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Can you share Sharmas info. Who protects you? Thanks EA! Please share her email or her cell here or directly to me – I want to have a session with her 🙂
You can check out her website here: https://Shematsystems.com😊❤️
Also, concerned for safety but also trust the you and your team of protectors have your back. Appreciate that you are brave and standing in your power to help reveal all of this. Blessings to you. Thank you, Sarah
Thank you💥✨❤️🙏
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
Hi, EA. I agree that your safety has to come first. Not a coincidence that some rando tapping in to your private chat before your video. The only info I ever hear about her is from you and YouTube.
Does she know that you’re trying to help her? Poor Kate. What a horrible, frightening experience. Plus fighting for her life? It’s off the hook that other astral travelers are there . How insane!! I’m so upset for her- her courage makes her so incredibly brave. You remote viewers are angels!
Thank you for being here!! ❤️
Do you know that the Q&A with the Kate Middleton Update is online on YouTube? Is this on purpose?
Hey EA, I really liked your idea of hunting down the soul of the clone to tell him to train Kate if they give her the option to return. Is this something you can do either in your own time or on video, but sooner rather than later? It would be wonderful if they could collaborate and the clone consciousness to really understand what’s at stake and the important role they can play.
You should connect her to her higher self, then she can be in her full power and divine can assist them. I get the feeling her higher self is a great power. She needs to know how to ask her higher self in. As you know, her higher self, and the angels can not help until they are asked in to help her.
Thank you!!
Why can’t we see this video about Kate? We were able to see the other video’s about her…disappointed!
EA decided to put it exclusive for awakener and creator members for her safety and her family as well as Kate.
It’s interesting that woman felt deprogrammed when’s he stopped listening to Taylor Swift. Maybe that was her OLDER music? I’ve been VERY activated to higher starseed vibrations by listening to electronic sounds in her last album Midnights.
Thank you for watching! ❤️
Elizabeth, thank you so much for this. You really have provided a lot of insight and information. I very much appreciate your taking your time and your energy to do that. Also, I feel for you being chased; glad you got back safely. Thank you for another powerful video.
Thank you so much for being here!! ❤️❤️
We greatly appreciate your support❤️
What about her family? Meaning her mom dad kids sister ? Do they know she is dead and this is a clon just like William? Do they tell her family she is gone or she can’t be seen?
Thank you for your bravery! Much love! ❤️🙏🏼👊
I don’t think she is in danger
I think most un-awakened people would look at this and think she is full of non-sense.
Because I would have laughed at this years ago. I remember laughing at the concept of remote viewing when a friend of my mentioned it
I thought he was crazy. Most people are like that, She is going to be fine
I guess I won’t be able to se this video because I can’t afford to pay for a membership. I’m truly disappointed.
I’m sorry but we want to make sure the safety of EA, her family and Kate.
Hi EA,
Just a thought here. If the former powers decide to die off the current Kate clone and start over, maybe be the new clone’s energy would agree to vacate the clone for Kate, too. I can’t help but feel that most if not all the clones conscious energies are slaves and being held captive. A suggestion for Kate also if she ever has more episodes of revealing more than she’s been programmed is to just say that Kate’s energy is with her and that Kate is never leaving 3D without her children..
Thank you for your comment!! 🙌
Try tapping into her parents to see what they know?
🤔Just saw a magazine talking about how Kate middleton is using hypnosis and meditation to help with stress…. really would like to know what EA has to say about that. I’m surprised the royals are talking about stuff like that. Especially if kate really is a clone……
I think you should really be careful-NOT that you ARENT!-but “they” could just as easily make an account and pay to see videos…and you DONT WANT them to figure out what and how you are helping…I am LOVING these videos, DO NOT MISTAKE me! But, I’m just really concerned for your safety. You are…MY leader! I kinda look to YOU for everything at this point-everything that I can’t attain myself. I want SO DESPERATELY to be doing the sort of things you are doing…but, I can’t SEE anything…I don’t have activated abilities yet and I don’t have the money to go pay for whatever retreats and classes that fast track the process. So I’m just sitting here, holding space, enjoying my life and waiting patiently for my time to come ✨🙏✨I am thinking of you often and sending you LOVE & LIGHT always! SOOOO GRATEFUL for you
Thank you for your concern❤️
I was thinking the same, Paula. Someone could easily just make a membership and be informed on all of this stuff going on. As much as we want to know, these people we are dealing with are very powerful. I also struggle with waking my abilities and desperately want more too. ❤️
Could you please also tap into the other souls of the royal family. According to a whistleblower for the white hats & the military alliance most of the members of the royal family have already been executed and probably replaced by actors, body doubles or clones. Thank you. ❤️
Thank you for your suggestion!
Are you on EA‘s team, @lyn?
EA might be the very first person to ever connect a spirit to a clone, how brave of her to go for it and how lucky are we that she is taking us on this journey with her! I’m personally feeling so humbled and blessed.
One thing I know for sure is that the universe will conspire around positive intensions and action.
We should all unite with this vibe of positive reinforcement of the intensions EA set for light to conquer darkness because that’s exactly what’s happening. What a wild and unpredictable ride this is! 💗🪄 Thanks EA for your fearlessness 💕
I agree with you🙏
According to whistleblowers who have appeared on Gaia tv, it’s almost common for high ranking soldiers in the military to have cones and be able to be switched over in case the first body goes down in an operation.. but who knows if it’s true
*clones. It’s been part of the cosmic disclosure series
Just again speechless
Sending prayers to you and Kate
What does William know or is he cloned also
Thank you for watching!! ❤️