51 thoughts on “The Truth Behind Hurricane Milton”
I too live in Florida near Sarasota. On Monday I told my husband I thought something was off about this storm that it didn’t feel like the others and I started meditating on it to dissipate the winds. I called on the ancestors to help lessen the wind. I am so grateful for everyone who prayed and meditated on this storm as we were successful with the outcome. Thank you all who helped us here Florida. We are so powerful. 💜💜💜
I was just trying to catch the GFL meeting- will get the replay- and saw this.. Yeay! Thank you EA! I was hoping for an update on Milton!
I totally saw (vision) the whole state of Florida under water and my in-laws floating away.. years ago. I couldn’t get grandma and grandpa to leave, but I sat with one of the YT weather guys all day and thought about slowing the storm and flipping it sideways into the water as it was happening (like changing a nightmare where you are running from someone. Realize you are in it and make a hole appear for the bad guy to fall into! Like bugs bunny did. Lol.) I put a huge shield wall covering the whole coast as the storm came in. I know I wasn’t the only one working on the storm. And we can push/redirect tornados as well back into the clouds. Pretend you are a jedi knight and just do it. Or make the intention that it comes down in the sticks/ocean if it needs to. Everything helps!!! I am so happy (and my head still hurts two days later.. so worth it. )
Thanks and love to everyone who stayed in high vibration! I had my music on 432 hertz to keep my vibration up and just thought about it slowing down/going away. We are unstoppable. 🙏❤️😉
I’m in north Florida and I stayed away from the fear and prepared and kept surrounding our area with light and protection. So happy we all influenced the whole timeline… yes it was the collective.❤️❤️❤️full body chills💫
Hi EA thank you so much for this video ! I am not a light worker or whatever but I had the feeling or doubts about this hurricane. So I prayed for everyone and my family in FL. It’s good to get the validation that this was created on purpose and WE changed the timeline! There was a journalist I follow also confirmed how it was created by the frequency weapon…. So F’ed up just like what they did to Maui… thank you for the truth!
EA THANK YOU! Thank you so much for sending out the love and protection to Florida! I live in Florida as does most of my family. We are spread all over west coast/ east coast/ north/ south. Lived in this state all my life and this was the first storm I intuitively felt concerned. Like you I meditated on Florida being safe. I myself live in Palm Beach County. We had a record number of tornado warnings! A few hit surrounding areas and lives were lost. I never got the warnings and I am not sure the people impacted did either. This storm set a record for tornadoes. I have been through my fair share of hurricanes and this is the first time I have ever seen anything like it.
I really wanted to comment regarding Hurricane Helene – this storm was different also. It really affected west coast of Florida/Georgia/ South Carolina. But Western North Carolina was destroyed. The news isn’t really covering the truth on this. I am very familiar with some of the extremely impacted areas. We spend time in these town every summer. They are the most beautiful places filled with the kindest people!!! The devastation is on the same level as Katrina if not worse. Entire towns are completely gone. Like GONE!!!!! Homes with entire families have been washed away. So so many people are still missing. The death toll I believe is about 230 now but I think it will be much much higher. But I am not sure if most bodies will be discovered. They are buried beneath ruble and water and sediment. The locals on the ground have been the ones sending in help. Our government agencies completely failed these wonderful people. FEMA has basically just begun helping 2 weeks in. They offered the people there $750 per family. Which really won’t do much for the people there. But have denied a lot of people this that have tried. Our government just sent over 100 million to Lebanon last week to help people get necessary resources. But can’t do the same for its own tax paying citizens. I’m just shocked. People there can smell dead bodies everywhere but basically working as locals to recover. This land is rich with natural resources like lithium and quartz. People are starting to talk about how this feels like a land grab. I don’t want to believe that but when you start doing digging on the information nothing adds up. My heart breaks for this area. They are in desperate need of help. If you feel at all called to look into this I would be so very grateful. In the beginning of your video you mentioned your original plan would be to clear the energy of the land and help the souls lost in Florida but then then the need for that changed as the storm wasn’t as devastating as you felt it may be. This could be so helpful to the people of western North Carolina. If you feel called to help. Thank you so much for everything you do and the information you give. I am grateful!
*sorry this was so long – I do t usually comment. But this has been weighing very heavily on my heart.
Thanks for bringing up this – I felt it right away… feels like New Orleans… 2 hits in a row? That is very rare. Here is your whistleblower on the storm-making… for “necessary losses” so they may win the election. Former Raytheon Employee Eric Hecker, who worked at the South Pole Station reveals how they use direct energy to control storms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9DflVY0mHk A place bigger than H.A.R.P. in Alaska.. at the South Pole. If they do, do you think Texas will leave the union? They got the cartel to use different routes than the Texas Borders. They have divested from BlackRock, started a Texas Stock Exchange, and sued all three Vaccine Companies. I am not a Trumpster but we can’t let the puppet Kamela win – if she does – it is cheating. But that is what they did last time – let us pray.
