In this personal followup video, EA opens up about her journey as a Starseed, sharing the challenges and decisions of navigating her mission and embracing their human existence. EA explores the complexities of finding balance and purpose, offering valuable insights and heartfelt reflections along the way.
This just broke my heart right open, on so many levels. Became a member around the time you posted this, but only just saw it now. Mirror reflection indeed. The courage to fully embrace the human life, in all its inherent messiness and beauty – I feel the same, it’s almost the more difficult choice. Exploring it all now. Hope your journey on this repeating loop is bringing more clarity for you too 🙏🏼
Thank you for watching! I’m touched to hear that it resonated with you so deeply. Embracing the full spectrum of human experience can be incredibly challenging yet profoundly rewarding. ❤️
Thanks for sharing. ❤️
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
Glad you liked it❤️
Hi Elizabeth. I hope you see this message. I just watched your personal update video yesterday and I was so moved by it that I felt that I had to write something. I have to admit that part of this is coming from a selfish place but also out of authentic connection. As I was listening to your message at first I was filled with an almost overwhelming sense of fear and sadness because I thought you might say that you were retiring. I felt panicked because I just recently discovered you and thought oh great there goes my spiritual mentor. Thank Source you didn’t say that. As a Husband, a Father of 3 and an Educator I know exactly how you feel. Worried about never being enough unfortunately comes with the territory. Please, please, please, remember to take your own advice and take time for yourself and to grant yourself some grace. Please do what ever you need to to take care of yourself. You have a a new born at home. If you want to sport that gray hoodie for all your videos, go for it. You’re an amazing spiritual coach and I’m sure you’re an amazing wife and mother. A message I once received, which you may like was “peace and well being.” This has become my montra. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all you do and we love you! Sincerely with tons of love a newly awkend soul.
Thank you for watching!!
Thank you for the kind words. We greatly appreciate your love and support🥰✨
Love your openness your honesty and just you showing us where you are at this moment is a blessing to you and all of us. I too am only recently learning to truly go with the flow, to ‘stop and smell the roses’ and being what I want to be or need to be in each moment or in each day.
We are all evolving so trusting the process
Sending loads of love
Appreciate that Alison🥰
Hi Elizabeth!
I am an energy healer and channeler from Austria (Europe). I’ve been doing this work for 24 years, and I’m one of those exhausted starseeds by now. I’ve given my all. I’ve dedicated my all to help people awaken, remembering their true selves. I’ve made major sacrifices, neglecting my own life (especially friendships, relationships, fun stuff, taking enough time out, even not starting my own family). And this month (April 2024) I’ve decided – after a longer period of pondering about it – that I’m no longer willing to make the sacrifice, pouring all my life force into the mission, into people who are not even willing to wake up, who are not willing to take responsibility for themselves, who are still falling for the spiritual bullsh*t and false prophets and the spiritual ego.
There’s lots of darkness in the spiritual bubble. At least, that’s what I have experienced. Someone even copied a course that I’ve channeled with ‘The Council of Light’ and “taught it” with dark entities. They also penetrate the spiritual scene and wannabe lightworkers, not only Hollywood. I took this person to court. Since then, I’m under constant psychic attacks. At first, I felt guilty about thinking to quit, but then I honestly asked myself: “Do I have to do this? Does it have to be this hard?” And the answer was: “I don’t. And it doesn’t.” Even my Spirit Guides told me: “You have given us so much. At this point, we don’t ask anything of you although we love working through you. You are free to choose what you want to do. Do what you love. Follow the joy.”
Funny enough, on April 8th 2024 (eclipse day), I went to a job interview after 24 years of being self-employed. I got the job. It’s only 30 hours per week and limited to 4 months. So, it’s a perfect test drive to see how I could eventually re-created my life, meaning: Having a steady income that is not linked to my mission. And only doing the things that I love mission-wise. Like, I channeled a book on 5D consciousness from 2019 until 2021 that is still sitting in my drawer. I’ve started channeling healing music in 2012, which came to a halt because life got so hard and demanding. And guess what? I love teaching consciousness – I mean, real wisdom, universal truth. I love channeling music. I love writing books. And that’s what I will focus on. I alway thought that my mission needed to financially support the things I love most about my mission. But somehow, I got so caught up in the healing aspect of it (doing lots and lots of one-on-one healing sessions) and in the need to create consciousness for people to even understand why it’s important to change their ways, that I literally bled out energetically, not having energy for the things I love most.
