AMAZING! Wow. Wow. Wow. The Kate thing had me in full body chills over and over, and then in tears as well. OMG! I’m not even typically that emotional but this was SO POWERFUL! I think all of us, especially parents, can connect with that reality of getting to see our children again. I can’t even imagine. Blessings to Kate and White Light Source protection for her all the way!
Thank-you so much to you EA! Wow! I am so filled with Joy and Love for this situation. I will for sure be keeping KM in my prayers. Thank-you for what you do! May we all begin to walk bodly in our ever-unlocking DNA. XOXO Thank-you for modelling this path to us. So incredibly grateful to be a part of this community.
Glad you liked it🙏
My mind is blown. WTF. Incredible! And we were here to witness something that has never happened to a Soul. Looking forward to hearing more. Thank you Elizabeth. I have so many questions.
You can post your questions in the community forum:
You got me crying too girl, wow. I wasn’t sure about what you did until the emotions got strong. To be followed
Wow, that was some intense information. I’ll be praying for Kate to bring the house down. It is her time. Thank you for sharing all the information.
Thank you for watching ❤️
Hi Elizabeth, why am I not able to watch the full video as a seeker member? I tried a few times and it stops after a few minutes.
Kindly open the video in a different browser like incognito browser or refresh your page and clear the cache.
I also had that happen, and then I realized I had not signed in to my account
Wow… I’m blown away with this vid, thanks EA, you’re unbelievable!
The GF took over Cern 2 years ago.
OMG that was so wild! I have been watching your videos since 2020 and I love all of your content, EA but that just blew my mind! If this works with Kate, this has to become a movie one day!! I pray that she blows the whistle 🙏
You are so awesome, Elizabeth!! I wish I could get to LA to meet you.
Yay!!! Thank you so much for supporting EA🥰
The vortex/crisscross of the 2 eclipses was right over Chesterfield, MO where Pfizer has their new R&D VAXX complex. I hope that the plant gets closed!
so grateful to you EA! i am MIND BLOWN! you are amazing i love u
Thank you ❤️❤️
OH.MY. FUCKING. GOD. by far my favorite video ever!! I could watch this kind of video all day. I love this! Thank you for helping Kate!! Got so excited I needed to comment before I even finished watching the whole video 😀 You are amazing EA!!!
Thank you ❤️❤️
I’m so grateful to have seen this.
Thank you for taking the Kate thing gingerly
And thank you for taking care of Kate!!!!
That’s so overwhelmingly lovely.
I was so amazed to see you leave it and move to other areas. Such a talent to shift like that. I’d still be bawling 🤣🤷🏼♀️.
I’m happy to hear about timelines splitting. I watched your recent panel video. WOW intense. I have no written language to explain it. Priceless and yet it was shared!!!! Thank you Elizabeth!
Question EA, by helping Kate enter the Clone body. Does this add YOU to Her Life? Karma and all that?
You can also post your questions in EA’s community forum:
this is a fascinating video! I love it! but it just stopped three times around the 52 minute mark. then I can start it again at about minute 50. but it just crashes the site a couple minutes later. I’m going to keep experimenting.
checked the video again. it just stops at 52:03, even though it looks like it’s supposed to be 1 hour and 3 minutes long it just stops, just after her candle relights. are others getting that also?
It stopped around 13 minutes for me, even though I tried about 5 times.
No. You can go back in and watch to the end 😉
Same thing keeps happening for me!
You can also open the video in a different browser like incognito. It helps me when I am having issue watching videos.
What happened to Megan Markle being the white hat and exposing them?
Where do they get the clone consciousness?
Wow i’ve actually heard that Arab man is the anti-Christ and he is exactly who I thought about when the GFL said this!
This call was pretty epic… now my biggest question is.. do her kids know what happened? ( It was said oh, they can’t know it is HER now again..) what is their awareness of the situation? I would LOVE an answer to this… (from EA) <3,
Love, Vienna Ishara (aka. Kat)
I was thinking the same do the kids know that she is dead? and that this is a clone?
Most probably the do not know, they’re still very small to comprehend. If Kate’s clone is in bad shape the children might have been told that mommy is very sick etc.