Discover an urgent message from Kinetic of the Galactic Federation in this epic video regarding our planetary evolution and the significant choice humanity must make. I forgot to mention at the beginning of the video that for about two weeks I was having dizzy and fainting spells. I had to use essential oil and conscious breath to bring myself back into my body. During one of these episodes, I closed my eyes and when I opened my third eye I was up on the Galactic Federation ship in a deep council meeting talking about all of the ships coming in. My switch in consciousness was noticed and that’s when Kinetic pulled me aside to update me and told me it was time for another direct message to humanity.
Wow!! Kinetic, thank you for contacting Elizabeth and giving us that information and guidance. Elizabeth, thank you for your insights and asking good questions. Powerful. Also, thank you Elizabeth for taking your time to type it up for this video.
Wonderful!! ❤️❤️
Hi EA, I just read articles about the WHO pandemicc treaty. I am in SouthKorea and a lot of people here do not have awareness of how evil and dangerous thing it is if our country agree on the treaty. We will lose sovereignty. Honestly, I feel hopeless and tired sometimes…because during the last pandemic, I was the only person who did not take the vaccine and I lived like an invisible person. This time…if the humanity choose to be slaves or at least the majority of the people of Korea choose to be slaves…. I am not sure what I should do. I feel deep fatigue of being alone and keep fighting with them. I hope maybe you can give some message to those who feels like me during this time. Thank you so much. I love you deeply.
You can also check EA’s video:
Thank you♡♡♡♡
Hi EA, I just read articles about the WHO pandemicc treaty. I am in SouthKorea and a lot of people here do not have awareness of how evil and dangerous if our country agree on the treaty. We will lose sovereignty. Honestly, I feel hopeless and tired sometimes…because during the last pandemic, I was the only person who did not take the vaccine and I lived like an invisible person. This time…if the humanity choose to be slaves or at least the majority of the people if Korea choose to be slaves…. I am not sure what I should do. I feel deep fatigue of being alone and keep fighting with them. I hope maybe you can give some message to those who feels like me during this time. Thank you so much. I love you deeply.
Keep the faith, the Who will be stopped or is already stopped.
Thank you gor your comment!
WOW Elizabeth – you are amazing – thank you so much for articulating Kinetiks messages so clearly – what a journey we are all on – what a time to be alive!
Love this!! ❤️❤️
Hi EA, I understand we are a mix of alien DNA, but our success in technology has been due to the help of ETs that are on Earth. So I don’t understand what makes us so special. We’ve only advanced because of ET influence, not because we’re so smart. Thank you for your great questions. And thank you to Connetic.
We are special because we are a mixture of every conceivable type of species, polarity and frequency in the Universe. We have within us both the potentials of the lowest beings such as the Greys and Reptilians and Angelic beings such as the Arcturians and the Annunaki. Within us lies the key to Unity Consciousness on a Universal scale only if we as a collective species CHOOSE Unity Consciousness. You are SPECIAL. You are CHOSEN.
Thank you so much for being here!! ❤️
Wow that made me cry, I understand!! 🩵🩵🩵
Sending love!! ❤️❤️
Hey E! I have an important message for you. I was talking to an Annunaki being and he seemed of negative energy. I asked him a few questions and one of them being “Are there any federations looking for you?” He said “YES” & he was fearful. He seemed worried. i asked why have you come to planet Terra? He answers “To control” Please help with this situation because this is very important information that can speed up the process in for people making their own descions on planet Terra since the Annunaki beings are controlling most of them causing us to delay on progress on speeding up our energy into a brighter and clearer future for humanity.
Thank you!! 🙌🙌
😮 thank you EA, for believer a very important message for us , I am excited and scared as the same time. 🙏🏽🫶🏾
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
Thank you, Elizabeth! I already feel that I detached from my reality. I observe my garden, the construction of my new house and don’t get excited anymore. Very strange. Always tired and feel exhausted. Love your support and lifting energy. … The second sun might be Nibiru….
Sending love and positive vibes❤️✨
You got this!! ❤️
EA tell Connetic that we love him too ❤️
Oh yes, we love Kinetic🥰
Whilst listening to this I had full body tingles, so much download. A message I needed as my reality has been turned upside down. 🤍✨️🤍
Thank you so much for watching!! ❤️❤️
This message was beautiful and we are here for this. Amazing reminder about, perspective and frequency being the most important
Focus. Thank you Elizabeth and Kinetic! Sending love to all, Christine
Thank you so much for being here and for watching❤️
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
I don’t understand why this message is given. Are we not already under enormous pressure from our own power-over elites right here on planet earth?