So, here I am. Starting a new job on May 2nd. Looking forward to playing my beautiful piano again. Looking forward to not having my income tied to my mission. Looking forward to releasing books and creating courses for people who do care about their awakening journey and the world, without neglecting the joy of being alive. Looking forward to lots of creative time and time in nature.
Dear Elizabeth, I salute your decision. I see you. I hear you. I feel you. My Spirit Guides often use the analogy of us lightworkers/starseeds like acupuncture points on a meridian. We’re all connected. We’re having each other backs. I love your vibe. I love the work that you do. And I love you being a mother, spouse and human being, and protecting that part of your life that you deserve to enjoy. Sending love from Vienna.
Thank you for your support and love 😊😊
Thank you for opening up and telling your story. 🥰🙌
Hey Elisabeth, i’m writing from my husbands account. Just wanted to tell you thank you for sharing everything! I found your videos in december last year and felt for the first time in my 32 years understood and not alone anymore. Its so great to see that the soul attracts what she needs and what has the same energy…
Just that you know, you are not alone, there is so much love coming from here to you. You got this! We mastered so many other challenges in previous lifes, we can do this one too!
Regards from Germany 🫶🏻
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for the encouraging words🙏
Hi EA!
For what it’s worth, I agree with those saying that you can have it both ways and meet in the middle in a way that does not compromise the safety of you or your family. I have seen many great interviews lately on the Next Level Soul podcast (over 800k subscribers and growing fast), the host Alex Ferrari is a true gem. He is also very well placed to help you get your books translated into many more languages! If he has not already reached out for an interview then have your team express interest xoxo
Thank you😊🙏
wow, that was so heartfelt and inspiring . please just be patient and stay in joy, find the flow and harmony in all you need to far as the guilty pleasures, its like eating dessert, lol you can eat dessert and just embrace enjoying it and be or go into the maze mind and fight the guilty game, its all good!
I commend you and all your challenges . Life is surely a journey building a pyramid of sound moments and memories. we just need to be patient and harness our hearts as our souls and human navigation tool.
Laughter is key, grounding, earthing, being, patience, flow…..I know you know this, lol
sending love and blessings, love light and harmony .
Thank you beyond measure for all you do and are doing your work and passions and thank you for being so wonderful and tapped in to the everything, you have your hand on the cosmic pulse, stay embraced~!!!
Thank you so much for your message! ❤️✨
Thank you for the update. I’ve been a fan since you were 27 and have seen you in your acceleration. A while ago, you posted a video that you had over extended yourself and in the previous video, you were torn between two directions. I was feeling you to be so spread thin in everything in your life. This is a very unsettling feeling. I feel like you hit a wall with something and you had to decide if you want to keep pushing or accept your physical reality at this time. It heartens me to see you choosing the “human.” It is definitely the harder route but your son will be better for it. But soon, he will be off on his own and whatever it is that you felt blocked by will be revisited and you can decide to push or not. I’m going to be here with you no matter what! 🩷❤️ Do keep in mind there’s so much wisdom to be learned from the human/earth world too!
Also, keep in mind that you are in a female’s body and your neurology is driven more by feminine traits (hormones). I’d watch Dr. Kayla Osteroff (spelling?) on Gaia or search her. She is a neurologist that talks about how women burn out more in this world because the dominant neurology is male and women simply cannot operate in this manner. We have to work with our natural female neurology to be more balanced.
Anyway, you will have it all. Take the break from the push—and gather all the learning you can now for the next iteration of you! 🩵💙💜
thank you for watching
Thank you for your love and support! We greatly appreciate it❤️✨🙏
Just casually dabbling rescuing Kate. ❤️❤️❤️
Dear Elizabeth, you just did introduction to your new book! You are my voice, you are my words, you are my feelings! Love you and proud to know you!
I do have same feelings of loosing myself and confusing of choices, gain the knowledge and taking healing courses every spring, mostly in April. Than I am living my human life.
Love it😍
Yay!! Thank you so much!! 😊😊
You are enough!
thank you so much
you can balance the two aspects out
there are so many modalities – that you can use on yourself or receive from someone, – that would help you heal that wounded part
yes, we are here to enjoy life, but also to help the planet awaken, however that looks like
maybe just smiling to strangers or whatever
Thank you ❤️🙏