In this video, Elizabeth April discusses the downfall of Hollywood, exploring topics such as clones, reptilians, shapeshifting, and control mechanisms. They suggest that Hollywood is a portal used to manipulate and deceive the masses. Elizabeth April also mentions the cancellation of concerts by musicians, a strike in Hollywood, and a viral video of a woman on a plane claiming that a man was not real. They speculate that these events may be connected to the shifting energies on Earth and the difficulty for reptilian shapeshifters to maintain their human forms in higher frequencies. Elizabeth April encourages questioning and independent thinking, and mentions their Galactic Federation Summit and Shift Masterclass as resources for those seeking further information and personal growth.
I’ll just say I haven’t been sick in years and I just got sick the day aliens were confirmed in public this past Wednesday.
Sending healing vibes🥰
Elizabeth, thank you. I would love to hear more about everything you talked about – a lot of interesting and intriguing topics. Thank you for the reminder to question everything.
Thank you so much for being here🥰
Thank you
It’s a shame this was taken off You Tube but on the plus side you kindly directed us to this site which is great so thanks again. We have been watching all the Hollywood lastest and boy is it all crazy. Never really looked up to the Hollywood elite so not really surprised. Thanks for this video.
We are so glad EA has her own platform that is censored free😊
Does anyone know the story about the naming of Hollywood? I’m interested after watching this video.
I’m curious too!
I seen a guy who posted a TikTok that said he was the person who was the guy on the plane the woman was talking about. He explained his version of what happened on the TikTok.
Since then I seen three more different guys saying they’re the guy from the plane. With all kinds of people telling lies in today’s society it going to be more and more hard to discern the truth.
Use your discernment if you will believe it or not.
Yes, even Julian Assange’s people we’re speaking about
The Sound of Freedom
even though this subject is very very important, and they would like to recommend it, However, they are also statedWe are being played from all directions
They are in agreement with EA`s statement about this movie.❤️🙏
I saw my very first reptilian shape shifter at a Tim Hortons! There is a fellow that appears to have mental health challenges I see him often he looks drugged out most the time, but I don’t see him doing drugs. As I was in this Tim Hortons this day, I noticed one moment he was talking to himself eating donuts and drinking coffee. As I was talking to a friend in a booth, I happened to glance back in his direction, only this time he had his hands over his face, then just as I turned my eye back him after I was taking to my friend, I caught him with his hands off his face he looked totally different!! His face was very white, his forehead was protruding from his head, and he had lizard a like stare, and his eyes were much bigger..Next time I looked over he looked like he usually looks..It was very freaky, I have. not seen him since..
Thank you EA! Always a pleasure to tune in with you and the community 😀. In regards to the Sound of Freedom, you mentioned you felt there is an agenda attached to it, even though it is bringing awareness to a very important/terrible global issue. I see that it’s now being used by Trump as a tool to win the “hearts & minds” of the people. Jim Caviezel is working with him on this effort. Just wanted to share that incite with everyone. Blessings 🙌
Thank you for sharing that😊
Thank you for sharing!! Have a nice day! 🙌
Thanks for this one, I have never been in Los Angeles. Now we are in higher frequency around 7.85.
Have a great day!! ❤️
I’ve seen Sound of Freedom and I think it was really well done. I am interested to hear your thoughts on how it’s part of an agenda. I’ve been following Tim Ballard for years and I really admire his work… truly hope he’s not a part of the dark agendas!!
I also wonder whats the negative truth in the movie / story.
Hello there! Well, well.. I’m about to share the YT link to my friend and “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines”.
Yay!! Thank you so much 😍
Thank you for sharing!! ❤️❤️
Thank you for letting us know!
I was watching on YouTube on Monday night and I paused to go restroom. When I came back, the video was taken off and saying it violated YouTube guidelines. I was frustrated but so busy with kids and chores that I couldn’t watch until tonight on EA website. Thank you, EA.🙏🙏🙏🙏
Glad you’re here!! ❤️❤️
EA I saw on twitter that former U.S. intelligence official David Grusch had said aliens do exist. I wonder if “they” are afraid it is nearing to the end and are trying to plant a seed. Whatever it is, it is super exciting knowing the game is up and cosmic disclosure and truth are soon going to happen.
I’m curious too!
Always informative, did not know the history of LA
Glad you liked it❤️🙏
EA, do you think that the move “Sound of Freedom” is the beginning of end of this trafficking giant? How long will it take to fight this? Can you see it ending? And if the movie will affect people enough, to start doing something about it? Thank you
Thank you for your comment!
Nice question! 🙌
What is the best way to explain this to others? Whenever I try to explain I’m asked why and that it doesn’t make sense. I try to just say to cover up what’s really going on but friends and family still need more convincing.
Thank you! appreciate you and love this content 🙂
Thank you for being here!! ❤️❤️