In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the strange energy they have been feeling and shares a personal story of losing their wallet and having it mysteriously returned by galactic beings. They also answer viewer questions about topics such as galactic wars, emergency broadcast alerts, free energy, and elite agendas. Elizabeth April encourages viewers to stay positive and focus on raising their vibrations. The possibility of another global pandemic is also addressed.
So are the wars happening now between aliens in dimensions without bodies? If not then why do they withhold technologies from us because we are too violent?
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Thanks a lot! Beautifull and super good vibes when I play my hand pan
Thank you so much for watching!! ❤️
Do you have to pay to watch this video? I keep getting a pop up
Unfortunately, this is a member’s Q&A.
This whole video is so validating thank you so much the chaos energy is INSANE rn but so great for manifestation. Things have been CRAZY
Glad you liked it❤️🙏
Love the closing statement!!! Stop focusing on the BS, otherwise you manifest the BS. SO TRUE!
Focus on light, Love and Peace for all!
I totally agree✨🙌
Yeess!! 🙌🙌
Wars that exist in other dimensions didn’t make sense to me at first either, but I’m a PhD scholar of Steiner (among others) and when explaining certain aspects of his spiritual science and the actual evolution of humans, he talks about spiritual wars happening in other dimensions. I was surprised, but Steiner’s realization and clairvoyant abilities of course couldn’t be explained with classical physics, but make sense when matched against what EA and other channels say about this topic. Thanks for clarifying!
Glad it was helpful❤️🙏
Thank you for watching!! 🙌❤️
Hello EA! I just watched a video with Jason Shurka, Charlie Ward, and David Mahoney. Jason stated that the fact checkers took his video down.
TLS W Jason is really neat UNIFYD TV I listen to it! I learned some things.
As others have said, I can’t tell about Jason either. My personal feeling on him is that his energy seems off to me, but it could be his delivery/personality that I do not resonate with. I believe in the EES and I highly respect certain people that respect him, so I don’t know what to think. He does have a YouTuber on Unifyd that channels, Sam the Illusionist, that I found interesting at first, but now I don’t believe he is channeling the Light and is being tricked. Some people I know feel the same about channelers that I find credible, including EA, so I guess we follow who we trust individually.