🔥 This video was recorded on Saturday, July 20th. Since then, major shifts have taken place including the recent news about Biden! This is a video update you need to see!🔥
🔥 This video was recorded on Saturday, July 20th. Since then, major shifts have taken place including the recent news about Biden! This is a video update you need to see!🔥
EA , thanks so much for this! It would be so unfortunate if you stopped posting videos like this – just because a few people got triggered. I love these videos! Attaching one’s ego to a particular political candidate and then going into fight or flight when the candidate gets criticized is absurd – definitely not 5D. A few comments on the content:
-and thanks again for this video. I’m off to watch Dark Journalist discuss the trump assassination.
Everything u said about Trump is confirmation of what I already knew intuitively and I’m glad u got to see who he really is he’s really gonna help us not just Americans, but the whole world is going to benefit by him being our president.
Thank you for watching!!
At 4:44 of this video EA is putting her fist up the same way trump did 😳🤯
The video ended up working after technical gremlins-yay! This was great! Please take care of you, don’t deplete your precious energy, EA! Is Vance a plant? Is that infiltration….
After 1 min and 30 secs the videos stops. I subscribed as a seeker and I wanna first get the 7 days of trial so that I get to watch as much truth videos from u as possible🤭 as a fun of your great work🙏
The video disappears as soon as I click on it….anyone else getting this too? Darn it, I’m so excited to see this! 🤣
An incognito page works a bit better but it still went down after a few minutes.
Trump is no buffoon. He has worked his whole life undercover taking down organized crime. His life is very similar to the Batman stories. He puts on a show of being an idiot just so that he can get closer to his targets and for people to underestimate him. Now he is attempting to take down the largest organized crime group on the planet, the elite shadow government. Really curious what his connections to positive hyperdimensional beings are. I remember Kinetic saying “Trust the Plan” in an older video, which might be Q’s most popular phrase
I wish she would do more talk about the white hats…
From what I understand he has support from the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance and others, essentially white hats working in those unacknowledged projects and their allies. This is why he created the Space Force, it was leading to disclosure of all the advancements that have been made in secret, largely funded by civilian taxes. He always alludes to the incredible achievements by US scientists, but can’t say outright what those are. He knows far more about what’s really going on than the public realise. I think this is one of the main reasons why they fight so hard to keep him out of office again. Once the technology the elite have been hoarding to themselves is revealed, its game over.
thank you
Have a great day!!
As always…amazing video. Love you girl.
I think he’s ballsy, and he was pissed this happened. He is pretty straightforward, and he didn’t need to stage such a risky scenario. My question is, “Did God step in and move his head, and why did God keep him alive?’ Also, is his VP choice -Vance- a double agent or a betrayer?
I was always a democrat and never considered voting for T until 2 days before the 2016 election. The reason I was not going to vote that year was because I had spent nearly a decade living in very corrupt and criminal and all-Philadelphia. That city’s politicians deliberately destroyed my life and committed many crimes against me so my idealism about Dems was destroyed. But then I had a dream 2 days before the election where I was shown a map of Russia and the Eastern European countries. In the dream, I was shown that the USA had surrounded Russia with arms and weapons, and there was a plan to have a war with Russia and that Hilary would start this war right away after she was elected if she was elected. I woke in terror and knew such a war would essentially destroy the world, so I went and voted against Hilary. I had never even heard one single speech by Trump, but I figured if we were not at war, everything else could be worked on, but a war like that would not allow any human progress at all. I did not see the 2016 election results that night, but when I heard that Trump had won, my whole body relaxed. I trust my dreams and my body reactions more than anything else. Of course, the war with Russia essentially started right away after Biden got back in, but society awareness is so much more not than it was in 2016. It has been Hilary’s and others’ plan to have this war with Russia for a long time. Lindsy Graham just came out a few weeks ago and told everyone that the minerals in Ukraine were worth billions/trillions, so the war was worth it. But I do not approve of wars that go in and genocide so many, many people, destroy generations, and then steal resources. That is basic piracy 101.
I formerly voted democrat until the 2016 elections, as well. Now my eyes have been completely opened to a different perspective ❤️
Thank you for this, EA!! Appreciate you and your insight/work:) Especially in these crazy times.
Thank you so much for watching!!
I can’t see the video, any reason why?
So crazy you predicted Biden stepping back and a few days later or a day later he does you are so accurate on your readings! That’s why I love your content you have helped me so much through this journey!
Thank you for being here!!
Thanks so much for this Elizabeth!!! Keep doing these controversial videos even though you may get hate or may be a bit dangerous but I do
Believe it helps us so much to sort out the truth also tune into our own truth because I feel like there is so much craziness going on that it is really hard to tell. 😆💕💕💕sending love!!
Thank you so much!!
Hmm 🤔 this isn’t available for some reason… when I click on it, it disappears.
Try opening it on an incognito browser. If it still have some issues, kindly message us at the support chat. 😊
It could definitely be MK Ultra
It’s sad that anyone on this platform would want to give you backlash. We all have the right to our own opinion EA, even you! We’re human. I don’t give a shit about politics and I’ll make remarks that are polarizing everyday! You have my support to be polarizing if u want LOL
Love this!! ❤️🙌
Make your comments girl!!! And good on you for keeping yourself and your family safe! And anyone That gets angry needs to understand that they need to do some work! They need to see the error of their thoughts!!! You are always super objective!!! Thank you for all you do!!!
🕊️ 🕊️ ✌🏻 🫶🏻🤙🏻
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️
Thank you!!
👽 thank you!
Have a great day! ❤️