Awakeners & Creators of the Cosmic Society dive into topics like: phases of awakening, finding highest intention, mission work, cosmic connections, chakras and solar flares, grounding overwhelm, starseed parenting, parenting teens, intuitive life advice and so much more!!
Members Coaching Call: Phases of Awakening, Parenting Starseeds, Mission Work, Grounding & Overwhelm ++
- September 2024
- 30
- 2676
Thank you so much for your gifts and service to others!
Thank you for your kind words😊🌟
Have a wonderful day!!
Thank you for the messages and for doing these coaching sessions. Also thanks everybody for sharing your experiences. These sessions help me to heal my old wounds and to move on with hope and love myself. Really love yourselves more. Happy and grateful for these messages, love and hugs 🤗 to you all.
Thank you for joining the coaching sessions! Glad to know it has been helpful for you and that you’re finding healing and hope. Your gratitude and positivity mean a lot. Wishing you continued growth and self-love. Sending back so much love🥰
Love this! Sending you so much love and healing vibes!! ❤️🙌
Thank you Elizabeth. Looking forward to joining my first live call.
What I was reminded of was … be grounded … feel into the presence of what is really going on for me at the moment … feel the moment and if its not snacky time then snack now … being aware of the moment is the way forward and just keep conencting with nature.
Thank you
Great! Keep up the good work and see you on the next coaching call❤️
Yaaaayyy!! See you there!! ❤️❤️
Would like to share as how it has been lately – lots of anxiety; headaches; unusual fatigue. Sometimes felt like I slept reasonably well yet end up needing to take a nap. Elizabeth, thank you for checking to see how we are; makes me feel a lot better to know I am not alone with these issues. On the other hand, I have been noticing a lot of numbers like 144, etc. On a completely different note, Elizabeth I love how you say “come on in”. As usual, another amazing coaching call. Also, as usual the group message was powerful, including the snack message. Thank you for the sage at the end. It smells lovely..
Thank you for being here despite how you have been lately! Knowing you don’t feel alone in these experiences is reassuring Sending love and light❤️✨.
You are not alone!! Sending you so much love!❤️❤️
Hi EA, I was wondering if you discuss vampires and witches sometime. Are these beings on our physical plane?
Thank you for posting your question! In the future, you can also submit your questions to the community forum here:
Beautiful & profound call…love the shares and thank you to EA & the participants…learned alot…thanks to all who find us and give that helpful info too:)
I agree! The call was truly beautiful and profound, and every coaching session is a valuable learning experience.❤️✨🙌
So good! I couldn’t be present yesterday on my first Coaching call in this community, and I really wanted to, but all the messages had some info for me too. Thank you, EA for this amazing call! Thank you thank you thank you!
I’m glad you found the messages helpful, even if you couldn’t be present for the call. It’s wonderful to hear that the call resonated with you. We’re all here to support each other, and I hope you can join us to the next live coaching call😊❤️🙏
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️❤️
What another beautiful Call. I just wish the time would be different now and then, so I can attend Live. I live in Bali (GMT +8) and I have tried to get up, but it’s so early in the morning that I can’t make it. 🫣 please if you could switch times sometimes so other time zones can attend that would be fantastic 😃✨✨💃🏼
Love and light
Jeanette 💕
I’m so glad you enjoyed the call! I understand the challenge of attending at an early hour from Bali. I’ll make sure to pass along your feedback about varying the call times to accommodate different time zones but I cannot promise anything. 😊❤️🙏
Oh thank you Lyn ✨✨✨💕💕💕
The Bright White Light of Unconditional Love
For many years I’ve been battling dark energies and entities. I’ve been using sea salt on the seat of my company vehicle for years to help me get through the day. There’s also really bad energies in my apartment. I already know that there’s a portal in my room where these things are coming through.
I would sage, but since I’m always exhausted from work, I don’t sage much. But I have been using liquid Sage & Palo Santo to spray a line all the way around the apartment to create a circle to seal the bad out. Much less work, It only last like 3 days.
I would just repeat the process, but it wasn’t all peaceful. I always felt the rundown, the laziness, and the bedridden feeling that wouldn’t let me do things that I’ve been wanting to do for years.
On the 3rd day I would start feeling the blasted rundown, the laziness and bedridden feeling.
Well for like 3 years, my energy kept getting worse and worse. I knew I needed a breakthrough.
I was stuck watching youtube videos. I say stuck because the cause of these negative feelings was causing me to just flop in my chair and watch videos for endless hours with little learning, just entertainment.
Well, I kept seeing these particular videos about how if you put a couple inches of sea salt in a drinking glass and fill it with water, it’ll neutralize the bad energies.
I ignored those videos a couple of times. On the third time, I decided to look into it.
My goal was to prepared 4 for those, one for each major corner of my apartment. Well, when you feel rundown, lazy, and like you just want to keel over on the bed, I just did 2 of them. And I just put them on the floor against the wall behind my head as I lay on my bed, and I waited to see what would happen.
The 1st night I experience something that hasn’t happened for years, and it happened this night. I would close my eyes, I would see something covering my eyes, and I could see it with my eyes closed. I would open my eyes and it would go away behind me. I would close my eyes, and the same thing. This happened 3 times.
On the 2nd day around 5:30pm-ish, I started hearing like someone complaining, and at the same time a hissing. And I can feel an entity. I can feel this entity’s mind and when I felt it, the apartment felt like it wasn’t there. And the entity was getting closer and closer.
That night, I was falling asleep, something woke me up, and when I woke up and opened my eyes, I see this child on my bed, it was between 11:30pm to 1:30Am. It looked like I interrupted it’s crawling towards me. It was on all fours on the left side near my legs. When I saw the face. It was a child’s face but with black eyes.
When I saw that, that was my queue to get up and finish the rest of the salt glasses. When I finished making the salt glasses and putting it in each major corner, I heard it complaining and hissing, but it was fading away. And the feeling of being rundown, lazy, and bedridden had gone away almost immediately.
A couple of days passed and I started feeling that rundown feeling again. So I went to check all the Salt glasses and when I got to the ones in my room, they were really different than the rest.
The one in the corner at the foot of the bed, the water was almost gone, and the salt was climbing up the glass. I used a beer mug, so it had a handle on it. So I grabbed it, and I can feel a really strong negative energy coming off the mug. Very strong. When I tilted the mug to look inside, it was like a laser pointer of intense bad energy right in my face.
So I hurried up and changed the water, and added more salt and water, and I also said an affirmation of protection. I first start by visualizing THE BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE as I put my hand over the salted glass, then say your affirmation…
In the beginning I had to do maintenance on the glasses every 3 days. The gap to do maintenance on the glasses are getting longer.
I’ve been dealing with this for years and years, and finally a break.
I hope this helps.
I highly recommend connecting with Sharma, another Lightworker on our team! She specializes in assisting Lightworkers and Starseeds with negative reptilian attachments or entity attacks. She can work with you to sever any harmful cords and release the intense energy that may be impacting your vibrational state.
You can contact the reptilian/entity remover directly at:
To learn more, visit her website:
So bummed I missed it! My boyfriend likes your YouTube videos BTW, you are helping to awaken the tough ones! Awesome! We a beautiful messes but feel we are all in to serve and help humanity when Source asks us.
Glad to know that watching EA’s video was helpful. Thank you so much for the support❤️
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️❤️