Reveal the power of Starseeds and their mission in this video through light activation, galactic connection and the Akashic Records. This was by far one of the most activating and next-level panels EA’s ever been on. These women give us hope for the future! Enjoy the activations
How Fantastic was THAT??!??
Such gratitude I have for your work, your energy and the sharing of this video. This was so powerful and so needed. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Thank you so much for your support❤️✨🙌🥰
Love this!! ❤️❤️✨
Thank you, EA! Thank you for helping me with my evolution! It is a pitty that I reside on the other side of the planet and currently not have possibility to attend an event in the US and meet you in person….I am sure that the energy “live” must be tremendously strong …Sending much love
Sending love and light!! ❤️✨
Light language is awesome
Perfect to try again after lunch at work
You tube was glitchy watching this a few days ago audio kept cutting in and out
Sorry about that! You can open the subtitle if that helps.
WOW! That was a whole lot of Awesome!! I wish I could have been sitting in that room when the redheaded one started her magic 🤯✨️👏 Elizabeth, your voice and level of inner calm was healing in itself!! You rocked the sh*% outta that panel! Thanks so much for sharing it with us 🫶
Love this!! ❤️❤️
Incredible 🙏🏻💗 I can’t remember who, either during Althea’s or Levi’s activation I got a vision of an all white being with the back of her head in a sort of cone shape going down her back hugging me from behind saying, “it’s okay, I’m here.” First time experiencing anything like this, does that physical description sound like a familiar species to anyone? Or should I be asking this in the forum?
Sorry, Livia*
You can send questions to the community forum! 😊
Can we one day See or hear maybe this past lives casette? 🤩🩷 I love this panel, so many beautiful souls 💕
Wonderful!! ❤️❤️
That was an amazing panel and experience. Thank you
Thank you for watching!! ❤️
This was awesome. The panel had all different experiences. I really enjoyed the mediation, even though I was constantly getting distracted. I think you explained the best of the panel. I am definitely blocked. I think I need past life regression.
I totally agree😊
Thank you for watching!! ❤️❤️
Wow!! Very impressive and enlightning video! Arturians and others just landed in the room to help us evolve. I want to thank the person who filmed the best way he could! Elizabeth has always the touch and super intuition to tell us where to go!
Wonderful!! ❤️
Elizabeth you are so charming, grounded yet magical with wisdom in this panel. I can’t imagine being up there waiting to speak! I know you went through that test in regards to ego death before this convention, and it shows how you one can be admired and revered without abusing their position or letting their ego run unchecked. I was cheering you on as i’m sure everyone else here was too! Leveling up each day every day!
Thank you so much❤️❤️
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️
EA is so powerful, magnetic, articulate and COURAGEOUS! I’ve been wandering around for most of my life looking for people like you in this community. Thank for creating a platform to foster and nurture connection and….Let’s go! Or i guess…Let’s Let Go…is more apropos. So much love going out to you and everyone from this humble little wheat field in the middle of the mid-west. See you soon.
Thank you for the kind words🥰 We appreciate you being here❤️
Love this!! ❤️❤️
That’s true💥
It’s a very long video but well worth forwarding to the spots when Elizabeth speaks! She clarifies things with such simplicity. And I really appreciate how she grounded all of us at the end. Thank you, EA!
Would also Love to know the names of the people that where there! so potent thank you <3
I think I found them… So from left to right, it’s: EA, Althea Lucrezia Avanzo (IG @lightcodesbyala); Emily Harrison (IG @theakashicacademy); Next table: Melissa Feick (Ig: @melissafeick); Livia Devi (IG: @arcturianschanneling); and Jackie Laara Herod (IG: @lightcodesbylaara)
I hope that’s right!! <3
Thanks Rachel 🙂
Rachel, This was tremendously helpful thank u for that
I love it that I was in the bath myself when I was hearing EA’s introduction. I set my intention straight away!
Yeeessss!!! ❤️❤️
Who are the 2 women all the way on the right hand side?
Jacki “Laara” and Livia Devi
In the beginning when I believe it was Jackie “laara” (the young lady on the end) when we were going through our breathing exercises concentrating on our heart space I actually started sobbing while she was speaking through the other language. Is that normal?? I couldn’t tell if I was scared or if I was letting a blockage out? Thank you for your guidance. Love and light
Sending love and light!! ❤️✨