H.A.R.P. High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a University of Alaska Fairbanks program that researches the ionosphere – the highest, ionized part of Earth’s atmosphere.
I live in the Tampa area and I felt Light covering us. I follow another intuitive and she called on light workers to fight. Me, personally, felt that I had to fight darkness of person and allow those higher to cover me. We have debris but can easily recover. Today my body has hurt from the fight and fear of last night. I’m so grateful for all those watching over us.
We are in Central Florida and I have to say, it is amazing how things did not happen as I thought they were! I was really concerned, but the damage is not as expected, at all. I thank you and all the light workers for your help on neutralizing this, preventing a lot of suffering. I think we are all really exhausted in Florida today… Thank you for looking into this, I appreciate it very much ❤️
Why target Floridians? They thumbed their noses at the COVID mandates and then had statistics to prove that they had no higher rates of sickness than California, who kow-towed to all of it. Despite having an older population.
I meditated daily and envisioned icebergs all along the west coast of Florida. On Tuesday, when I meditated and saw the icebergs, I saw them enveloping Hurricane Milton and wrapping it in a ball reducing its strength with the hope it would disappear altogether.
All day yesterday, 10/09/2024, TikTok had people posting ” CALLING ALL LIGHT WORKERS! YOU ARE NEEDED NOW.” This naturally caught my attention-being a Light Worker. The vids would say to concentrate on the hurricane & dissipate it with white light energy, protect Florida. I did, with prayers, meditation, & visualization-manifestation. I also focused on the machinery malfunctioning.
I too woke up this morning expecting to see total destruction, but was pleasantly surprised. I know I am a light worker & that I am here to help, but this event made a difference in me. The extremely strong cat5 hurricane lost most of its power. I believe WE made a difference.
The Maharishi Effect Experiment, proves we can make a diff. People would meditate on a city & the crime rate would drop dramatically. Can we, this community, do events like “Maharishi Effect Experiment” BEFORE, the disaster hits (when we see it coming) something proactive, or focus on things like removing the chemicals from our food, water, land, & air, a peaceful election this year, etc… Each time we could focus on something different to help the world. Please think about it, an ongoing weekly series. Unfortunately, I we have enough material to work on – so a long lived series. Please think about it EA.
Because of your instagram post recently about Milton before the hurricane. I too went into deep meditation and visualized the storm taking a different path. I then visualized it was the day after(today) with this exact timeline. I do think this had to do with all the light workers offering a different timeline. I haven’t watched this full zoom yet.
So appreciative for you EA, and all the light workers sending love and light to all.
This is the most difficult video to watch!! I’m trying to watched but, maybe its my internet, but it stopped at 20 and so minutes and its not loading anymore!! I’m refreshing the page many times already but continues to be hard to load. I think I’ll try watch it later.
I also felt a strong sense of doom and reaching out to people leading up despite not watching the news. Super felt that denser timeline and moved through a ton of anxiety and chaos grief etc. I’m so hopeful to see the power of the light. 🗡️💙🪽🪽
I did a meditation on Tuesday and I saw pillars of light all along the West Coast of Florida and my intention was to go within the eye and dissolve it. I know we collectively did it. Thank you Elizabeth.
On a live for my YouTube yesterday we all went up to the storm & did our best to try & dispell it & send it out to sea with no consequences. Then on my patreon later we did the same thing. We also opened portals & holding spaces for spirits so that if anyone did pass away or their soul needed temporary refuge they would go straight to Source or be held safely in a protective bubble. This way their soul couldn’t be trafficked or absorbed to feed the evil agenda. We also bottled some of the energy, transmuted it & gifted it to mother Gai to aid in the birth of the New Earth. Next step will be manifesting a quick clean up & as much Aid as possible. I am a weather witch & this storm was not natural in anyway or like any storm I have ever seen. The center was an extremely dark dense mass of black energy. We focused on sending Source frequency lightning into the center to break it up & as we did evil creatures were falling from the center into the sea. I’ve never remote viewed any storm like this in my life. There were so many benevolent energies & spirits around the storm too tho it was amazing to see everyone come together. ♥️
I tried commenting that the video isn’t playing here on the website nor on the app but it said “input too short”, so I am commenting again, with more words this time lol. Just an FYI so it can be fixed 🙂
I too live in Florida near Sarasota. On Monday I told my husband I thought something was off about this storm that it didn’t feel like the others and I started meditating on it to dissipate the winds. I called on the ancestors to help lessen the wind. I am so grateful for everyone who prayed and meditated on this storm as we were successful with the outcome. Thank you all who helped us here Florida. We are so powerful. 💜💜💜
I was just trying to catch the GFL meeting- will get the replay- and saw this.. Yeay! Thank you EA! I was hoping for an update on Milton!
