In this video, EA uncovers secrets about Kate Middleton, NASA, CERN, hidden agendas, potential cloning, and tethering souls to clone bodies. Discover the patterns, narratives, and predictive programming shaping our current reality. Get ready to expand your knowledge and perspective!!
Full body chills through out the whole video. Especially with Kate – I couldn’t help but think, about the synchronicties of it all! Like everything that played out, from the first time you covered this to now. It was ALL suppose to happen like this. It was ALL perfectly ✨Aligned✨ & you were the perfect person to help with this bigger picture at play EA!
As a Māori woman who has a child that is Māori and Aboriginal. I’ve always hoped that this institute was exposed – just because of the control/influence it has had over all indigineous communities! . So this felt beautifully aligned. This gives us hope, I am sending Kate so much love, support & protection to get her to where she needs to be & give her that 2nd chance at making things right. Ahhhh just feeling all the feels.
Thank you so much EA, for being brave enough to cover this information! For awakening us to the truth and for being the guide to so many of us. Your videos truly do help everyone who comes across them, including the ones who pushback. I’m sending you and your fam so much love, support and protection.
Ngā Mihi/ Thank You, Thank You! 🤎🤎
Holy Smoley, this was is totally fantastic. I feel so privileged to be a listening part of this. Day after day, week after week, these fabulously expansive things are coming to me and helping me in told and untold ways! Thank you so much. Love ‘n Light best & cheers, L
I love this EA, this was beautiful. You are beautiful. Grateful for you. Grateful for Kate.
I remember you saying about the Arab prince who’s taking Queen Elizabeth’s place. I worked in Dubai for 3 years and had the royal Saudi family all the time checking in the hotel I worked at and let me say that the power they have it’s just beyond belief. Also, they have crazy parties with prostitutites and ladies from all over the world. The problem is that UAE and Saudi have so much power and it’s so closed knit that I truly believe this is so much worse that the royals from England. 🤦🏻♀️
What can I even say? You are just a fantastic soul EA, and the work you’ve done here and will continue to do is part of what will bring about the new age of enlightenment! I’m so invested in Princess Kate’s storyline, and I sincerely hope she protects her children. I definitely have a strong inkling she’ll succeed at her mission though, and in the most unexpected of ways! Please be safe, and keep doing this amazing work.
Thank you so much for sharing such a rescue of Kate with us.
Let’s hold our high vibrations and jump into an amazing timeline of love, kindness, and compassion for all.
The One Who Is Everything is at the helm. Do not disregard the Source within. All fear was transmuted to love during the eclipse. Thank you to all that helped! 💞 We are doing it! As long as we allow our own will disappear to the will of Creator and get out of our own way, we will have heaven on Earth. 🙏 With unconditional love, ♾️
I was blessed to be live as this unfolded on the zoom call and it was extremely powerful.
Thank you so much for this. WOW!
I’m hoping Kate will be able to control her clone body and I am also hoping she can go visit Meghan and Harry. They got away. Her letting them know what exactly happened to her and having those three unite? That would be phenomenal.
I believe Harry is planning a visit on his own, without kids and Meghan, that might be a good time for her to talk to him. I’m just sending out the energy of the most benevolent outcome and sending all my light to her she is a warrior and in battle now.
As always, much love to you sweet warrior EA! Love ya! You rock
WOW 😯 I don’t know… I’m just going to try and process all this, so happy i have my 16 daughter who will listen to me when I share all the information Elizabeth is giving 🤦 I don’t feel so crazy 🥴 just fascinating ✨
As for the junk food, YES I have been eating a lot of heavy hearty meals and definitely craving sugar these last few weeks just awful but I’m getting ready to start a water fast to clean out my system and reset new intentions 💛
1. so we already know two double agents (Tay Swift and Kate Middleton) positioned and waiting to bring down the shadow government
soo awesome
or who else do you know about?
2. and thats so cool too, that cern wanted to create fear, but they bought into that energy
they got into fear – lol
thats so freakin’ funny
Wow I have been so preoccupied with Kate. I knew they did something and was looking for proof that they did not. You have proved they did. Please check in on her that she is ok in that “skin” and that she services this. Thank you for all your knowledge. In love and light I send you blessings.
wow, is all I can say. It all makes sense, lets SEE what happens.
as always, THANKYOU EA
I have been following you since my awakening in 2020 and I am very grateful for all your work. You helped me immensely throughout my journey. Thank you 🙏🏼 Sending lots of love ❤️✨
Loved all of this and wanted to raise my hand for also just craving all of the junk food and sugar!! I’ve been eating so clean and healthy for a while now and all of a sudden the last week or 2 I just want junk and sugar 😐
Wow I feel like I just watched a movie! i was on the edge of my seat! Damn go team earth 🌏! Team love! Team Christ Consciousness… heck yeah! Jesus said “GREATER MIRACLES YOU WILL DO THAN I” my goodness if this doesn’t rival some of his miracles 🤯
Girl power will be the demise of all mainstream religions! And you know what?! They know it, that’s why all religions so ardently oppose females in power! Because they know that women in power will always chose love ❤️
As a Man, you women are my heros 🙏 I’m not afraid of your wrath I’m afraid of your love and how it can be so beautiful it will destroy my ego… the ego is the name of the demon that lives in all of us 🥰
Sign me up for this fight… I will not go down in history as the soul that stood timid and idle and watched others rescue me from my own ego and darkness.
In the end it really isn’t a fight but a dance 💃🏻 out-maneuvering the enemy who has far more resources, technology, and weapons… but this battle isn’t fought in the 3D its fought in the 4D where the playing field is leveled 🧘🥰
Remote Viewers! 💪 ASSEMBLE! 🫡
That was probably the most amazing video you’ve ever done
If the body is unstable, then if you attach the soul now, would this allow the opportunity for Kate to be “in charge”? Can you also have a helper soul assist her? Like Diana? Whether in the body or through the astral realm? Maybe Diana could use the astral realm to get to Edward so that she can help turn him to the light? This would allow the royal line to turn to the light and create a new earth energy to move forward?
Kate Middleton’s reinCLONEation! 🤯🫨🤯🫨 I’m here for it!!
I live near CERN, yesterday (Apr 8 at 8am CET) saw that we are headed into the gentler timeline.
Wow that was the most powerful thing I’ve ever seen! I got intense goosebumps throughout the whole Kate part and also got super emotional.
Thankyou EA for doing this work and sharing it with us. I really hope Kate continues with the fire and eventually burns it all down! I’m holding that timeline. Thankyou again 💖
And the smile I had watching this was so big that there is hope For Kate makes me so happy. I hope she is comfortable in her skin and succeeds. Let’s see who actually did kill her and who is in charge of her clones, who is behind it?