In this video, EA uncovers secrets about Kate Middleton, NASA, CERN, hidden agendas, potential cloning, and tethering souls to clone bodies. Discover the patterns, narratives, and predictive programming shaping our current reality. Get ready to expand your knowledge and perspective!!
Why wouldnt we want to attach a soul to a different body, healthier body or clone to infiltrate? But her kids…Sheeee I don’t know. This feels out of my wheelhouse but at the same time that could be me putting limitations on what we’re all capable of. I’m torn about this territory. Protective, rather. Like ok if we’re going to do this, send me in first. I’m forever an oldest sibling. lols “It’s fine, just blame me.” lol What are you all feeling?
Something to think about. If you can do this with kate, do not ever talk about another celebrity going through this on youtube. Or anything else about other celebrities. Because you have tapped into something that you may be able to help many of these people reconnect to life as well. And you don’t want the evil people coming after you because you released this info. I get a feeling that we, as demigods, can change this at this new level understanding of consciousness. This won’t be the last one. I think some of your followers and I can be an assistance to this too. Make sure to bring in Kate’s higher self too. Kate will need many higher guides, angels etc to make sure she acts appropriately & strategically to not alarm the other people near her.
I wish I could like peoples comments here. I had to come back to write a message. I was so emotional the whole time you connected to Kate. I have never been a big royal watcher no weddings or funerals a few pretty outfits but I pretty much always thought the way they raised children was cold and that can’t make for stable adults. Mostly spoilt and entitled like Andrew. But just thinking about her made me cry and I have been obsessed. Your information is the only one that resonated even if I think what you just did/ said was bat shit crazy. I hope she makes a full recovery in her new body, can tell her children her secret, expose the institution and all it’s bs! Love to you EA
About revealing information in the right way: EA I believe you are already revealing information from a high vibration. The way you’re saying it is loving and empowering! That’s why I trust you. I often hear other spiritual people tell the same information, but it does sometimes create fear. You’re doing that very lovingly. So thank you! And I also enjoyed all the information in this video, it’s mind-blowing!!!
I encourage anyone getting into underground bases to check out Phil Schneider and listen to his story about being a government contractor and a war that broke out between underground beings and humans in the 70s. He apparently killed himself (heard that lie before right?) but did say that if that happened to him it was a lie. Would make an interesting topic for EA to cover the mysteries of what went on there.
thank you for watching! 😊
This was amazing, I know that I am purging a lot of low vibrational sickness out of me, and also purging our home by downsizing but I know my mom and myself are feeling really exhausted. It doesn’t help that we have been getting attacked by replitians in our home, and sleeping at night is not very peaceful. We have been getting a ton of replitian nightmares and we got invested in our apartment with bedbugs and the replitians and bedbugs stuff is happening at the same time. I just keep telling myself this is all for our higher selves. Thank you for your videos EA, these videos help me feel less alone.
you are not alone
though you gotta stand up for yourself and demand yourself to get rid of them – noone can do it for you, but you are supported in doing so
if need to, find your contracts to them
or your point of views that allow this to show up
Please protect yourself! You are amazing. Knowledge is power. I’m loving fighting back and it working against them for good! Christ consciousness
thank you for watching❤️
Wow wow wow!!! Amazing!! You are such a beautiful soul!!
You were the one helping Kate back 🙏🏼❤️ F**king amazing!!! 🤩❤️🙏🏼
thank you for watching!✨
holy shit this is amazing!!!
Wow EA, amazing about Kate. I have a qu though – have you ever heard of Donald Marshall who talks about elites transferring consciousness into clones in underground bases so they can meet in secret? I’ve always wondered if it were true.
I’ve heard of Donald Marshall! I remember seeing a video about him many years ago, talking about the underground cloning facility and how clones don’t sleep, their consciousness goes back to the cloning facility where all kinds of crazy stuff takes place. Good mention 👍
I have been wondering too if it’s true…. he sounds psychotic though… with all the “I’m the true superstar behind all those famous songs”…
WOW that Kate M reintegration into the physical was so awesome, I always thought that if they cloned Michael Jackson that his soul would get into one of them bodies, cool to know that its possible and hope she manages to complete her mission.
the question to me is now… if they cloned michael jackson, where is the real one? Did the real one die? Or the clones? or is the real one dead but the clones are still alive!? weird..
Wow! This was amazing…I just wish we could all help you with what you do. 🙌🙌🙌
Jsem rada, ze tady je dalsi ceska (slovenska?) hlava ktera Elizabeth pobere 😉💙
Česká 😁 zdravím 🙋♀️.
we are helping her
Wow. This must be the most interesting video ever made 😁 So i have a question. What kind of soul/conciousness do they attach to the clones? Wouldnt it be some kind of reptilian entity taking over the body?
I am a new follower on this channel. I’ve been following you on YouTube for a while. I just have to say ar you are amazing. Thank you for everything you contribute. namaste❤️❤️❤️
Thank you!! 🥰
Wow! That was important work you just did! Amazing! You did a great job. Looking forward to the update with Kate. Are you worried someone will find this out and it can turn quite not good? Find out that it’s now Kate? Or is this website protected from all those bad people?
So grateful I’ve found your website! I love this stuff
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for what you’re doing, Elizabeth! May you be protected <3 seriously, once the clone is let out, I'll watch her with a smirk on my face, knowing the little secret!
I also woke up around 2012-2013! So fascinating. By the way, this video was mind-blowing! I cant believe I witnessed it!!! I would never want to be able to do all of this (remote viewing and stuff) myself, but I def enjoy watching someone else doing it! You are a warrior EA!! ❤️✨😍🚀🥳
thank you for watching!
Instead of tethering her soul if it’s too difficult could it be explained if she crosses over she actually has more power (atleast i beleive so) and could influence and guide the clone that almost seems much easier then tethering, ofc I’m sure the consciousness they gave the clone is very unawakened so maybe it wouldn’t even feel or pick up her energy. I’m also not finished the vid so if u already helped tether her in nvm lol. Maybe a good back up plan tho?
You are amazing Elizabeth. Thank you for all your work. Bless you!
Thank you for your support!
Wow, this video was really good. Already looking forward for the update about Kate.
About the candle 🙂 this happens often when the candle doesn’t burn evenly and the liquid covers the wick. The moment you took it in your hands the liquid dispersed on the sides and it opened the wick helping it “breath” again 🙂 it was still hot enough and the flame started again. I know you all will be dissapointed in this explanation, but not everything is supernatural.
I think science is pretty magical though.
Dear EA, you are amazing! I believe in you🩷 putting protection for yourself🙌
Yay!! Thank you so much!! 😊😊
Thank you 🥰