In this video, EA uncovers secrets about Kate Middleton, NASA, CERN, hidden agendas, potential cloning, and tethering souls to clone bodies. Discover the patterns, narratives, and predictive programming shaping our current reality. Get ready to expand your knowledge and perspective!!
Where do you think that male energy who was originally inhabiting her clone came from? Do you think that could be the consciousness of someone who was sacrificed, or taken out? Matthew Perry popped into my head when you mentioned it was a male energy and I was just curious if something like that could be the deal? I also wonder what will happen or did happen to that energy. So interesting!
thank you for watching!
OMG!!!! What an E.A.-MAZING video! I felt like I was living in a spy movie in real life!! I got full body chills when EA was feeling Kate’s emotion and even my eyes started to water up. I’m sending a lot positive energy to Kate to help her pull this off.
I’ll be very interested in watching for follow ups about Kate from EA in the future. And I’m not one to really follow what happens to celebrities, but I’ll watch for Kate.
Lots of other great info here too. Just reconfirming how the elites are working against themselves and that Love and Light will always win! AWESOME!
Yay!! Thank you so much!! 😊😊
Aren’t you afraid the royals are going to see this video and kill her?
I was worried about that too! Let’s put the energy out there, that they won’t find out.
That’s what I’m wondering too. She went public with this information. She spoke about it in the Charlie ward show and that video is publicly available for anyone to watch. So this information is easily found.
Oh wow! This was so fricking amazing, interesting AND empowering! I am feeling really jazzed and excited and know we will get there collectively! What an awesome video. Thank you EA for everything you do 🙂
Yay!! Thank you so much!! 😊😊
I love watching you for the past couple of years or so. But I am a little confused about Kate’s Middletown situation. You mentioned that she is dead since December, however, you also mentioned that she has not crossed over yet and you were able to attach her consciousness to a clone. So has she actually passed away from this world or not ? Thank you
Her original body was killed in December, but her spirit/consciousness was still in the astral plane because she didn’t want to fully cross over.
Being there live for this groundbreaking, heartswelling and mindblowing experience is something i’ll never forget. We are all a part of something so big and our earth community is smaller and closer than we feel it to be. Love to KM, I hope she makes it through ok. We will support her every step of the way in our limited physical capacity but in our unlimited energetic love capacity. The parasitic bloodlines and feeders are unstable energy that cannot sustain once we are sovereign and in our own divinity. They cannot overcome this fact, which is why they will fail in all their efforts to stop this awakening. We walk away from our shackles and saunter out of our jail cell, flipping off the captors on the way out to the sunshine.
Hands down THE BEST remote viewing video you’ve done. So powerful – YOU are so powerful. Just wow 💖 Be careful lady – and thank you xoxo
Glad you like it!
Will you please look into what her parents think? It’s in the news that Carole and William went to a pub together recently… no Kate. Does Carole know what’s going on!!?
Thank you for sharing this EA. Much love ♡
Sending you so much LOVE!!!
You should look into the relationship between Meghan Markle and the Saudi crown prince who is wanting to take over from QE II. He gave MM what are known as blood diamonds for a wedding present. She apparently caused a lot of offense by wearing them on a trip to a number of Pacific countries. That prince was responsible for organising the killing of a journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi embassy in Istanbul.
Thank you for your support!
Funny where you sit your sage on , mine’s the same but I put it on a groot from guardian of the galaxy pot. Lols
EA you are a gift… THANK YOU for all you do in every way. Love you so much ♥️✨🫶💓🥰
Thank you for your support!
That was amazing! The best possible outcome for everyone. I mean, given the extremely bizarre and unbelievably twisted situation.
EA, you are a badass!
As far as conspiracies and dark agendas, I feel it’s better to be aware than blissfully ignorant. You just can’t let their shenanigan’s overly concern you or get too far down any one particular rabbit hole. Just offer a sad half grin and an eye roll while shaking your head and move on.
Don”t fight the darkness…Bring the Light and the darkness will disappear.
Much love!
I question the safety of doing this in a video. I know this is only on your private website but this information could still get to the wrong people and compromise the safety of Kate in the clone.
I was wondering about the same exact thing!!
thank you for watching ❤️
I hope she is able to protect her children and I hope there is some heavenly protection for her from now on forward . Thank you for helping her. May the good souls of this universe guide and protect her.
It’s so fascinating because what you are describing with the clone & Kate sounds like ‘walk in’ experiences amongst humans where one soul steps in & takes the place of the other when the first soul can’t take it here anymore. Fascinating tho with the clone aspect.
Great video, loved it EA! Thank you.
Thank you!! 🥰
Why did I wait so long to watch this. What an amazing video!!!! So awesome of you to help Kate get her power back! Thanks for everything you do.
Thank you for your support!
<3 <3 <3
no words ! awesome , happy to be apart of this new earth where women kick ass 🙂
EA, not sure if you read these comments, but I was living in London the day the queen transitioned. The moment I heard the news, I too, felt a huge hole, a vacuum that would be filled. I also perceived this as an opening for people, to want to take that power and fill this new gap. My friend wanted to record me channeling this information, However, I didn’t really want it to be on camera. It just came through immediately. Anyway, when you mentioned the Middle East guy in that video a while back, I immediately thought of MBS. That’s what they call him, FYI. He’s one powerful dude.
thank you for watching! 😊