The video titled August 2024 Message to Humanity discusses the energies and experiences that can be expected during the month of August. Elizabeth April mentions a rapid acceleration of energy and emphasizes the importance of releasing old energies and focusing on manifesting new desires. The video also mentions the possibility of psychic attacks and offers insights on how to navigate and prevent them. Elizabeth April mentions that content on psychic attacks will be shared on their website throughout the month. The video concludes with a message of gratitude and love.
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
Hello 👋 new here, just met Elizabeth today, watching Gaia. On this 8/8/24, this meeting is meant to be. Gratefully I am going to be with you thru today’s meditation… thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏🏻💚✨
Welcome to the community!! ❤️❤️❤️
You mentioned light codes in one of your recent videos and it clicked, the sun has been showing uppp for me. I got really strange pictures to prove it to myself I am experiencing the light codes annd i am really going through this awakening and I am not crazy! I always have struggled with anxiety and possible attacks as well. So I will be on the look out for that this month. Thank you for always sharing updates 💕✨🛸 this is all so exciting regardless!
It’s amazing to hear your experience😊🙌😊🙌! Thank you for the support! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
I visualise running into the negative thoughts when they occasionally come and I wrap them with unconditional love. It’s like a teenager. Smoother them with love and kindness then they run away because its annoying. I find it funny. I’ve heard sleep paralysis is the beginning of Out of body experiences and it’s a way for the body to protect the nervous system while you leave. Fun!! Sending good vibes wrapped in love xx
Sending love right back to you! ❤️❤️❤️
This happened to me last night. Time to let heal my sexual trauma and stand in my power. I whipped out Exalibur and called in my guides to fend off.
This is so helpful that I am going to go back immediately and watch it again. Really looking forward to the psychic attack info. Thanks EA XO
Glad it was helpful🥰
You got this!! ❤️
My old energy releasing is my relationship with my grandma and other family members. I feel like I am stepping into a higher vibrational frequency timeline, and I have excited and anxiety. I know my anxiety is due to releasing the relationship with my narcissist grandma and depending on her help financially, as a way to control myself and my mom. I feel excited to finally step into being in love with myself again. I feel like my inner child is shining bright and love is flowing through me. I definitely am feeling lighter and more energy, but also extremely anxious. I am completely aligned with everything you are saying EA, thank you for the validation.
I do not even need to post, love, bc u said exactly what I came to say. Wow Love you all! Thank you EA! ❤️👽
Sending love!! ❤️
Thank you it’s really interesting. I really need to learn more about psychic attacks. I was wondering if you have any old meditation to rise the vibration and prevent psychic attacks during this month? Or if you can do one to help us? Thank you! ❤❤❤
For rising vibrations: EA mentioned the techniques several times in her videos. It’s the appreciation of small things around you, however insignificant they may seem: be it a food on your plate (appreciate you are not kept in hunger) be it a warm bed you can seep every night, be it a friendly faces on the street (even if you do not know them personally), be it a bumblebee landing on a flower. Think about these small details you encountered during the day (even the ones you perceived as negative when they happened) at the beginning of your meditation and appreciate they happened, because they happened for a reason. They are small hints you can observe and perhaps try to unwind the reasons they happened for (they happened for a reason), and appreciate (literally thank) the forces and entities involved. It might feel weird to appreciate things percieved negatively, but they are the mirror that shows the path that perhaps you may not want to chose or follow. The appreciation will rise your vibrations and the observation will improve your insight and empathy.
This video could have been shot for me, specifically! My little sis (Elizabeth) is coming home today. Before I awakened we truly despised one another due to her addictions (drugs/alcohol) and her behaviors that came with that. She served her time & is coming back home. I’ve been doing the inner work & have only been doing the practice with strangers in the food store, etc. Now I will face my greatest challenge so far. Getting along with her, while staying true to my boundaries. This months topic is exactly what I need! Thank you to EA & her entire team, both human & non-human alike! ♡ Much love, mad respect.
Thank you for sharing!!
I’ve always struggled with anxiety and wondered that, if after 2028/30 concludes, will people who struggle with anxiety feel less of it?
Sending love and healing vibes!! ❤️🙌
I realized in talking to two therapist friends of mine that the reason I couldn’t go to sleep while my children were at their Dad’s was because I was low key panicking(anxiety) by thinking, thinking, things running through my head. This helped me realize what was happening and allow me to rest/be in calmness when I witness myself having a hard time going to sleep. Interesting how naming it can bring the experience to light and transform it. 🙏
I have been experiencing increased anxiety and wondering why.
Do you think the acceleration of energy and increased anxiety have anything to do with the 3rd Van Allen belt that was discovered by NASA after May’s G4 geomagnetic solar storm which allowed the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) to be seen as far south as Texas?
Will this acceleration affect everyone?
Seems like it’s not a good time for the world to start experiencing accelerated energy and anxiety with all of the political division?
According to an article from Beaumont Enterprise:
[NASA unveils new discovery after May’s rare geomagnetic storm
By Robin Bradshaw,
Staff writer
July 31, 2024]
“Scientists have just discovered that, in addition to creating spellbinding auroras, the storm also made a new temporary ring of charged, high-energy particles encircling Earth,” NASA Sun Science stated on Facebook. “Earth is typically surrounded by two of these giant, donut-shaped rings of particles called the Van Allen Belts. But during especially large solar storms, a temporary third Belt can form and sandwich the two permanent ones.”
According to this article there is a third Van Allen belt that has developed that is sandwiched in between the outer and inner Van Allen belts.
Thank you for sharing!! 🙌