In this video, Elizabeth April shares a message for June 2023, focusing on the themes of expression and freedom. They encourage viewers to break free from hesitation, step outside their comfort zones, and express themselves in various ways. Elizabeth April discusses the importance of finding solutions to obstacles that stifle freedom and suggests ways to gain access to personal freedom. They also mention their membership program, which includes videos on mental health topics. The video ends with Elizabeth April sending love and mentioning the fifth dimension frequency.
Hi E.A xx love from Australia 🦘
Sending love!! ❤️❤️
Yup! 💯 validation to this! This is it & Im going for it! I feel protected and it feels in total alignment! I Love change & live for it 🙌 Let’s G O 🦸♂️
I just love your energy. Thank you💞
Thank you so much for watching 😊❤️
Yaaaayyy!! I totally feel that too ❤️🙌
Thank you. What a powerful message. Sending much love
I suffer with depression for 30+yrs but i cant find the awakener download can you pls help me find it?
So sorry to hear what you’ve been through. Here’s the link to the awakener download:
You can check the videos you’re looking for by going to “Videos > Select Topic” on the upper part of this website. Sending love!! ❤️❤️
I suffer with postnatal stress it was part of my awakening it was there and a big wake up call after years of craziness ❤️
You are tuning in to other layers of reality❤️ Stay strong. Sending love and light❤️✨🙏
Sending love!! ❤️❤️
i like it this month because the 28 is my birthday at 22u22 (1975) and yes i need also a fresh new start with new tools
thank you al here :))
Advance happy birthday 🥂🎂
Yaaayy!! Advance Happy Birthday!! ❤️❤️
Hey Guys, not too sure if this is where I am meant to be posting but the video is not showing to be played?
It’s working fine with me. Please check this link:
If you stil have an issue try to open the link in the Incognito browser. Hope that helps😊🙏
This is very inspiring and EA you’re right on what I’ve been feeling these days. It’s kind of like a butterfly is about to breakthrough the cocoon.
so excited for this month’s topics!
Me too😍🙏
Thanks EA
Thank you for being here🙏
ELIZABETH!!!!!! You just made my heart skip a beat. All day yesterday I had a mental breakdown after seeing all these new Ai art creations, devil shit hidden in plain site incorporating a lot of them , but ANYWAY! I kept saying they check mated us. Check mate check mate check mate! Because now whenever I try to show the blocked lil sheeple anything they just say “it’s a deep fake!” I cannot believe you started off seeing a chessboard. Omg I pray this is our check mate somehow… I was so overwhelmed yesterday crying and crying all day. Love you so much my lil angel baybeeee!
Thank you so much for your comment!! ❤️❤️
Glad it was helpful🙌🙏
Glad you think so😊 Thank you for watching!
Thank you so much, was watching the vampire diaries last night, and the witch Bonnie kept talking about her witchcraft called “Expression”
And Yes, see you in the 5d!❤️🙏🏼
Thank you for your comment!! ❤️
Thanks EA!! Beautiful message! I do need to express myself in an authentic way this month, and step into my freedom! Perfectly aligned to how I’m feeling! 🕊️🦚🦋🪼🔆🪽🍃🪬🌿🪻
Posted at 5:55 ^^^ so aligned for change!
Keep up the good work! 😍
You can do this🙌
Thank you EA. 😉 Expression and Freedom the way you talked about seem to be resonating with my life, especially Expression 🙂 Actually– especially Both! hahaha 🙂
Thank you so much for watching! Glad it was helpful❤️🙏
This resonate with me because I have been physically stuck for a long time and I am actually moving this month to be with my family. This will be freedom for me and a new start for a happy life. Thank you Elizabeth. My expression has been stuck because I have lived in the past. I am ready for my new life!😀❤️
Sending love!! ❤️❤️
Thank you for sharing! Keep up the good work!❤️🙏