I totally saw (vision) the whole state of Florida under water and my in-laws floating away.. years ago. I couldn’t get grandma and grandpa to leave, but I sat with one of the YT weather guys all day and thought about slowing the storm and flipping it sideways into the water as it was happening (like changing a nightmare where you are running from someone. Realize you are in it and make a hole appear for the bad guy to fall into! Like bugs bunny did. Lol.) I put a huge shield wall covering the whole coast as the storm came in. I know I wasn’t the only one working on the storm. And we can push/redirect tornados as well back into the clouds. Pretend you are a jedi knight and just do it. Or make the intention that it comes down in the sticks/ocean if it needs to. Everything helps!!! I am so happy (and my head still hurts two days later.. so worth it. )
Thanks and love to everyone who stayed in high vibration! I had my music on 432 hertz to keep my vibration up and just thought about it slowing down/going away. We are unstoppable. 🙏❤️😉
I’m in north Florida and I stayed away from the fear and prepared and kept surrounding our area with light and protection. So happy we all influenced the whole timeline… yes it was the collective.❤️❤️❤️full body chills💫
Hi EA thank you so much for this video ! I am not a light worker or whatever but I had the feeling or doubts about this hurricane. So I prayed for everyone and my family in FL. It’s good to get the validation that this was created on purpose and WE changed the timeline! There was a journalist I follow also confirmed how it was created by the frequency weapon…. So F’ed up just like what they did to Maui… thank you for the truth!
EA THANK YOU! Thank you so much for sending out the love and protection to Florida! I live in Florida as does most of my family. We are spread all over west coast/ east coast/ north/ south. Lived in this state all my life and this was the first storm I intuitively felt concerned. Like you I meditated on Florida being safe. I myself live in Palm Beach County. We had a record number of tornado warnings! A few hit surrounding areas and lives were lost. I never got the warnings and I am not sure the people impacted did either. This storm set a record for tornadoes. I have been through my fair share of hurricanes and this is the first time I have ever seen anything like it.
I really wanted to comment regarding Hurricane Helene – this storm was different also. It really affected west coast of Florida/Georgia/ South Carolina. But Western North Carolina was destroyed. The news isn’t really covering the truth on this. I am very familiar with some of the extremely impacted areas. We spend time in these town every summer. They are the most beautiful places filled with the kindest people!!! The devastation is on the same level as Katrina if not worse. Entire towns are completely gone. Like GONE!!!!! Homes with entire families have been washed away. So so many people are still missing. The death toll I believe is about 230 now but I think it will be much much higher. But I am not sure if most bodies will be discovered. They are buried beneath ruble and water and sediment. The locals on the ground have been the ones sending in help. Our government agencies completely failed these wonderful people. FEMA has basically just begun helping 2 weeks in. They offered the people there $750 per family. Which really won’t do much for the people there. But have denied a lot of people this that have tried. Our government just sent over 100 million to Lebanon last week to help people get necessary resources. But can’t do the same for its own tax paying citizens. I’m just shocked. People there can smell dead bodies everywhere but basically working as locals to recover. This land is rich with natural resources like lithium and quartz. People are starting to talk about how this feels like a land grab. I don’t want to believe that but when you start doing digging on the information nothing adds up. My heart breaks for this area. They are in desperate need of help. If you feel at all called to look into this I would be so very grateful. In the beginning of your video you mentioned your original plan would be to clear the energy of the land and help the souls lost in Florida but then then the need for that changed as the storm wasn’t as devastating as you felt it may be. This could be so helpful to the people of western North Carolina. If you feel called to help. Thank you so much for everything you do and the information you give. I am grateful!
*sorry this was so long – I do t usually comment. But this has been weighing very heavily on my heart.
Thank you Brittany for this information. My prayers and light are with everyone!
Thanks for bringing up this – I felt it right away… feels like New Orleans… 2 hits in a row? That is very rare. Here is your whistleblower on the storm-making… for “necessary losses” so they may win the election. Former Raytheon Employee Eric Hecker, who worked at the South Pole Station reveals how they use direct energy to control storms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9DflVY0mHk A place bigger than H.A.R.P. in Alaska.. at the South Pole. If they do, do you think Texas will leave the union? They got the cartel to use different routes than the Texas Borders. They have divested from BlackRock, started a Texas Stock Exchange, and sued all three Vaccine Companies. I am not a Trumpster but we can’t let the puppet Kamela win – if she does – it is cheating. But that is what they did last time – let us pray.
