In this video, EA uncovers secrets about Kate Middleton, NASA, CERN, hidden agendas, potential cloning, and tethering souls to clone bodies. Discover the patterns, narratives, and predictive programming shaping our current reality. Get ready to expand your knowledge and perspective!!
You’re incredible Elizabeth. May you always be protected and taken care of. Thank you for all that you do for Humanity. You are loved. thank you thank you thank you 🤍
Omg this was wild!!! Thank you for sharing everything that you do. I also really appreciate you ending the vid on reminding us of our innate power and strength and to cut cords eat well etc, learning about all this stuff is so exciting and expanding, it can also be overwhelming 😅 but I’m feeling so inspired to keeping learning and getting to know myself and the universe!! Thank you EA ❤️ love you all so much!!
Not worried…appreciating the info. Living in neutrality and acknowledgement is empowering and definitely my current mission that I am modeling for friends and family. Bless you!
Wow – I think I’m speechless for the first time. How incredible to give Kate a gift of reuniting with her kids (as you know, it’s close to home for me)!
Not only that but she could be the whistleblower that would help crumble another broken system. It would be amazing if you did a regular remote reviewing video as part of your membership, as it’s the best video yet.
To witness something so incredible and feel into the emotions with you, is spellbinding. You have such a unique and special gift and this may be just the way you continue with your personal mission covertly – bravo!!
The ripple effect is immense – imagine if you could help others too. We would have to affectionately call you – “the resurrector” 😆🙌
Can’t wait for the update EA 🤞🏼❤️ Much love!
That was amazing especially about Kate. Thank you. I hope Kate realises to take things slowly for a greater success later on.
Do you know where the children are? They haven’t been seen since Christmas publicly. Do they know that their mum has died?
I think it’s important this video is not shared on X, for protection to both you & Kate.
I am speechless at what you can do and did ! You rock! I had tears too when you cried … that is also amazing to know that we are all connected. 5D definitely:)
This is so amazing EA, I feel very grateful to know you.
The most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. Elizabeth, you’re the inspiration of the world.
Keep being you xx
I just wanted to say, Elizabeth, you are a true lightworker. A Light Warrior !! I’m so proud of you and so grateful to be part of this. I love you and this community. I’m so happy that you helped Kate. I’m excited for her. Thank you EA, for every single thing you do for me, this community and for the whole planet. Sending you so much love. XXX
Hello EA. Great job today! You can do the human thing AND celestial things at the same time. Wonderful stuff you did Today.
I appreciate you making this available for us seekers, Elizabeth! Much gratitude!
Loved this, thank you so much EA, as usual, for your time, energy and openness with us. I just had a thought, is there a risk of the Elites finding out about the Kate ‘regeneration’ through this video? (not that I want you to stop sharing all of this with us…!) Thanks so much once again 🙂
He is referred to in the press as “M.B.S”. Just say the letters
YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! I am blown away by your beautiful work and abilities!! Your videos inspire so much to hone in on my own gifts and I thank you for all the years of knowledge you’ve shared with me/us. I’ve been following you since the beginning and your content has only grown any involved as you have. So incredible thank you for sharing this!!!!
Oh God where do I start… So we just witnessed Kate’s resurrection? Sometimes I leave work with some meaningless unresolved issue that gives me anxiety and I can’t sleep.
Eli how did you sleep last night after flipping a huge timeline like a child’s play? This might be the thing that might change or impact humanity I a huge level, according to what you said in your existential crisis video… You just didi it and in the best way: undercover, genius 😲 I need to process this…
Please keep us informed
Wow. The Absolute Best Video Ever. From one mama to another- this had all the feels <3 More like this please!
If you are ever in Connecticut we have at least 10 pizza restaurants in just about every city. Greek style, new York style, brick oven ,deep dish.possibly the best pizza in the country. New Yorkers might disagree with me lol
wooow mindbowing .what a beautyfull thing you did for her thanks to a member .and as an empath that i am i felt the energie and was crying to
tis is the new earth babe woooow amazing
This is probably the best video I have ever seen from you! I also had to cry!!! Please more if this Content!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Watch the series “Upload”. That’s basically what they are doing there 🙂