This video is a coaching call where the host addresses questions from individuals regarding their personal journeys and challenges. The topics discussed include finding ones purpose, overcoming energetic setbacks, and connecting with loved ones who have passed away. The host provides guidance and insights based on her intuitive abilities and offers advice on how to navigate these challenges.
I had two orders duplicate also! Got to give a couple of presents. One duplication also came in with a message: “for two different locations” and I knew just the person who needed the thing in two locations. 🙂
Thank you for your comment!! 🙌
I am blown away by Joseph’s portion. It was definitely for me. I’ve always been nick named the black cloud as a nurse because if something crappy happens it’s to me. It’s become a running joke. When I first started awakening I had a dream about what I thought was a very large almost Egyptian looking warrior type with this big thing around it’s head shining blue light around it. I got the feeling it was me but I couldn’t comprehend it. Then last week I took your crystal test and it came back annunaki. The picture it showed was exactly the being I dreamed of and I was blown away! Definitely would like to know how to clear the karma or whatever is causing me to have crap happen constantly.
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
I’m speechless. ENLIL (reincarnate) is not only on this planet right now again, same time as I am and all of us, he CALLED IN TO OUR MEMBERS Q&A SHOW. Aaaahhhhh I am screaming, this is so epic! 😁 Great transmission again, EA
EA!! Everything is duplicating for me too!! Orders…and tons of text messages that I have to keep deleting. TONS of computer issues and glitches also.
We are sorry to hear that! Can you please chat with us so we can help you further?
I would say I’m speechless, but my comments suggest that that’s a lie lol
I never understood why my horoscope readings until has said many times over the years I’m a natural was talking about my higher self enlil
When the galactic federation said we had to leave. Unlike the reptilians who refused. I left wi with the annunaki
Thank you so much Joseph for coming in today 🤩😎 reading your comments has given me so much new knowledge on these entities and also saved me so much time from researching 😂
Thanks.the coaching call was amazing.coaching calls are always awesome.i didn’t expect my higher self is most likely an 11th dimensional being.i thought an old soul but one of the oldest.