In this video titled December 2023 Message to Humanity, Elizabeth April reflects on the events of the year and emphasizes the importance of closure. They explain that closure involves letting go of old energies that no longer serve us and invite viewers to examine what they need closure around in their own lives. Elizabeth April also mentions the Cosmic Gateway event on December 21st and encourages viewers to check out the accompanying videos. The video concludes with a reminder to embrace closure and make conscious choices to improve ones vibration as they move into the new year.
You talked about a nagging feeling or energy, I’m feeling like something huge is going to shift in the world first it may seem bad but its whats needed
Such great advice. I feel connected to 2024 already. 2023 has lost its energy
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️❤️
I turn 35 January 8th and I’m so ready for the next adventure!
Yaaaayy!! Advance happy birthday!! ❤️❤️
I’m ready for the new year!
I shall stop attracting dark energies of the lower realms into my life. stop the attacks dally once and for all, especially during dream time.
Beautiful and so point on. Closure of the old that no longer serves and Opening to the new energy that you are welcoming in. Bam!
Thank you, Elizabeth! This message is perfect for the end of 2023. Even just to get closure or at least trying to understand and forgive. That’s closure too, right? This year was awesome for me. I started my membership at the Cosmic Society in April, 2023 and it had made my life easier and better. I’m not a joiner, especially when it comes to my spiritual journey. Aside from just being authentic and accepting, EA Teaches you methods to actually use our power. I never thought of myself as a star seed but this is the place where I belong. So grateful for all the good people and their light for creating such a beautiful place. Happy Closure Month everyone! Let’s lose the baggage and move free and clear into 2024! 🧡🌸🧚🏼♂️🌼🌏🩵
Have a great day!! ❤️🙌
Thank you Elizabeth April, I have been looking forward to this month so much thou I’m going to meet all of my best relations/friends throw my life sense I was 9 years old and forward to now! 😀 All of them want to invite me for dinner this evening to celebrate that we have known each other for so long and now I’m going to be 30 years old for 17 Dec (this month)! 🙂 So going to be a beautiful month and a wonderful new year 2024 with all of thous strong relations thru all life <3
Thank you so much for being here!! ❤️❤️
Goodness…feeling this a lot this past week. I feel like 2023 was a year of deep introspection for me. I am beyond ready and open to letting go of certain behaviors and self-limiting beliefs. Love you, EA! I am grateful for this community 👽 💚 🛸
I totally feel that too ❤️🙌
Elizabeth, thank you. As always, good advice, insight, etc. Thank you for another wonderful video.
Love this!! 😍😍
Honestly, can’t believe what’s happened to me!
In January I moved house, to a stunning location which I totally manifested with my partner 🙏🏻
I lost my mum in February 3 days after my birthday, her death was being investigated as she was found with multiple injuries, 😢 but it looks more like falls due to alcoholism.
I’ve been so poorly with depression and anxiety but it’s got easier last couple of months
I have quit my job completely (I only worked part time due to health but I’ve completely stopped working now so I have more time to focus on my health)
I’ve had Covid and been in hospital and been fighting chest infections for a month – the good thing is though this made me give up smoking, which I needed to as already had breast cancer twice, but losing my mum made it impossible for me to try and quit.
So I’m still poorly, in bed but getting a little better and hoping for a much better 2024 please! 🙏🏻
I have peace and closure now my mum is is free from trauma and pain 💕
Xx thank you EA xx
Sending you love and healing thoughts. I hope 2024 feels lighter for you 🙏🏻 🪽
Sending love and light!! ❤️✨
Thank you EA. 🙂
This year has had much change for me especially from August and removing so much of the old system and ways of being, and left over ‘programming’, I’ve been doing focused inner work since 2011 about, and instinctively knew I needed to let go anything hindering me and heal from this August.
This month is also my Birthday month and next year is Year of the Dragon which I fall under too😎, so big things taking place for sure.
I feel from all that has taken place for me in last few months is leading and getting me ready and is time for whatever my main mission is about, I feel it’s big whatever it is. I’ve been waiting for the great event/transformation for so so long which began 2020 and now finally activating my full purpose. Before this I’ve been observing humanity and experiencing it, learning. It’s been a long 32yrs out of my almost 47.
Thank you for sharing!! 🙌
Ohhh boy have I changed! Ohhh boy has my life changed! I have gotten many members of my FOO+ (family of origin and relatives) back, I am neutralizing, with help, the discordant past, I’m working like a crazy person to bring truth and healing, and closure! Most of all I am on a much closer walk with Yeshua Jesus Christ, the Son of God! But I don’t identify as Christian, and I am basically against religions. I want to deeply know God’s Truth through the 1611 KJV, The Dead Sea Scrolls, and The Apocrypha. Exciting shit!! So, thank you, EA, and maybe I’ll stick around a bit longer. xo
Thanks 4 the video
Thank you for watching!! ❤️
So much shifting and changing this past year for me. What a wild ride and time we are in!
Wow 😯 yes closer is the energy of the month. I have been bringing closer to a very unhealthy mentally unstable and abusive mother. Turned 60 in October and I am getting what I wished for the truth about this mother and holy crap did I get what I asked for in a very tarmac situation!!! In this the 1 day of December I will be closing everything connection with this woman as it’s time I started putting me and my family who truly love me first. Thank Elizabeth you a special soul and grateful our paths crossed 🩷❤️💜
Sending love and light!! ❤️✨
Perfect timing as always. ❤️
My son’s turns 18 on December 21st
Cool, my nephew turns 18 today, 1st December, also known as Emancipation Day.
Wonderful!! Advance happy birthday!! ❤️❤️