H.A.R.P. High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a University of Alaska Fairbanks program that researches the ionosphere – the highest, ionized part of Earth’s atmosphere.
I live in the Tampa area and I felt Light covering us. I follow another intuitive and she called on light workers to fight. Me, personally, felt that I had to fight darkness of person and allow those higher to cover me. We have debris but can easily recover. Today my body has hurt from the fight and fear of last night. I’m so grateful for all those watching over us.
We are in Central Florida and I have to say, it is amazing how things did not happen as I thought they were! I was really concerned, but the damage is not as expected, at all. I thank you and all the light workers for your help on neutralizing this, preventing a lot of suffering. I think we are all really exhausted in Florida today… Thank you for looking into this, I appreciate it very much ❤️
Why target Floridians? They thumbed their noses at the COVID mandates and then had statistics to prove that they had no higher rates of sickness than California, who kow-towed to all of it. Despite having an older population.
I meditated daily and envisioned icebergs all along the west coast of Florida. On Tuesday, when I meditated and saw the icebergs, I saw them enveloping Hurricane Milton and wrapping it in a ball reducing its strength with the hope it would disappear altogether.
All day yesterday, 10/09/2024, TikTok had people posting ” CALLING ALL LIGHT WORKERS! YOU ARE NEEDED NOW.” This naturally caught my attention-being a Light Worker. The vids would say to concentrate on the hurricane & dissipate it with white light energy, protect Florida. I did, with prayers, meditation, & visualization-manifestation. I also focused on the machinery malfunctioning.
I too woke up this morning expecting to see total destruction, but was pleasantly surprised. I know I am a light worker & that I am here to help, but this event made a difference in me.
The extremely strong cat5 hurricane lost most of its power. I believe WE made a difference.
The Maharishi Effect Experiment, proves we can make a diff. People would meditate on a city & the crime rate would drop dramatically.
Can we, this community, do events like “Maharishi Effect Experiment” BEFORE, the disaster hits (when we see it coming) something proactive, or focus on things like removing the chemicals from our food, water, land, & air, a peaceful election this year, etc… Each time we could focus on something different to help the world. Please think about it, an ongoing weekly series. Unfortunately, I we have enough material to work on – so a long lived series. Please think about it EA.
Thank you for this ! My brother is there and he Is ok . I appreciate everything that you are willing to channel and share
Because of your instagram post recently about Milton before the hurricane. I too went into deep meditation and visualized the storm taking a different path. I then visualized it was the day after(today) with this exact timeline. I do think this had to do with all the light workers offering a different timeline. I haven’t watched this full zoom yet.
So appreciative for you EA, and all the light workers sending love and light to all.
This is the most difficult video to watch!! I’m trying to watched but, maybe its my internet, but it stopped at 20 and so minutes and its not loading anymore!! I’m refreshing the page many times already but continues to be hard to load. I think I’ll try watch it later.
I also felt a strong sense of doom and reaching out to people leading up despite not watching the news. Super felt that denser timeline and moved through a ton of anxiety and chaos grief etc. I’m so hopeful to see the power of the light. 🗡️💙🪽🪽
I did a meditation on Tuesday and I saw pillars of light all along the West Coast of Florida and my intention was to go within the eye and dissolve it. I know we collectively did it. Thank you Elizabeth.
On a live for my YouTube yesterday we all went up to the storm & did our best to try & dispell it & send it out to sea with no consequences. Then on my patreon later we did the same thing. We also opened portals & holding spaces for spirits so that if anyone did pass away or their soul needed temporary refuge they would go straight to Source or be held safely in a protective bubble. This way their soul couldn’t be trafficked or absorbed to feed the evil agenda. We also bottled some of the energy, transmuted it & gifted it to mother Gai to aid in the birth of the New Earth. Next step will be manifesting a quick clean up & as much Aid as possible. I am a weather witch & this storm was not natural in anyway or like any storm I have ever seen. The center was an extremely dark dense mass of black energy. We focused on sending Source frequency lightning into the center to break it up & as we did evil creatures were falling from the center into the sea. I’ve never remote viewed any storm like this in my life. There were so many benevolent energies & spirits around the storm too tho it was amazing to see everyone come together. ♥️
Yay! First one here! Love and light to all
I tried commenting that the video isn’t playing here on the website nor on the app but it said “input too short”, so I am commenting again, with more words this time lol. Just an FYI so it can be fixed 🙂
It’s not playing here or on the app?