Now we are needing to be concerned about incoming ships from elsewhere in the Universe. This urgent message can only cause more concern and more fear and more of a sense of powerlessness. We are already doing and becoming all we can to raise our frequencies in loving combat against so many lower frequency forces. I don’t know what to do with this information. This urgent message. It feels like … more … to be concerned about … & this really does feel very outside of our control…
I think the important part of the message is the we are ASCENDING NOW and humanity has a collective choice to make, I am pretty sure all pof us here have already chosen Unity Consciousness. What should we do with that information? That’s a good question…
I agree!
I think the fact you view this negatively can attest to you not being ready for the next steps
I heard the message to mean hold your frequency no matter the” matter”. No matter what is happening outwardly and in MATTER, we control how we respond. Observe, don’t bypass the emotion AND DO hold it with love (the fear, the frustration, etc). Thats our choice. It is not easy that is why we have so much support. We will forever and always have so much OUT of our control. We are being asked to orient to what IS in our control. I welcome all the reminder of this, this one included.
Wrote this before receiving the message as we are all on the same current:
wrote this after:
“The beautiful lie is world peace, the ugly truth is peace lies within.”
-the living Yeshua
How are you choosing your perception of your reality today?
No matter what MATTER is offering in the external.
Go within and Choose wisely.
Remember the frequency of observation.
Observing the I AM within.
Are you mindlessly and passively going with what your mind is giving you, what external reality is nudging you?
Or are you ACTIVELY choosing your internal vibration and frequency.
Be sovereign.
Let go of OUTcome. Story. Unhook to choose.
Focus on the inner PERCEPTION.
No matter what MATTER is saying or DOing.
Take back your attention.
Take back your power.
Take back your CHOICE.
Will you Choose the WAY of peace?
Will you Choose the Way of love?
Will you Choose the Way of joy?
Choose Unity
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EA thank you for the impactful video. I’m blown away by how much I’ve been feeling and by how much I understood the message. I’ve been told bizarre things while under quantum hypnosis and I’ve said wild things. I’m starting to really have clarity…wow this shit is really happening.
Thank you so much for watching!! ❤️❤️
Thank you. I am so grateful, inspired and motivated. How do we fully embody and activate our genetic abilities?
Please check EA’s videos:
Thank you for being here!! 🙌
EA!!! Did you know that the artificial sun you’ve been talking about is in place??! Go look at it through your phone, the orbs have hexagons in it… just like the shape of the artificial sun if you compare with photos of the device. I’ve been feeling awful lately, like things have been really hard and I’ve been very reactive. Maybe bc the literal sunlight is being blocked as we speak. I just went down an “artificial sun” rabbit hole on TikTok and it’s just insane to me that this is really happening. Definitely worth checking out!
Thank you for activating me EA. I can share this message I received from mother earth who wants me to share this with you all. I’m knew to this, but her vibration is so strong and she really wants me to share, so here goes. She loves you all and wants you to be warned. What’s coming is actually the Yellowstone volcano eruption. The country will be covered in ash and it will absolutely feel like a reckoning for the US, and probably the entire world. She needs us to connect to her and not to abundance/ materialism so this time will be very spiritual, a cleansing of our souls and the way we live. Ash in poor countries is used as soap, so this truly is a cleansing and a time for rebirth. In the spring people will be shocked when seeds they plant will grow, they will grow because this is a new beginning not an annihilation. The fact that you know this means you have time to prepare and it also means that you’re chosen to know. Please head the warning. Most people won’t get the warning and they already know their contract is over, but if you get the warning that means you have time to prepare and your meant to try and mother earth desperately wants you to to try to plan to make it through a tough winter. Spring will bring regrowth and new earth. I don’t have any active social media accounts so I assume this will be my only public message because April activated me and now I can help you. Sending you all so much love and devotion to our new earth where we hold our great mother in our arms instead of her always having to hold us all 😉
Thank you for sharing!!
Thank you❤️🙏
Wow. I have definitely felt a weird shift this past week. Shit just got real. Exciting, but not looking forward to more ascension symptoms. What will be, will be. Thanks, EA.
You got this!! 🙌🙌
Happy tears as this resonated with such truth and clarity. Thank you EA for bringing this through. I have a strong desire for my family and I to be in nature as much as possible. Thank you
Glad it resonated with you!! ❤️❤️