In this video, I delve deep into the ET Alien Agendas & Earth’s unique role in the cosmos! Join me as I share insights from the recent Galactic Federation Summit, exploring the mysteries of Reptilians, Greys, Anunnaki, Angels, and Pleiadians. 🌌👽✨
Apologies for the audio glitches at the start! The energy I’m channelling is so powerful that it occasionally causes tech issues like this… Intense vibes, intense effects!
Immediately noticed your necklace. Very nice. Also, I like seeing you soon after that epic GF summit. This video is full of information and well explained. The half human half gray is your contact and friend Timothy, right? The sound was bad, but only for a short time. Thank you for another wonderful presentation. By the way, as far as the next GF, take as much time you need. Looking forward to it.
Glad you like her necklace too. You may check out her Necklace here: We are grateful for your support! ❤️❤️❤️
See you at the next GFL❤️
Thank you so much! Cant wait to meet the GFL! 🙏🏼❤️🤓
Thank you for your continued support! ❤️❤️
Gotta love Mercury Retrograde and all of the technical glitches🤣🤣🤣
Thank you for being here❤️
Thank you very much, EA, for all this information. Only question I still have is the “open contact” prediction of Bashar which should take place, he says, at the end of 2025 beginning of 2026. I’d very much like to know if and how it will take place. I find sometimes, even if I love Bashar, that he doesn’t tell everything. Sometimes it feels a bit patronizing… Thank you again and have a wonderful august.
Thank you for watching!! ❤️❤️
Open Contact is Going to Occur. For the Children. Why Would ETs want anything to do with adult duality and disgusting Energies. Adults will mostly be bystandards in AscensionLife
Skip to the 10:00 minute mark. The recording is much better after that point.
That’s right! Thank you for the help!😊🙌😊🙌❤️
The sound gets a little better around 9:20. That was rough!
Elizabeth experienced technical difficulties with her microphone during the first 10 minutes of the video. Please skip ahead to the ten-minute mark for improved audio quality. This issue was not related to the website but was resolved later in the video. If you encounter any further issues, please contact us by clicking the chat bubble or emailing us at
The video is glitching constantly 🫤 some others with this issue?
Thank you for your comment. Elizabeth experienced technical difficulties with her microphone during the first 10 minutes of the video. Please skip ahead to the ten-minute mark for improved audio quality. This issue was not related to the website but was resolved later in the video. If you encounter any further issues, please contact us by clicking the chat bubble or emailing
Lots of interference. Could not understand
Thank you for your comment. Elizabeth experienced technical difficulties with her microphone during the first 10 minutes of the video. Please skip ahead to the ten-minute mark for improved audio quality. This issue was not related to the website but was resolved later in the video. If you encounter any further issues, please contact us by clicking the chat bubble or emailing
No mention of the Arcturians… Would love to learn more about them!
I would love to recommend posting your suggestion/question in our EA Video Suggestions Forum for EA to see and use as inspiration for her upcoming videos!✨❤️
You’re going to have to wait. Learn about Dark Fleet first or be like these human ostriches with your head forever in the sand
You can check EA conversation with an Arcturian being from the Galactic Federation:
Hello! There is a lot of static in this video. It is also on YouTube……I enjoyed hearing about your jewelry even through the static. Once you realized it; it got much better. Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for your comment. Elizabeth experienced technical difficulties with her microphone during the first 10 minutes of the video. Please skip ahead to the ten-minute mark for improved audio quality. This issue was not related to the website but was resolved later in the video. If you encounter any further issues, please contact us by clicking the chat bubble or emailing
The glitchiness is only for a short while, then it goes away.
Keep watching to 10 plus minutes. The speaker gets fixed!
Thank you!
Yes – I could not listen either on You Tube or on EA site. I changed headphones with the hopes it would work to no avail. Curious what EA was saying since it sounds like her communication with us has interference.
use speed 2.0 – connects words faster and easier to understand – despite the interference!
Sorry, but couldn’t finish watching, sound was compromised. Hope you can fix it!
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Super glitchy recording
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Miss, Friendly Reminder. The Majority of Spiritually based forums have become market capitalists. Corrupted from within and without over time that they themselves have lost any OF integrity any of them may have once have had. Billy Carson and Teal Swan are the most Obvious Examples – but everyone in the “space” has been Contoured unto this line mold.
Simply break Free – into your OG Authentic Integrity.
Yer Allowed!
Cuz Dark Fleets says 👍💪❤️.
I’m SOOOO Nice to EA compared to the last 100 (content creators) whose careers we’re Eliminating.
Yer all Good with Us EA.
Ya RVed to say Hallo to Us in One of our Bases. That push back we gave you was a “High 5”. We Luv Ya. Because you are “Consciousness of the HEART”
The tech world does not wish for us to hear what EA has to share and enlighten us with…sadly. As it is all soo amazing. Much love
Agreed – especially now. Sound interference is their was of communicating how afraid they are
Ooh girl, the sound quality is challenging to listen too. Thought it might have just been the YouTube video, but I think it may be both? Just the nature of talking about these topics?
Hi there!
not sure if it’s at my end, but the recording is very crackly
I did watch on YouTube too, and it’s the same crackly recording….
not sure if there’s a way to make it clear?
I had the same experience
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Lots of static and stuttering appears at the 3:35 minute mark both on YouTube and your own website 🤔
Thank you for your comment. Elizabeth experienced technical difficulties with her microphone during the first 10 minutes of the video. Please skip ahead to the ten-minute mark for improved audio quality. This issue was not related to the website but was resolved later in the video. If you encounter any further issues, please contact us by clicking the chat bubble or emailing