In this video, Elizabeth April discusses why starseeds often have blockages in their third eye and crown chakra. They attribute these blockages to traumas from past lifetimes, particularly during dark ages when humanitys consciousness was low. Elizabeth April explains that these traumas lead starseeds to shut down their psychic and spiritual abilities for their own safety. They also explore various scenarios such as being persecuted for being different, experiencing overwhelming spiritual awakenings, and having frightening paranormal encounters that cause individuals to close themselves off. The video concludes with a promise to address how to unblock these abilities in a future video.
Thank YOU EA ♡
I constantly have dreams that I’ve abandoned my children and i try to find them when they are older and i can’t find them or if I do they want nothing to do with me. Lately I’ve been thinking that it might be a memory from a past life. When you brought up leaving your family to become awakened it really Resonated with me because I am a mother now and my kids are literally the most important thing to me. I awakened just after my 40th birthday about 5 months ago after I had a psychic reading and was told that I am a starseed and a psychic but my abilities are blocked right now.
So glad you are talking about this. Interestingly, this past year as I have been turning my attention to developing connection, that is the word I kept using to describe my experience. I feel blocked. I am looking forward to the follow up video.
Sending love and light!! ❤️✨
That’s great to hear that you’re focusing on connection—it sounds like a meaningful journey for you.🙌
Definitely related to several of these, especially the one regarding blocks potentially due to having woken up too abruptly and powerfully in an alternate life, as that coincides perfectly with a past life experience i had that came through in a channeled reading. i was a test subject eons ago of the Anunnaki, where they activated my DNA too much and i basically lost it as a result, forcing my handler to revert me back, which in turn instilled a deep sense of betrayal in me, that he took away my expanded consciousness. Crazy, but totally fits EA’s explanation–one I’d never heard before until now. What an amazing confirmation, and very helpful in helping me understand my issue.
Thank you so much for watching!! ❤️❤️
It’s great to hear that EA’s explanation helped shed light on what you’ve been going through🥰
It’s so timely that you are talking about blocks this month. I always thought that if you ever called on me for a coaching call, THIS would have been my question, lol. I guess I need to pick another question for next time.
That’s great to hear that the topic resonates with you! I’m glad it’s timely and relevant. 😊❤️🙏
That’s a good idea!! Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
Great video thank you, question if anybody might have an idea. I had a reiki session and chakras aligned etc and the reiki teacher told my my 3rd eye was “asleep”. And she didn’t really see that before. She said she opened it a bit but has anyone experienced that?
Did you have a chance to check EA’s videos about opening the third eye? If not, please check this link:
Thank you EA. This resonates with me on many levels. I have intuitively known these things on some level but hearing you validate it is extremely helpful. I’m looking forward to the next video! Big love to you and yours!
Thank you so much for being here!! ❤️❤️
Glad it resonated with you!! ❤️❤️
Hi, thank you, EA, for the message. I definitely blocked my astral travel and visions, when I was young. I didn’t have any guidance. In this lifetime I am coping with shame and embarrassment, I hope it’s part of the ‘contract’, still, I don’t know how to forgive myself. Would you be able to give some advice? I appreciate your advice. Love ❤️ and light 💛
It sounds like you’ve been through a lot and are facing some challenging emotions. Forgiving yourself can be a deeply personal journey, and it might help to start by acknowledging and accepting your feelings without judgment. Remember, healing is a process, and it’s okay to take it one step at a time.❤️✨
Sending love and healing vibes. Always remember that you are not alone. ❤️✨
Holy cannoli I needed this!! I been trying like hell to access my abilities and/or opening my t third eye and I have not been able to get there yet!! This makes me feel better because it makes more sense!!! Thank you for this video !!!!! I’m still going to keep trying tho. I do have kids so I have to stay together with them I love them so much. I have always felt like I have a bigger purpose. I’m so excited for the creator how to ahhh 😌
It’s great to hear that it made things clearer and gave you a boost. Keep going with your efforts and remember that patience and persistence are key. Embracing your purpose while staying grounded with your family is truly inspiring. Keep up the great work, and I’m excited for you and your path forward! ❤️✨
Love this!! Thank you so much for being here and for watching!! ❤️❤️
The timing is magical!! What a message! Thank you, EA! It resonated with the guidance I’ve been receiving from my spiritual guides, which is to embrace my humanity in this lifetime. They’ve advised me to set aside my psychic abilities and accept that it’s not the right time for them to manifest. Although it’s been difficult to accept, I’ve desired to reclaim my psychic self. My guides have assured me that it will happen naturally in due time, rather than through active pursuit. Now, I’m unsure about pursuing psychic abilities with the new creator video.
