Discover what December has in store for us and learn about the pressure to change, navigating chaos, and embracing the upcoming 2025 in this video. Reflect on your past year and set intentions for the future! Are you ready Starseed?!
Discover what December has in store for us and learn about the pressure to change, navigating chaos, and embracing the upcoming 2025 in this video. Reflect on your past year and set intentions for the future! Are you ready Starseed?!
ThankYOU EA ♡
Thank you so much for watching❤️❤️
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️❤️
Wise words my dear Elizabeth 💖💖 I had to watch the video twice as a lot of information that was giving me the validation vibe!! I am hopeful I’ve done the work yet challenge and change have been a part of my routine my journey for some time now. I am truly trying to love myself more with my flaws and all. I tend to be a stubborn perfectionist, but I am learning that I am putting the most pressure on myself. Listening to the feeling in my human heart instead of thinking with my human brain😉😉 grateful for this now in this timeline
always I send much love and light to all💖💖🌟🌟Oh so exciting!
Just an hour away from the coaching call! What insightful messages will we receive today 🌟💖🌟💖🌟
Thank you so much for watching! Glad you liked it🥰
Love this!! ❤️ Thank you soo much for being here!!