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🌑🌕 Watch EA’s recent Kate Middleton Eclipse channel!! Click Here!
👀 Explore more uncensored Kate Middleton videos! Click here to watch now!
Also my 2.5 year old was watching with me and said she wanted to go “there”. Like she wanted to go in your video or meet you. Felt like it was confirmation that I need to meet you in person one of these days!
I used to love to watch the Olympics , now when I have a moment to watch something I have no desire to watch the Olympics and all I want to do is binge watch your Kate videos! I have been watching your YouTube videos for a while but am finally an awakener member and watching your member videos! I’m living the member videos and really feel like a part of your tEAm! Thank you for being you!
Someone on Gaia with the cosmic disclosure series was talking about clones and how when soldiers die in battle they can transfer their consciousness into a clone body of themselves. I think it was within the super soldier program..
Hi today 16th of June
Kate M is among the people again and made her entrance. but if you look closely into her pupils she has been taken over by a reptilian energy. Her mind has been pushed back. too bizarre for words and no one notices… I see a reptile standing there laughi….
Is William aware what they are doing to her?
What does kates family think
I wonder what they did with Kates real body. Did they cremate it ?
But what about the children? Don’t they sense that a clone is not the soul of her mother? I would think they sense it right away ⭐️
i will keep you & your family in my thoughts when i bubble protect myself here in NS Canada
I think we should get a #where’sKate hashtag going or #saveKate out there everywhere trending, to put pressure on them to let her out. 🙂
You are so appreciated xxxx
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much❤️
When you first posted this I watched it. I forgot to comment I saw a comment of another remote viewer from 1 month ago that said exactly what you said!!!
Thank you so much for watching!! ❤️
Who else do you watch content from that is like EA?
A thought, what about channeling Princess Diana or the queen on how to help Kate?
That’s what I thought about too.
This stuff is fascinating! I do hope Kate makes it through. I’m curious, before she was killed off, was her body sharing space with a reptilian like the Queen? What happened to it?
We wish Kate to overcome all this🙏
Can we talk about Taylors new album, soe of her songs, and how her lyrics are …sort of exposing the dark side, what she’s been through?
Thank you for suggesting a topic
I’ve been waiting for this!!! I have so much to say
You got this!! ❤️❤️
I was in that room. I saw you standing there by the door. There was two doors to the room. The windows were behind me. I was standing behind the man who was going bald with dark chestnut hair. I looked up and you were on the right side in front of the door and the Reptilian was to the left in front of that door. I looked right at you!!!! I’ve been checking in on these meetings and relaying back to my members!!! SO wild seeing you there!
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
Had tried to log in onto the live zoom but it was too early here in ZAR. When I tried later, the link on IG reels had disappeared. As a SEEKER, I can now not watch the revisit to the Kate saga and it saddens me, as I was awaiting the outcome of the integration with abated breath 😔
Unfortunately, it was decided to be exclusive for the awakener and creator members only for EA’s security and her family and Kate. You can always upgrade your membership to have full access: https://elizabethapril.com/join-now/
I absolutely understand why the decision was made and I respect it totally.🙏 I am just bummed that had I been able to log on to the ZOOM from the reel, but as it was too early, I logged out. When it was time to jump onto the live, it was in the wee hours of the morning here in SA and I couldn’t find the link in the reel I had already watched. I set intention and pray that all is well with Kate and that she is protected, as well as her children 🙏✨ Know that I am bummed at myself and not Elizabeth. No disrespect was intended and I apologize should any offence have been taken from my first message.
What roll does Prince William have in the Kate saga ? Is he aware of what’s actually happening?
Much light and Love to Kate “ The FUTURE QUEEN “
I am curious too!