Join EA and the members of the GFL as they discuss topics like: ✨ What is the “Light System” and its mission? 🚀 Are billionaires faking deaths to leave Earth? 🤯 Identifying and removing subconscious blocks? 👾 Purpose for implants on Earth? 👑 Will a benevolent leader emerge for humanity? + so much more!!!
Galactic Federation 2024 Episode 03
- March 2024
- 155
- 5854
Pamela Aaralyn channels The Syrian Council of 9 sometimes.
I am suspect of the The Light System (TLS). Just my two (intuitive) pennies. The name she mentioned (JS)- he has never ressonated with unconditional for me.
Wow when you tuned into the Rat like being I immediately saw ” Master Splinter” from the programme Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. A humanoid Rat sensei. My human says crazy! My expanded consciousness says yeah so what. That’s normal. Lol. Amazing as usual xx Thank you
I’d like to know more about the light system. Overall, more about them.
Thank you so much for watching!!
Should we still invest in crypto? What about quantum financial system?
You can try this Crypto Curious Course by Nat:
great video. Do you do private sessions by any chance?
Unfortunately, she no longer offers one-on-one sessions.
Hi Canadian Lady,
It’s RFK Junior Not JFK Junior Running for President.
Dave A Canadian Man 🇨🇦
Lol !!
Marianne Williamson is running for President and she’s been an ACTIVIST and spiritual leader (A Course In Miracles teacher for 20+ years) all her life. She founded Project Angel Foods during HIV breakout. When the affected by HIV were discriminated agains, she was literally physically visiting their homes, BEING with them and feeding them. Project Angel Food distributed over 20 million meals!!!! She’s been giving talks at the Universities (e.g. Harvard) right now, getting a standing ovation, after answering very challenging questions from the students about real challenges. She proposes to open the Department of Peace!!!! I believe she’s the President in 2028…! I love that her campaign says: DISRUPT THE CORRUPT. Here’s her famous quote from her book ‘A Return To Love’:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Wow..ok now I’m intrigued by this lady. I have been thinking on the type of govern
Type of government I wish to see in the 5th dimension. It called the Common Sense party. if the law is so complex we need lawyers specifically trained on chemicals popular in South East Asia then get ride of the law. People won’t go to school specifically for politics anymore. You don’t run for office anymore. Communities nominate who they think would do a good job managing a particular group of communities. After t o years your released from service. You get paid buts its not a glamorous job. Companies can no longer lobby or bribe politicians for votes to be directed by the big Pharma’s, big medical, big Tech, military industrial complex. Complete and total transparency In Every area. We the 8 billionth worts off person and we make his life better. Then we find the next one. Truly a rising tide raises all ships. The era of personal responsibility is upon us. we have an understanding that the way the world is that both on an individual and collective level we manifested this mess. Time to stop playing the blame game and examine ourselves. Get grounded in our heart centered energy. Heal ourselves and then heal our neighbors then our village then our towns an finally heal our national scars. Forgive ourselves and others and with justified righteous indignation begin to remove the systems of government that fail to go quietly into the night. I think we march like a confident army that is motivated by unconditional love for all humanity rather than a hate filled mob rules mentality motivated by anger and hate. Any musicians wanna join my band The Revolution email . I envision festival that travels from West Coast in the spring to Washington DC by fall. With millions just deciding to follow the music . They might have bigger the better weapons, but none of what they have can stop 300 million Americans who have fallen in love with themselves and the idea liberty and justice for all. Not just the 1% at the top. We need to take stand to end all slavery first in America then world wide. Collectively we have said. Well it’s sad that girl is sex slave and sold Four times before she over 6 year’s old. It’s awful don’t get me wrong but I can’t stop it so ya know. Individually we can’t do much collectively we can move mountains. The thing our controllers fear more than anything? The sound of Americans waking up realizing we been fed a bunch of shit. It’s behind last time to demand changes. If they don’t comply ? Well we remove them from their position. We strip the JP Morgan’s of the world of their ill gotten wealth . Anyone time redistribution of global assets. A..i. is going to be doing most jobs in the coming years so we need to create a system that isn’t driven by the same greed, fear based mindset of lack, that rewards people for their heart based actions that are done In the truest form of service to others. Ok enough sorry to write a manifesto. Totally stream consciousness thing happening.
I love Marianne Williams! Return to Love is such an amazing book. Our country would be so much better off with her as President!!
Thank you for your support!
It’s so hard trying to discern what’s real and what’s not out there these days, I was really hoping they would confirm TLS was either good or bad or true or not. It just gets so frustrating. I also really hoped for an end to all of this sooner rather than later. I hope I can find the answers within myself soon and unlock the parts of me I need to on this journey 🙏
I definitely agree.
That’s true🙏
I was hoping the GFL would give us specifics re crypto and even the election. There are so many cryptocurrencies, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Can this be a follow up question for the next GFL meeting?
Thank you, E! ❤️
I’m sorry, I can’t figure out how to delete my posts. I struggle to put distance between myself and our politics here in America. I posted because this is how I feel, and I feel safe here. But I don’t have the right to trigger anyone else. I know these things are illusory. Fear porn. I know this lowers my vibration and I need to completely step away. If I triggered or upset anyone, please forgive me- I love you all, Team. Thank you for ignoring my human. 🩵💙🧡❤️
That’s totally normal🥰
Great Job recognizing what you did. Baby steps. I would challenge you to radically change the way you consume news. I would say don’t watch any mainstream news but if your hooked into the slowly ween yourself off. Watch in the morning or the evening but not both. Instead of news in that spot fill that space with something that you really like. As a reward. Like going to favorite book store and having a coffee. Or joining a writers group. Joining groups can help if it’s the write vibrational match. Mostly be kind to yourself. Understand that you already have the answer to this delimma. Your going to find you grown super fast now. But that also means lessons are sometimes flying in fast and furious and that your never done learning. Develop your lesson learning vision that cues you into the fact that in any particular situation your providing a solution. But try to do somin an observer mode that doesn’t have emotions tied to a particular outcome. This is so important now for the upcoming elections. If we invested half the effort we do in politics into say loving our neighborhood how much of an energy shift would be occuring. Smile and just know that you are a bad ass multi dimensional being who is here on mission. You got this.
Thank you for watching
No, this is too triggering for me. The system is corrupt. It is being dismantled as more and more crimes and corruption of the SCOTUS and GOP are coming to light. We don’t need chaos to shine a light on the darkness. It is shining light onto itself.. we need the President we have. He is bringing forward progress and new ideas.
Thank you, EA for the unblocking techniques The politics- Trump belongs in jail.
Very good and up to date information on Aliens, politic and financial things. Thats real news, not fake news! Thanks EA!
It doesn’t seem like the TLS question was answered. Is this system legitimate and actually work? Thanks
All through this video I kept thinking about Star Trek the next generation, and how when she said everything is provided for you. So many other things to thank you Ms Elizabeth you are a gift to us so clear and filled with love.🥰
Thank you!! 🥰