In this video titled Feeling Different? Blame the Starseed Dilemma! Elizabeth April discusses the concept of being a starseed, which refers to off-planet souls who chose to incarnate on Earth to assist with the shift and awakening of humanity. The video explores the symptoms and challenges faced by starseeds, such as feeling homesick, frustration with humanity, and a sense of mission or purpose. It also addresses the idea of this potentially being the starseeds last lifetime, with indications such as a challenging childhood, a need for shadow work, and a shift towards neutrality. The video concludes with a reminder that starseeds are important for the collective shift and encourages them to embrace their role and mission on Earth.
I so resonate with this. This is how I felt when I was 5 and continued on as an adult. Didn’t know words to put together how I was feeling. I remember singing U2 song I STILL HAVENT FOUND WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR. There was a reason I met EA. Thank you EA.
Glad you are here! Together we will find the answers😊🙏
You got this! Sending love!! ❤️
I’m in the neutral content easy zone now at 50! Soo good. Pretty sure this is my last go around. Everything you said resonated. Blessings to you all❤️
Awesome! Sending love and light ❤️✨
Love this!! 😍😍
Thank you Elizabeth. Love you x
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
This green color on her is everything 🫶🏻 she’s glowing
Thank you so much EA, this so resonated with me, so much so tears streamed down my cheeks from the first starseed symptom you mentioned.
I never forget when years ago, an ex boyfriend and I were camping on a beautiful island with no light pollution, we gazed up at the stars and I said, “OMG, I’m feeling so homesick, I so long to go back home”, and his answer was “yeah, and people like you end up in the loony bin”.
Despite all the challenges throughout my life (I’m in my sixties now, still travelling the world and feeling totally alive and full of juice), I am so happy and grateful for my Starseed life here and wouldn’t change a thing. I have known for a while that it will be my last.
I very much appreciate you and your sharings EA, and the community hete 💗.
Glad it resonates with you! SEnding so much love and good vibes❤️
Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing xox Sending you love ❤️
OMG Elizabeth, this was so spot on! Checked all the boxes. You are so specific and detailed in your description of the Starseeds. Thank you!! There is really no denying it anymore.
I do have one more thought though: could it be that we actually now have the free choice, once we have crossed over, to reincarnate or not on planet Earth? And that from this limited earthly perspective, as tired as we are (and I am almost twice your age 😉 !), we are all convinced that we really do NOT want to come back. But how sure can we be that we really won’t incarnate again?
Could it be that once we are on the other side and reunited with our higher selves, with a divine consciousness, we can’t wait to go back to see how this shift will end? I mean, after so much work and struggle, after so many lifetimes….
However, this is what I hear from another channeler and I must say that I think it makes sense.
I’m just curious how you see this.
Again: thank you so much from Europe!
Thank you for your comment!! 🙌
You answered so many questions that I’ve had my entire life. All my feelings are finally making sense.
Good for you ❤️🙌
Thank you so much for watching!! ❤️
and i think one of my good tasks and been to spread your website to so many individuals! Who are now awakening / you are a hero 🙂
Yeess!! 🙌🙌
THANK YOU! It just keeps getting better. The last few videos you literally answer the exact questions I have had days before / almost exact answers to my exact questions. Wow! Thank you. Teaching the teachers!! Bravo. You are an incredible soul! Love you sister 🥰
I totally feel that too ❤️🙌
You just blew my mind by saying “undercover agent”. I’ve felt like I’m GFL and check in every night while my human is asleep letting them know ok here’s what’s going on in this little pocket of Earth where I am. It’s pretty likely this happens and I’m just not supposed to remember it.
I felt this way my entire life since I was a child.
Glad you watch this video❤️
Have a great day!! ❤️❤️
Your book is great by the way ….. “,)
And funny you mention it, cause I have – for years and years – said, that I am infact an undercover agent working for God/ Source – just pretending to be, what ever people see me as. Call me what ever. I know now, who I AM.
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
Totally spot on !!!!!!! I’m in the other half now. Oh so gooood.
Glad you liked it ❤️
Thank you EA! Your video really activated my retired starseed soul and validated my belief that this is my last life. I’m 23 year olds on earth but feel so much older than my actual age. So thankful for your work🙏🏻🤍
Thank you so much for watching!❤️
This video comes at a great time. Last night I was shown that we can go back to the source and literally create our own time line once our consciousness reaches high enough level (clearing everything we need to clear).
Then we can pick up and sign new contracts with souls – it’s like a marketplace.
Thank you for sharing!
Totally clairty! Lots of notes were taken on this one EA. Clickity clack down the tracks, everything you talked about spells out my nearly 73 years hangin’ out here on this rock. From a rough single-parent childhood and, the feeling of being alone and not well accepted or understood as a child by my “peers”. The traumatic emotional and physical losses growing up took their toll. However, choosing a mother who was strong and supportive gave me the tools to survive a lifetime and become a strong and successful entrepreneur in my life. She instilled in me that I could be and do anything I set my mind to! I know this. I lived this. I feel I accomplished many great things during my time here. I touched many people, inspired a few with my art/photography and film work, and disappointed a few with my choices; but for the most part tried to be caring, generous, and giving as much as possible. And now, yes, I’m over it all. After the debacle and greed of 2008, my financial world was dashed. Health issues complicated things a bit and it became difficult to maintain focus in many ways. But It was about that time I realized a different purpose for my life. Finding my way back home. Finding my way back to what was the only real meaningful purpose in the Universe, Unconditional Love. I had that for my mother when she was alive. I have it for my son today. I have it for Source. I’m working on everything else.
Thank you for sharing!!❤️
What an insightful video. I’m pretty sure I’m a star seed- LO!ddsl
You are starseed otherwise you are not here❤️
Yaaayyy!! ❤️❤️
Thank you EA for the deep dive into all things Starseed. This video is so helpful and informative… I have a much better understanding of what I’ve been through and what lies ahead. I’m beyond grateful for you and your insightful teachings. Sending much love and appreciation and many blessing!
Thank you so much for watching! Glad it was helpful🙌
Love this!! 😍😍
I am so happy to have recently found you!! You are your own authentic self and that resonates perfectly with me! I loved this video!! I had the idea that a Starseed was more related to the recent waves of volunteers! And knowing I have been here for much longer, I see the Starseed definition absolutely applies to me! At 67 years old, I am in the chill stage of this, my last lifetime here, having gone through what you said, the confusion and the trauma in early life and have largely found my own way of resolving and clearing all of that. But to have that validated in your video was very special! Thank you Elizabeth!
Thank you so much for being here😊❤️
Word. Kim, you and I are in the same stage! I am 66 and have had the similar journey. Never could engage in the world. Believe me I tried, but could never sustain the illusion. It always turned to dust. Hearing EA call it so clearly made me weep. With joy, because I finally understood why all my life I was so lonely desperate to get off this planet. But I kept putting one foot in front of the other, consolidating and resolving. Now I feel a real sense of peace. I guess it was the right time to hear this truth. Blessing on EA and on Kim and whoever is on the same journey. Time to exhale.
Loved this!! Thank you so much for being here!! ❤️❤️