In this video titled Sleeper Starseed Activation, Elizabeth April discusses the journey of individuals known as star seeds, who have chosen to come to Earth with a mission but have forgotten it. The video emphasizes the importance of remembering ones purpose and stepping into action. It outlines the four phases of the star seed journey: shadow work and ego death, integration and activation, the holding pattern, and finally, taking action. Elizabeth April encourages viewers to raise their vibration and align with their highest potential timeline, emphasizing that each persons mission may look different and doesnt have to be flashy or grand. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to embrace their role as leaders and change-makers in creating a better world.
thank you for this 🩶✨
You got this!! ❤️❤️
Thank you for this video! Honestly if felt this so spot on with what is going on in my life. I have been searching for my life purpose in the past 2 years, I joined a spiritual training, but I don’t think it was the right time for me. I never understood why, I thought it wasn’t the right training for me, I was constantly under psychic attacks, I got exhausted. I got a message through a medium from my dad saying that I needed to go within. But really what did that mean? I started a inner child therapy session, in which I could discover aspects of myself and brought awareness on things I need to address and change to make me happy. Last decade and the last two years in particular have been very challenging, but it makes sense when you say you need to be happy with yourself before moving up. I am not sure what activation really means, but I assume in a sense I have been activated but not fully – when I close my eyes I can hear things, but they are very far, and I became very sensitive to things like Palo Santo or sound healing. I have been told I am highly sensitive, but again what does that mean? I have been joining a spiritual church, which I actually like, it feels good to meet like minded people. I also want to start Reiki, but again the aim is to heal myself first. Am I a starseed? I don’t know, hopefully one day will find out, it’s an ongoing journey, but as you said, I am right where I am supposed to be and I need to feel and be happy first and start loving myself. I love your videos, make me feel better.
Thank you for your comment! 🙌🙌
I love this video!! Thank you, E.A.! This thought came as I was listening to you. I live in a small town. I was thinking that every time I go to the store I’m going to buy something random, a snack, set of 4 glasses, bag of chips, etc. Then I’m going to wrap them and leave them in peoples cars, on their desks, at the post office and just put a tag on that says. For you!! You are loved!!! My goal is to start this on December 1st and do it up until Christmas. Everything will be wrapped in x-mas paper!! And maybe I’ll carry on with it even after Christmas!! ♥
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️
what a gift to have found you! thank so much for the beautiful way you have to share your knowledge dear sister of light,
we need your support, much love and courage to us all
Love and light❤️✨
Love this!! 😍😍
THE BEST VIDEO! Was waiting for this! Speaks to me exactly!!! Thank you!! Wow! Can I book a direct session with you? Or just chat in the next group session I hope!! Thank you 🙏
EA is no longer doing one-on-one sessions but If EA ever opens her schedule to one-on-ones again you can sign up for a waitlist here:
Thank you so much for watching!! 🙌🙌
Elizabeth, thank you. Empowering and supportive message.
Love this!! 😍
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and gifts. I get so much out of your messages. I appreciate you!
Glad it was helpful😊❤️
Thank you so much for being here!! ❤️❤️
I appreciate it when you cry on your messages because I couldn’t help but cry when I met you 😊🌟
Have a wonderful day!! ❤️
I totally woke up in September and quit my job and have been on a journey of self healing. First I thought I was a starseed but now I don’t think I am, I don’t feel connected to anyone and people talk about their soul group and I have not found mine. I feel a change in myself since starting to meditate and currently doing hynosis to help with self esteem, feeling beneath others, trouble communicating with others, stuff like that. I’ve been feeling more love and happiness but I also realized I have a dark side that I’ve always embraced. I feel a calling for freedom and truth and I could be loving and peaceful and help others but I’m also not afraid to fight for freedom and stand up to elites. I’m just trying to find my way ❤️
Oh you’re definitely a starseed <3
I totally agree with Jennifer. The fact that you are here just proved that you are a starseed🥰
Sending love and light!! ❤️✨
I understand! It took me awhile after waking up to find my soul tribe. Like years. Be patient and keep focusing on YOU! Only as you find yourself can you attract those that resonate with you. 😘 Sending you light and ❤️!