Thank you for sharing your experience and reflections. It’s amazing how the timing can align so perfectly with the guidance you’re receiving. ✨🙌❤️
This is exactly what I’m going through right now! The whole thing with wanting to leave my family and be on my own! Obviously I’m not going to do that because I have a son I’ve got to think about but I do feel the whole my soul needs something more!
Trust yourself to find a path that honors both your needs and your responsibilities. Sending so much love 🥰
You got this!! Sending love! ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks so much for opening that information field. I have also felt like I am stuck , especially feeling it in the throat area. I once dressed up for new years eve and when I entered the metro I started feeling this tightness in the throat, and I felt like it was somehow dangerous or uncomfortable to be seen, because I was drawing more attention as well because how I was dressed..I feel it is related to what I said or expressed or how I was seen in a past life and in this life part of me wants to be seen and express myself but the other part feels it´s not a good idea..
Thank you for sharing it openly! Exploring these feelings with kindness and curiosity can help you understand their origins and gradually release any blocks. Sending love and good vibes❤️✨
This absolutely resonates with me and was so needed! Your timing is always so spot on, which is yet another confirmation that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, in this moment. Thank you again, EA & the entire team that supports & surrounds you🧚🏼♀️
ditto 😉
It’s wonderful to know that you feel aligned and supported here🥰 We greatly appreciate you being here❤️✨
Glad it resonated with you!! Have a wonderful day!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for this video! I’ve been really feeling the push and pull, and I’m excited about the future unblocking video. I’m curious to know when it will be released!
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and support💕✨
Love this!! ❤️❤️
The ONLY Reason why humans spiritual abilities and NATURE is “Turned Off” is because Adults and Society CRUSH this NATURAL Divine Nature out of All the Children.
The Children are MORE than StarSeeds – They are the Divine Light of God ALWAYS entering into All dark realities to SHINE with so much Abundance that each of Them Radiate So much More than “just” Love to and through the Universe.
Already “Adulted” StarSeeds continue to block themselves from their “abilities” for not going BALLS OUT. This Planet “is no country for old men”. This Planet is the Hardest Core it Gets. And if you don’t “Bring it” you can’t “have it”. So Bring it if you want it. Y’all KNOW this is a MIRROR UNIVERSE. Translation – Put in the ASCENSION WORK!
If you are not doing the Work WITH Entheogens you are working ONLY in the muck of your own 3d reality. Entheogens PUT YOU TO WORK in the REAL dimensional latitudes of 4D and More D.
Lastly – NOTHING about the annunaki (anufuki) was advanced – NOTHING. They were the lower level 4d astral inbred hillbilly death cult of adrenochrome in this SMALL sector of the galaxy.., who spawned the illuminati after they got kicked off the surface of the planet and we’re hunted to extinction by the BRAVE Nativ
e Americans Who DO Fight with Their Lives for GAIA.
Why do you think Native Americans are BY FAR the Most Spiritual People in the History and Face of this Planet?
EA – The “Uptick” of Ascension is Waiting for you to “Turn it On”. From the “Baseline” you’ve been running – to the NEXT LEVEL. And the Universe Will Reflect Back BigTime!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about it!💕
The ONLY Reason why humans spiritual abilities and NATURE is bl9cked
Thank you so much EA. So looking forward to your video on How to Unblock these Abilities.
I’m thrilled to hear that you’re excited about the upcoming video on unblocking abilities.Stay tuned😊❤️🙏
Yaaayyy!! Thank you so much for watching!! ❤️❤️