In this video titled Unlocking Your Soul Mission, Elizabeth April discusses soul mission and life purpose. They specifically address the needs and questions of starseeds, individuals who feel a strong desire to know their purpose. Elizabeth April explains that starseeds often feel a deeper calling beyond their everyday lives and explore the idea of a higher mission. They emphasize that one doesnt necessarily have to know their soul mission to fulfill it, and that aligning with their purpose may already be happening unconsciously. Elizabeth April also encourages starseeds to follow what truly lights them up and not limit themselves to specific roles or careers. They highlight the importance of embracing ones current position and being open to where the universe may guide them. The video concludes with an affirmation that affirms being exactly where one needs to be.
Gracias 🙏🏼 🤩
I skipped my workout cause I feel my soul needs EA videos atm.. as always
Love this!! ❤️❤️
Thank you ♡♡♡♡♡♡
I am asking me wath can i do in purpose in my life at the moment because my project didn’t work 🥲 thanks for your message ! But i think i need to have message about my life and wath to do because noting work !
Thank you for being here!! ❤️🙌
I think I am definitely in the retirement/hold space crew…
BUT! — I am so bad at it!!
I will likely forget this video and this comment with in the next hour and be right back to forcing action and searching. — HA!
Thank you, EA, I thank God for You and websites like yours, the dark ages were times when we thought “What is god” and “isn’t it strange how the planetary positions and movements govern our lives and can be predictable, e.g. astrology” and “are there other beings in the universe” and “why is there Good and Evil” etc … the dark ages were not knowing, now, everything that is hidden is being made known. (I somehow knew everything would make sense when everything was made known).
Also, I have found life on Earth is hard to do good things because everyone and everything is hitting you in the face trying to stop you, And I always felt, just observe it, don’t react to it, (let the Kama end cycle) was the right action in my heart, but hard to take in the human moment. Again, Thank you for your website and the giving us the answers we need. 👍👍👍
Thank you for being here🥰
Thank you, EA! Old soul here. Initial awareness of my origin during childhood in the 1950’s, with my calling to heal fulfilled through a chain of synchronicities.
I found the balance between “day job” and soul calling and was blessed with the pursuit of both, especially from my mid-thirties on. Just retired from the “day job” at the end of March and now devoting full energy to the soul work. Grateful for all of this, grateful for Starseed sisters and brothers, and grateful for messengers like you! My Facebook tagline is, “Visitor from a small planet; staying to make a difference!” Bless you and this community!
Thanks EA! Am learning to try to relax during this time and just BE. I’m learning that just Mt essence is enough though I’m open to another career path. Everything has fallen apart, including my health, but I believe it is to learn how to best heal others and has forced me to put myself first for once… well… more than I ever did in the past. Your insights and authentic style always bring me comfort and gratitude.
Sending so much love and healing vibes❤️
Thank you so much for being here!! ❤️❤️❤️
Great video, have been feeling this (purpose questions) for a while now, in fact years in the background. Now I have found it I’m still thinking “is this definitely it?”
Thank you for watching!! ❤️🙌
I’d love to be in the retirement camp. I’m 70 now but have spent my life struggling with so many wars of various kinds.
Sending love and big hug❤️✨
Thank you for all the insight EA. It helps me a lot and gives me a better understanding about my purpose in this life.
Thank you so much for watching❤️
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️
I have a crystal business that lights me up ☺️
Wonderful!! ❤️❤️🙌
Thank you for this Elizabeth. I work as a realtor helping people find homes, however most people are retired in my age group and I was wondering if I have fulfilled my contract. I needed to hear this and it is OK to chill out.
You got this!! ❤️🙌
Love your videos EA
Yaaayyy!! ❤️🙌
Thanks, Elizabeth! I understand we are each here under a “contract” formulated in the spirit world prior to coming to this life. The contract is to further experience and address areas of learning and growth. The majority arrive on Earth with total “amnesia” about who they are or what they contracted, is that right? So, given many potential distractions, derailments and misinformation from birth on, it may take some a few years, a lifetime or never to “wake up” to their life’s purpose? The 3D density of Earth is an enormous challenge, is it not? For starseeds who are enlightened, no matter what family, job or career, it seems that part of life’s mission, is to be “instruments of light” laying down trails of “breadcrumbs” and sharing truth wherever possible to help more awaken?
That’s awesome!! Well said!
Thank you for your comment!! 🙌
This resonated so much ❤️✨
Glad it resonated with you!! ❤️❤️
EA, could our Mission involve certain involvements with an individual or individuals?
I love you so much Elizabeth. My awakening started in 2015. I found you only a few weeks ago and since then you have changed my life!!! I turn 40 on September 11 of this year. I’m a breast cancer survivor and mother to five children. This video message definitely resonates with me. I want to thank you because you have really, really helped me. 🫶🏻🙏
Wow! You’re a brave girl❤️ Sending love and light
Sending so much love!! ❤️❤️
Ahhh, Love you EA! Such a great way to start my day! I’m 60 and still wonder about my mission! Then I remember, I gave birth to 9 starseeds! Yikes! They are beautiful humans and wonderful musicians. Most are waking at this time. I’m so thankful I’ve begun awakening the past few years to help guide them. Some are way ahead of me! I do still feel a desire towards psychic mediumship. I also want to move to Sedona and sit on a vortex everyday! 💫 I may be 60 but I still feel excited for my future and look forward to watching Earth shift! For now, I AM! 💥
You got this!! ❤️❤️
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️