The video titled August 2024 Message to Humanity discusses the energies and experiences that can be expected during the month of August. Elizabeth April mentions a rapid acceleration of energy and emphasizes the importance of releasing old energies and focusing on manifesting new desires. The video also mentions the possibility of psychic attacks and offers insights on how to navigate and prevent them. Elizabeth April mentions that content on psychic attacks will be shared on their website throughout the month. The video concludes with a message of gratitude and love.
Blessed 🙏.
Have a great day!! ❤️
It would be great if you included information on how to identify a psychic attack on ourselves and our children. I personally have no idea what that looks or feels like.
Any attacks of any kind in any reality will now be met by your Cosmic Military Nacht Waffen. This is Simple. In Unity, all dominion dies
Hi Blaire! I recommend EA’s How to Be Psychic workshop, as I believe it would be beneficial for you. You can find more information here: How to Become Psychic Workshop.❤️❤️❤️
Just what I needed to hear today EA❣️
Why is E. A. wearing winter garb?
Definitely feeling this message! One day I am on top of emotions and the next 2 days all these old feelings come up that completely throw me into depression. Just started happening the last couple of weeks, when “normally” I am even keel emotionally. Feels like one is going insane. Your videos help bring more clarity to what is happening. Thank you!! 🙏
You got this!! ❤️
Thank you EA . My daughter has been waking up crying to find her brother who is literally always just sleeping above her in his top bunk. I’m trying to navigate protecting her. We do prayers & white light, would love to dive deeper into giving her tools. ❤️❤️❤️
The answer is Simple. Parents should ALWAYS sleep in the same room as their Children
My mom has been sick for the past 5 days, so I been a little worried about her.
Yesterday she called me and told me around 3am, she opened her eyes and the room was so bright, she was so shocked how bright the room was, then she closed her eyes and reopened them, it was still bright, and the brightness made the whole room look like diamonds sparkling every where, she said it was so beautiful!
It lasted a very long time, she just stared at it, then suddenly a dark entity figure crawled up from the right side of her bed and attacked her, and it was ugly and she remained calm, it didn’t scare her or affect her then it disappeared. She lives in Oregon and I live here in Los Angeles. I was recently certified for QHHT and I’m planning to go up and help her, and I have been saying to her, to prepare her self.
Drink plenty of water, eat healthier foods, visualize a white pyramid, communicate with her higher self and tell them that you are ready for healing and change and that your opened up.
And ask for healing!
They say that they are in standby waiting for us to ask, and we need to ask because we have freewill, they can not help until we ask.
So she has been asking for change, for healing.
Has anybody ever experience seeing a bright light that look like sparkly diamonds ?
I had a really powerful sponsor that said when Jesus talked to her one time she was washing the flour on her hands and knees and the floor was lit up each time she got to the next section. I got a hug from Jesus in 1980. We are getting away from RELIGION but Jesus is the Light of the World. I believe Jesus visited her.
Sending love and healing vibes!
Thank you so much Elizabeth❣️🌞 …good heads up for me, I think 👍💖
Thank you for watching❤️
Have a great day!! ❤️
Thank you 🙏 been feeling the magical 888 Lions Gate energy for sure 🦁
always sending much love and light take care all and rest and drink lots of water through these beautiful energies. I am so filled with gratitude 🙏🦋🦋🦋
Love and light ❤️✨
Yesterday, there was a defect in my vision, especially in my right eye, and this was happening to me when I started activating the third eye and activating it through frequencies, and I advanced in level, and I stopped because I do not like this to happen to me in my eyes. I do not know how to survive. I have several experiences, including listening to the frequency of sight, or intending to discharge any energy. Yesterday, this happened to me without doing anything to my third eye, and I said, “Maybe the earth’s frequencies rose and hit my third eye, or I had an activation. Then I saw a very ugly shape in my mind’s eye, and I became afraid and saw it wandering around the house. I panicked because I am protected, and do I need to listen to protection frequencies!! I focused on being protected by the light, then the neutrality disappeared, after which I lost feeling in my hand, and I kept hitting it lightly until I felt it.. My love, there was a psychological attack that I did not want to focus on 😹
I just found out that there is a
Parasite called Toxoplasma Gondii that can get in our eyes that CATS carry and we can catch it. I went down yesterday and PAID for the tests to see if I have the parasite. At Quest and Labcorp in the USA you can actually have lab work done without a doctor’s order. I have been waking up with really red eyes for some time now and little crystals in them. AND blotches of areas missing sight. The doctors refused to test for it. I found it on the CDC website and they said at least 60,000,000 people have this parasite, but the doctors won’t test for it. I tried to post about it on my YouTube channel and I got a strike and got shut down for a week. My brother found Giardia In his stool when he was in pre med at Yale, but you have to test it when it is warm to see the parasites. Not put it in the frig and send it to a lab. Even if we wash with water and not drink it, it can get in our eyes. The RUMBLE channel is talking a lot about all the parasites in the USA. There are some old Amish recipes that they use like putting kerosene on the horses hay. I have heard 5 drops of turpentine in a teaspoon of sugar or sulfur in molasses can get rid of parasites. Part of my calling is finding out what is killing us. Good luck. Keep searching. God Bless
For parasites: try to find something non-chemical like black walnut tincture.
Also I started doing some lymph system cleansing, rubbing and tapping on face collarbone arm pits stomach groin and knees, and apparently these parasites can lay dormant but can get in our organs, brain, lungs, heart, liver etc. I think these energies may be breaking free some stuff in our heads as we are being cleansed and I was really feeling sick today. If I do have parasites I hope I can get a doctors to treat me.
Thank you for sharing!!
good to know !! loving greets from Belgium
Thank you!! ❤️
All I am getting is a blank screen. Tried several devices. Anyone?
Please chat with us on the website so we can help you with your concerns.
Thank you ❤️ looking forward to the new earth❤️🥰 much love 💕
🥰 🥰 🥰
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️❤️
Especially the hours between 3 and 4 am I believe Dark energy is at it’s strongest. Witching hour I believe it’s called
Thank you ea, always grateful.
Thank you for being here🥰
Love this!! ❤️❤️
🥰 🥰 🥰
As always beautifully spoken and eloquently delivered. You are true gem, and I adore your videos and so much of your content that are you coming up with in the future is something I can’t wait to hear about especially psychic attack as I’ve noticed you are absolutely amazing at what you do so of course I can’t wait for those videos because I’ve been going through psychic attack for at least a year now and have done everything within my power obviously not lol but I’ve thought it was in my power to get rid of this attachment but I can’t wait to see what you have to say about that!!! Lots of love and high vibrations, sweetheart
Glad you liked it🥰
Thank you so much for watching!! ❤️❤️
Thank you Elizabeth. Also my earth mother’s name🙏
Thank you🥰
Have a great day!! ❤️
Much gratitude and love 👽
Sending love!! ❤️
thank you EA!
🥰 🥰 🥰