Wow! Needed this reminder! Thank you for sharing this information, validating the challenge of this holding pattern and empowering us to step into our divine selves! ✨
Thank you so much for watching! Glad it was helpful🥰
Thank you so much Elizabeth for such beautiful video💞. Last a few days were challenging for me and my family but listening to you today remind me who I am… I am not alone and its all ok. I cried throughout the whole video.. just feel so greatful to hear your words💞. Lots of love to this amazing community 💞
You are definitely not alone on this journey🥰 We got this💥
You got this!! ❤️ Have a great day!! ❤️
Crazy sh*t.This is the exact same message I got this morning in my own “twighlightzone”. It is where I tune into the divine. And this morning the words came through. Don´t look outside; it is the right timing; you have to do “normal” human stuff…. and all the other infos. This video was a confirmation to the info this morning. Thank you so much. Lots of love
Sending love and light!! ❤️✨
Thank you so much for this input. I really needed to hear this now. As always, you are spot on with the information you share. Thank you. 🙏💞
Just the right time ❤️ Thank you so much for watching🙌
Love this!! 😍 Have a great day!! ❤️
OMFG I just cried half of the video!!!!! Really really felt the call to step on and speak Up! To other people that feel overwelmed, not knowing how to do It: i have been called to integrate my actual and past lives passion which IS interior Design, and integrate It with spirituallity. I know… Wtf… But i have understood that It is to guide very 3D humans to their real power, their light. I still don’t know how to really do It, but I trust that my higher self and my team Will guide me. Sending so much love to everyone Lost, and special THANK you to EA: WoW I LOVE you so much!!! You rock! THANK you for guiding us with so much LOVE and empathy and courage ❤️❤️❤️
AMAZING maria.anabitarte!
goosebumps reading about your joining interior design and spirituality. i see that! i feel that! AMAZING.
We greatly appreciate your support🥰
Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing xox Sending you love ❤️
I just recently got a vision to join interior design and spirituality as my career, too! Diving into it! 😀
Thank you, EA♥️Needed to hear that🙏🏻Sending love🥰
Love and light❤️✨
A sudden clarification of ditching all of the old energy patterns in my life hit me, HARD, after watching this vid/message! It resonated. Thank you EA!
Glad it resonated with you!! ❤️❤️
So thankful for finding you EA. You’ve been 100% better than any counselor. About 2 years ago I said exactly what you said: “why am I here, what’s my purpose, this mundane life can’t be all there is?” I was ready to GO, but didn’t want to leave loved ones and have them suffer, then I had a super awakening journey that continues on…❤️❤️
Thank you so much for being here!! ❤️❤️
Awesome! Keep up the good work❤️
This was divine timing. ✨ thank you EA. Sending light & love
Glad you liked it❤️
Omg I’ve been having such similar realizations lately… I neglected my 3D body and gradually normalized being so tired and having digestive issues every single day. Finally decided to go back to the drawing board and ask my doctor to order a bunch of blood work and low and behold 🙃 my iron and ferritin is dangerously low, D2 is like non-existent so no wonder my bones aren’t absorbing my healthy calcium levels (I know it’s more detailed than that but that’s the gist). I had my head in the clouds for too long 😂 thanks EA, you’re the shit 💜
Thank you for your comment!! 🙌
Well, I already explained, but my comment got deleted. Up until 4D, the process of ascension is common for everybody. Everybody in the entire creation: rats, humans, gods and devils. This is what the Oracle prophesized. From 4D onwards, it’s exclusively individual. The beings that populated the Earth before and were in 4D had human form, but they were not humans – I’m talking about the protectors of the messiahs, which are called Nagas, or reptilians. You call them evil because they were killing humans, and that’s rude. You were frustrated because you were in 3D, while they were in 4D and they were abusing you. If a tiger is hungry and goes for the kill, will you say the tiger abused the antelope? It’s second grade common knowledge. It’s called the food chain. When I say 3D, 4D etc. I’m not talking about tesseracts and things like that, but this is how this type of information is spread on this website. If I said you’re on the brink of unfolding your Marga Kaya, would you understand what I’m saying? Because you’re on the same frequency with your predator, you became friends with the predator and he has welcomed you in its den. So, the truth is you’re not awakening, but rather humanity can live quite at peace with reptilians now. As a consequence, not only they’re no longer hiding their progress from you, but they’re no longer bombarding you with what you call as “psychic attacks”, which, by the way, are your own karma. It’s like releasing spray in the air. If you happen to be a bug, that sucks. The people on the planet ascended, and, as a consequence, the planet also ascended from 3D to 4D – from 10th August to 7th November. And as I said, with one exception, everybody on Earth is in 4D, even Jesus. Or do you think he exported himself to heaven?
There is not a single being in the entire creation who is still in the 3D. I don’t know how you still are. With one exception, everyone is in 4D right now on this planet.
Our physical bodies are 3D
What do you mean by this?? Can you please elaborate, I’d like to learn 🙂
Thank you EA. Timely.
Thank you so much for watching❤️
Hi. Thanks.
I hope this is true about me. But it must be.