Discover an urgent message from Kinetic of the Galactic Federation in this epic video regarding our planetary evolution and the significant choice humanity must make. I forgot to mention at the beginning of the video that for about two weeks I was having dizzy and fainting spells. I had to use essential oil and conscious breath to bring myself back into my body. During one of these episodes, I closed my eyes and when I opened my third eye I was up on the Galactic Federation ship in a deep council meeting talking about all of the ships coming in. My switch in consciousness was noticed and that’s when Kinetic pulled me aside to update me and told me it was time for another direct message to humanity.
I feel like it’s so much of “we know what’s better for you then you know for yourself”. You’ll be rewarded one day but we can’t help right now so you have to struggle now? I get it but it’s not easy going through. I feel like we need more support in the physical so we can focus on the spiritual.
As is often the case, great questions, EA…..With the anticipated increase of potential contact between humans and ETs, how do we determine which ones are malevolent (vs benevolent or neutral)? Especially if we have not yet developed our higher “senses”?
Thank you, Kinetic & EA. Reiterating the urgent message at video time stamp 15:12, “Kinetic is bringing Awareness to the understanding that it isn’t about changing or controlling the state of reality in its material form. It’s about changing YOUR PERCEPTION of reality through Harnessing the Frequency of Observation. Then & only then will the material function of your reality change, both individually & collectively.” EA paraphrases: “What you’re saying here is to Let Go of the controlling outcome & to just FOCUS on the PERCEPTION & the Outcome will change that way.” Blessings to all StarSeeds. 🙏
Thank you for the message! I just started getting migraines again, even though I haven’t had one since being pregnant (8 months) and I thought it was so weird and random, because I was told my hormones would stop the migraines which they did for 8 months, and all of a sudden I was getting them again? Makes so much sense. Buckle up for some exciting times, I’m very happy to be bringing in a starseed to help humanity (and yes I bought EA’s starseed shirt!) Stay positive everyone!
Sending love!! ❤️❤️
I felt great sadness and ringing in my ear near the end. Just hoping that I’m doing enough…! But know that WE have this!!!❤️
Yes! We got this😊❤️💪
Have a wonderful day!! Sending love!! ❤️❤️
Like in the Matrix, u have allready made the choice, now u have to understand why. Sooooo amazing.
Yeeeessss!! 🙌🙌
With the 2 timeliness, it is a choice which u take. Im taking the one best for all. It is allready done. Bowth will play out. Chose wisely. Have fun.
Thank you so much for this, I cried several times listening to it. Powerful message at the end, thank you Kinetic and EA.
Glad you liked it😍😍
You got this!! 🙌🙌
David wilcock has spoken of this visitation for many years. The planet size ships and E.Ts visiting from all over to witness this evelution. The good and bad, if u will, is the dually of our reality. All good. It’s based on choice. Quite exciting and not good or bad. Just a choice. Everything has allready ben chosen, we just have to play out the pantomime, as Charlie Ward explains. Lots of love.
Thank you for sharing!! ❤️
Exhausted? Yes, very much. I blamed the solar winds. Happy to help during the night. Just wasn’t aware humanity is so far in the Awakening stage. Yes lots of starseeds are incarnated and those are awakened. I need trust that more will be born soon. Because it seems that the majority of Humankind would love to start a war when the malevolant aliens show up. Maybe i’m biased because I read the News (as a non-reacting observator) and i see no progression in the awakening. But that’s the media which is controlled by the dark. I will manifest the victory of the Light more often, that will help. So grateful for Kinetic for handing the solution: raise our frequency and change our perception! Thank you EA, love you!
Thank you for watching!! ❤️
Monday morning, i work nights, i only slept 3 hours and was wide awake. I had to take benadryl and alcohol just to get back to sleep. Couldent be up that early, 9 hours before work. Usually 8 to 10 hours for me of sleeping. Wow. Feeling the changes.
Sending love!! ❤️
Thank you for that EA and Kinetic.
Thank you for being here❤️❤️
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
I am collective conscious 🙂
Thank you for this message, Love and Light for you,,,
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️❤️
Learning to observe things rather than judge them will help you break out the this manipulated matrix.
Our reality is created by all of the programing that been put and stored in our Subconscious. And everything is in the DNA. The DNA strands, are actually biological programs. So we could be hit with a trauma from someone in our linage 10 generations back! That’s why doing our shadow work, has some call, it is so important. We can clear out all of the dysfunctional, self sabotaging, victimization, and lack consciousness programing that held in our SUBCONSCIOUS. We always get want We Believe whether We like it or not!!!
And manifesting is all about updating or changing our belief “around” what ever we are trying to manifest. And feeling what we are trying to manifest is the key. Our subconscious is all about our feelings, more specifically, the feelings held in or tying up, ensnaring our hearts. That’s why healing our wounded child within is so important.
“We always get what we believe whether we like it or not” I love that phrasing! 🤍
Wow, important and serious time we are in. Like 3 others comments, I had a sore throat and feeling like I catch a cold today. And tingling ear sound. I thought probably an adjustment in frequency I may be doing. And lately I was thinking a lot about the Lyran-Orion war and the mars-maldek war. And also the work of medium Maria Orsic helping the war of nazi with info on technology from Aldebaran. Things seems to be brewing in the solar system. Thanks to our coach EA who is there to guide us through this “adventure of a lifetime”. I expect a lot of special events for the next 3 years. Love to all starseeds. And like they say: you are all more powerful than what you think!
Thank you for sharing!!
I’m a bit taken aback. I’ll have to let this stew. As always, I’m inclined to just want to do more. How do we know if we are doing enough? Is it possible to be doing too much or trying too hard? Is it possible to hurt our situation in the process of trying to help humanity? Those are mostly rhetorical questions. They are the questions I’ll be trying to answer for myself, but any additional guidance that can be shared is always appreciated. Thank you for conveying this important information.
thanks EA… I may be one of the Retired ones, and Yes I am already retired.. But for most of this century I have had dreams of being more, not only helping others heal but sending what I can devine Light, Devine Love and Devine Joy to all life IN, ON and AROUND this Planet. So I will definitely need to rewatch this and see what I can bring into my life.. Thank you for all you share with all of us.
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
Thank you EA,
This somehow reminds me of the birth of Jesus, the people who seen the signs and either came to witness the great event or came seeking to destroy him.
The message to me is choose Love and Unity in the frequency of your observation to change your reality both individually and collectively.
And become Masters of the universe bringing the idea of beautiful order, the harmony of all things with all things.
Very Powerful message, Thank you 👍👍👍
Thank you for watching!!
WOW! I’m beyond words. This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear! Thank you so much! I also love that this TOTALLY CONNECTS to your recent video on cutting cords!! I even mentioned that it seemed to me that cutting cords was like letting go to “expected outcomes.” Whaaaat? So cool! I really needed some confirmation and dare I say, i’m also relieved to hear that I’m not the only one feeling super tired and drained and dealing with a crazy sore throat. GRATITUDE ELIZABETH! Keep up the incredible work!! XO
Glad you liked it🙏
You got this!! 🙌🙌