In this video, Elizabeth April discusses various theories about Jesus and God, including the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the Star Child Skull Theory, and the Bible Code Theory. Elizabeth April shares their personal beliefs based on remote viewing, stating that Jesus was a highly evolved soul who came to Earth to teach about unconditional love and show humanity what is possible. They also discuss the concept of God as everything in the universe, and the importance of realizing our own divinity. Elizabeth April encourages viewers to question traditional interpretations and connect with their own intuition.
Its not out of keeping for Catholics to believe in ETs. Jose Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory: “Just as God created multiple forms of life on earth, he said, there may be diverse forms throughout the universe.
This is not in contrast with the faith, because we cannot place limits on the creative freedom of God”. I thought that was a cool quote!
But yeah channeling them… I’m sure thats pretty not OK. I wonder if thats true though – thats my assumption. To the Forum w/ this question!
I’m SURE that society at large was not ok w/ that. You had such a cool dad to be so open to your gifts back when it was (more!) crazy. I love that.
LOL- ur confusing Communion w/ Confirmation.
Confirmation happens when ur older and confirms your choice to follow Catholicism since your parents made the choice for you before you could research, write or speak! LOL.
Communion is when you accept Jesus’ body and blood, divinity and soul. (When you get in line at church to received the host & drink the wine).
Which honestly I’ve always thought sounds gross. (no disrespect to Catholics intended. I understand its sacred). Oh! Maybe you can channel that ritual?! Protestants believe its symbolic, Catholics believe there is an actual miracle taking place where bread and wine actually BECOME Jesus’ body and blood. (sounds so Reptilian??? Thats freaking me out LOL. Imma post this question on the forum).
Thanks for another amazing video EA!!!
Thank you so much for watching😊❤️
My daughter is having her first confession and communion soon. Her dad is hindu, so she doesn’t only believe in God/Jesus, she also believes in Krishna and Rama etc. We’ve also taught her that its more likely that people are reincarnated rather than going to Heaven (she hasn’t learned about Hell yet). I think it’s a good thing that she has already 2 main religions that she looks at and believes in because she doesnt get bogged down in the details. She is open and accepting and I know that if i teach her one day that she is also God, she’ll understand that too.
The other one is 4 and just likes talking about Luna(the moon) and aliens lol
It sounds like you’re fostering a beautiful sense of openness and acceptance in your daughter. Kids have such a unique perspective on things. How exciting it must be to watch them explore their beliefs!
I was there it was one of my past lives as a member of the family … and I too was brought up a Catholic in this lifetime even went to convent school … drove the nuns crazy with my questions because even at 5 years old I knew that the teachings was so wrong, they had had messed around and manipulated the story and his life and our family’s life …. We were not a poor family Joseph was his father… there were 4 boys and 2 girls, so he had 5 siblings… he had communications with his star family he was born awake, but he had no intention of starting up a new religion … that was entirely due to Paul…and I always had a problem with the name Jesus as that was not his Aramaic name, it was Eashua ….yes he travelled far and learnt many ways .. but please be careful of the extent of the so called miracles which have been elaborated on, like Chinese whispers ….all the doctrines of the church was to control us ….not that he did not help people with their illness …that is enough otherwise this will turn into a novel
Dang, this feels right. I want to know more! 🙏🏼🤗
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Just now watched this video, I’ve always been creeped out by religion and I don’t go to church and never felt Jesus or God was where I came from. I feel spiritual in nature, plants, animals, energy and now learning more from you and I’m realizing I need to trust myself , my intuition and not let others opinions bring me down.
Thank you for being here!! 🙌🙌
Amazing video 💫
Thank you for watching!! ❤️❤️
I just discovered this message and what timing. Just yesterday I had questions about God and what is God. Being Raised in a southern Baptist household, I have so Many questions. Thank you for the message as it is. A Message from my angels.
Glad it was helpful❤️
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It’s validating for me that the son aspect of the Trinity is creation, is us as sons and daughters of the universe. Concepts are always sliced into parts to help our intellect grasp the whole.. The Spirit aspect engulfs us, our higher self, the galactic confederation at a higher vibration of Love. The Holy Spirit is love and light and feminine in nature.. The father, the sons, and the holy Mother would have been more correct in Jesus’s mind but blasphemous for the Jewish priesthood. The Spirit flows through you and me and elevates us. His DNA was special and the words on his blood that made no sense to the Jewish world is actually become my DNA which is humanity’s future of a full strand of DNA that was programmed at the beginning for humanity, the immaculate conception of humanity meant by Source.
Thank you for sharing your perspective!
Thank you so much for being here❤️
The problem major with the doctrine that do not alow for possibilities ..and enslavement of humans is blatant. All throughout thee ages and the planet.evry beeing is universal .no one should force anyone to do bad or goods.
Can t wait when the two nuclear motors running on yje moon are going to shut down .and then we will be free of the Schumann resonance and vibrate at 50hz
It,s evident yeashua said I am not from this world!…. he said it many times .are you listening!.?..or you are just hearing.?
Thank you for your comment!
You’re video is interesting. I must first say that I do not come from a Catholic background. My belief system is of a born again Christian who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and believes the Bible to be the living word of God. You refer to God as “source” and say God is everything. I agree that God is everything and nothing can be without God. We are indeed sons and daughters of God, yet I respectfully disagree with putting us at the same level as God. In my opinion, that is the human ego talking. I think of it like this. God is source, we are not source. We are part of source, we are part of God. God is God with or without us. Source is source with or without us. We would not exist if not for God “source”. God does not need us, we need God. Jesus Christ is the way back to God. That was His mission, to show us the way back. Blessings to you.
Great video thank you 🙏🏼
Yeah, I agree that god is everything
Thank you and I agree with you totally! I just found you a couple of days ago and you vibe with me 👍🏼😊. Keep making these great videos 🙏🏼😊
Thankyou thankyou THANKYOU! Youre so amazing!
can you explain more about Jesus life another video. for example what did you see in your remote viewing. and how did Jesus look like
Thank you for sharing your questions❤️